LORE24 ENTRY #9 – The Greenwhiskers

Category – Organization

The Greenwhiskers are a group of druidic mystics originally founded by the nomadic rattenvolk clans during the pre-galactic expansion times.  The group has long been dedicated to preserving and defending nature from overzealous expansion efforts by the larger races, but have traditionally made efforts to come to diplomatic solutions as opposed to combative ones.  To encourage peaceful interactions, they also offer aid to travelers and others in need if they are able to.

During the early days of space exploration, the Greenwhiskers proved instrumental in promoting long-distance space travel.  While most rattenvolk looking to the stars were talented technicians, able to get into small spaces most couldn’t, the druidic Greenwhiskers were responsible for maintaining the ship-based gardens in early exploration vessels, providing not only fresh air, but extra food and vital knowledge on newly discovered flora and fauna.  They were likewise instrumental during colonization efforts of various worlds, working to ensure stability while minimizing dangers to the local environment.

In modern times, the role of the Greenwhiskers has diminished in terms of space travel and exploration with the widespread use of and perfected designs of the TK Drives, but they are still found across most systems, maintaining station-bound gardens, nature preserves, and even being responsible for the upkeep of natural elements scattered across many cities.  With the opening of the Demon Sector, they have seen a resurgence in demand as thousands of explorers dive into the unknown and seek to expand to the many worlds within.

LORE24 ENTRY #8 – The Pteravilla Stalker Incident

Category – Event

In the months following the latest border dispute, after the hostilities had died down and peace had been restored, the scout ship Pteravilla Stalker was on a run of the mill patrol through the restricted area between the formerly feuding sectors, when their sensors picked up an unidentified ship, though the sensor readings were not conclusive, indicating some form of active jamming.  As the small scout ship approached the vessel, the bogey answered none of their communications, nor did it react at all to their approach.  The sensor readings were still not revealing much in the way of details of the ship, only that it resembled a stock DSM cargo ship, one of their “flying skyscraper” designs that showed all the hallmarks of the corporation’s lack of interesting design features.

According to the official report, filed by Captain Maerril following the incident, visual inspection confirmed that the ship showed no signs of damage, and power readings were still inconclusive due to what appeared to be a sensor dampening coating over the ship’s hull.  The vessel’s ID code was obtained and a search ran through the available databases, but no matches were found, and the search inquiry with DSM for registration information was lost in the midst of their vast bureaucracy.  Per the Captain (and with corroborating accounts from other surviving crewmembers), the Stalker‘s first officer, Shi Sukimori, insisted upon leading a small team into the mystery ship to determine the nature of the vessel.  Against the Captain’s better judgement, he was convinced by the commander to allow the mission.  With Sukimori in command, the boarding party consisted of the Stalker‘s co-pilot Kaylee Serra, technical officer Hilde Fireforge, medical officer Briar Azalvia, and the scout Murissa Fer’Ragnarra.

Communications were spotty once the team had boarded, and it is the Captain’s opinion that a properly thorough search was not performed.  Soon, and against Captain Maerril’s orders, Sukimori initiated the startup sequence for the mystery vessel, which resulted in a sudden power surge through the ship’s main power core which resulted in a catastrophic failure and subsequent explosion that heavily damaged the Pteravilla Stalker and resulted in the death of multiple crew members.  The crewmembers who managed to reach the escape pods and who survived the explosion were eventually picked up by another military vessel that had been dispatched to assist with the investigation.  Captain Maerill has admitted to bad judgement in this matter and has since resigned his commission, and is now employed in the private sector, as are the other survivors.  The members of the boarding party have been listed amongst the lost crew, but have been posthumously dishonorably discharged.  

The truth of the matter, however, is something else entirely.


LORE24 ENTRY #7 – Sentinel Prime

Category – Place

Sentinel Prime was once a massive space-defense fortification built during the war-filled waning decades of the Great Elvish Dominion.  Through the use of a combination of wondrous and long-lost magic and then cutting edge technology, the Dominion was able to make an entire planetary body into a moveable battle station, even allowing it to travel through hyperspace.  Meant as a final deterrent (for who could conceivably conquer a planet-sized weapon platform with full support facilities for the elvish fleets and troops that were carried aboard this behemoth?) against the growing number of systems who were fighting against elvish rule, the station, for a time, served as the Emperor’s personal stronghold.

Unable to foresee his own demise through an act of betrayal from within, the Emperor’s overthrow was likewise the beginning of the end for Sentinel Prime.  During the final battle of this period, the remaining defenders of the Great Elvish Dominion fled with the station to the furthest reaches of known space at the time, a small system on the edge of the great, mysterious region of space known as the Demon Sector.  Here they would mount their last stand, and much of Sentinel Prime would be devastated during the ensuing battles.

Over the centuries since, Sentinel Prime was scavenged by countless spacers, and was eventually rebuilt in some form and colonized, growing up from small spacer communities into a massive planet-spanning city which, in the modern era, serves as rather infamous port of call, known for the local government bucking the influence of the controlling megacorps, allowing its citizens to live a mostly free, if dangerous, existence.  As such, Sentinel is known as a place one goes to find illicit goods, perform shady dealings, and to disappear should one be on the wrong side of the law; just be sure to pack your rubber rain gear during the rainy season, though, because that acid rain is a real pain.

Since the Demon Barrier was pierced, and travel into the Demon Sector has become commonplace, Sentinel has seen a rise in population and headache, trying to remain as neutral as possible to the powers that be in the galaxy while reaping all the profits they can for those explorers diving into the unknown regions beyond the Barrier. 


LORE24 ENTRY #6 – Soletta Valkyr

Category – Person

The current CEO of Enduritelligence Microsystems, Soletta Valkyr is known to be somewhat eccentric, perhaps more so following the tragic and mysterious death of her husband amidst a battle for the soul of her company against the monolithic megacorporation of DSM.  Though initially she had strong support from the board, her support has steadily been dwindling after a series of accidents befell her most strident allies; everyone knows DSM is responsible, but nobody can prove a thing.

Perhaps due to the stress of the situation, Soletta and her trusted halfling assistant and voice of reason, Tizzy, set out without warning aboard her personal luxury ship, the Rosen Opal, disappearing beyond Sentinel Prime into the recently opened Demon Sector, their last known location being Aphelion station on the far side of the Demon Barrier.  Several parties are interested in locating her in order to allow a vote to go through that will determine the future of the company, and whether it becomes just another DSM subsidiary.

Soletta is a human, in her mid forties, of average height, still considered quite attractive, with long platinum-blond hair and a shapely figure.  She is known to be something of a gambler outside of her work, though whether she is actually good at it or not is up to interpretation.  She can be somewhat scatterbrained, and relies heavily on Tizzy to keep her on course and (mostly) out of trouble.  Deep down, she likes the idea of relinquishing control of the company, but for the memory of her husband, she stubbornly maintains holds on, in defiance of DSM’s looming presence.  

With time running out and the situation quickly becoming more and more dangerous thanks to DSM’s agents, Soletta has found new allies within the Demon Sector, and has gone through steps to ensure that she won’t easily be found, and will endeavor to do anything she can to make sure the future of Enduritelligence Microsystems is secured and outside of DSM’s reach.

LORE24 ENTRY #5 – Ferians

Category – Cultural

Discovered only after the age of galactic expansion had begun (though ancient records would seem to indicate encounters with the Ferians long before this, by arcanists traveling amongst other worlds), the Ferians are a rather unique species, actually two species, with some opposing traits that some have theorized could only have been created artificially, though there is currently no evidence to prove this theory.

“Ferian” is the official term for a member of two species found upon the planet Feria, though they are more often called by their more distinctive names:  feradogian and ferakatian.  

Feradogians are the canine or lupine members of the species, their males being much larger than their females.  Conversely, the Ferkatians are feline in appearance, and their females are much larger than their males.  The two species are known for their aggressive behavior, compared to what is typically seen amongst other known races, with the larger of their species historically being the warriors amongst their societies.  “Fight like cats and dogs” can be considered a fact when it comes to Ferian history.

Since their discovery and subsequent expansion into space, the hostilities between the feradogians and ferakatians have subsided to some degree, with their larger members becoming highly sought after mercenaries and soldiers.  The smaller of the species, being less aggressive in nature, tend toward more mundane vocations. 

LORE24 ENTRY #4 – Doppelgangers

Category – Creature

Doppelgangers are a species of shapechanging monsters that have been present to some extent since ancient times.  Their ability to blend in and assume practically any identity have led them to be considered absolutely abhorrent in most societies, yet they are often employed by those of questionable morals to cause chaos in those same societies, usually by replacing important individuals with a (mostly) loyal minion who can perfectly mimic them.

In their natural state, doppelgangers are unsettling for most to gaze upon.  Their skin is a very neutral gray color, their bodies and limbs are lean and gangly, seeming very alien in appearance.  Their facial features are very smooth and undefined, their eyes black and multifaceted, large, and often unblinking, their mouths thin slits.

In ancient times, most doppelgangers could mirror a target for a limited amount of time to a fair degree of accuracy, mimicking their voices and behaviors with an uncanny instinct after only a short time of observation.  Should a more long-term replacement be necessary, the doppelganger must do more than simple observation; it must actually consume its target, draining its vital fluids and consuming its flesh, including its brain.  Through this almost ritualistic method, the doppelganger becomes its victim almost completely, typically gaining most of its memories and skills, while retaining its own consciousness deep within.  This makes them exceptionally hard to detect without specialized methods.

By the time of galactic expansion, doppelgangers have evolved, or at least, some of them have; rumors persist that these advanced doppelgangers were created by DSM’s AR&D division.  The most exceptional doppelgangers are often employed by corporations for spying, and have further refined their methods of infiltration and deception.  These advanced doppelgangers no longer need to consume their targets to assume their identities; instead they rely on forging a psychic link with their victim and consuming some of their blood to sample their DNA, and thus become a perfect duplicate with access to all knowledge of the original, which would remain in a hidden, secure location until the job is done, after which the original can be disposed of.  In some cases, these advanced doppelgangers have been known to behave as body doubles, working with the original.


LORE24 ENTRY #3 – Prayer of Blessing

Category – Spell / Magic

A Prayer of Blessing is a type of divine magic used by priests and priestesses.  The caster of this spell speaks a prayer to the deity to which they have devoted themselves, asking for the blessing of their deity to protect and bolster themselves and their allies, most often in a combat situation, though there are variations for other circumstances.  This is a very common type of spell.


Example Blessings

Blessing of Battle – A blessing of this type bolsters the combat prowess of the recipient, enhancing their ability to land telling blows and enhancing the amount of damage done should the strike land.

Blessing of Defense – A blessing of this type bolsters the defenses of the recipient, creating a magical shield that will soften incoming blows or deflect incoming bullets, if not completely, enough to allow the victim of the attack to perhaps survive the attack.

Blessing of Endurance – A blessing of this type bolsters the physical resilience of the recipient, granting them greater endurance and fortitude to withstand harsh conditions, march for longer, or even resist the effects of poisons and toxins.


LORE24 ENTRY #2 – The DSM Corporation

Category – Organization

DSM, or Dynamic Solutions Multiversal is the single largest corporate entity in the known galaxy, and one of the most reviled, even though they are the monolith in which all other corporations are overshadowed by.  Even planetary governments pale in comparison to their power and reach.  They own hundreds if not thousands of smaller companies, having taken them over through various methods, most of them shady.

DSM was originally created following the fall of the Great Elvish Dominion, the last vestiges of the old-world hierarchies that were struggling in vain to survive with the coming of a space-faring, galaxy-spanning civilization.  Following a great war amongst the stars, from the ashes of the old empire came the founder of DSM, Rivalle Volcari, with a new vision of how she and the remaining elvish great houses would continue to manipulate and control the newly developed galactic population, namely through commerce.  Though initially a somewhat unassuming company dedicated to experimental technology and preserving arcane knowledge, DSM rose through the ranks of the early galactic economy, and would eventually become the most powerful and feared megacorporation in the galaxy.  DSM will do whatever it takes to see that their competition is crushed beneath its power, either through economic manipulation, ruthless corporate spying, or the might of its private armed forces.  Over the course of its history, it has taken over countless smaller companies.

The looming monolith of DSM has become something of a galactic boogeyman, with rumors abound of dozens of highly secretive black-sites where their mysterious Arcane Research & Development division perform dark and perverse experiments that threaten the very fabric of the universe.  Though other rumors state that these black-sites are simply private prisons, no different from the massive prison systems ran by the dark elf clans.  If anyone knows the truth of the matter, they aren’t talking.  Of all the divisions within DSM, the AR&D department is the only one personally overseen by Rivalle Volcari herself, and to cross her by allowing information about this group to be made public would be most unwise.

Lore24 Entry #1 – TK Drives

Category – Technology

The TK Drive is the standard use method by which starships traverse the galaxy, in use for over two thousand years.  Though some of the history of the development of this technology is in doubt due to conflicting sources, the most commonly accepted version is that the original concept for the drives was developed by a kerryn scientist by the name of Tonzura Koite, upon the world of Arcavarlon, during a time of great global upheaval following a long period of waning magic and rising tensions over limited resources.  

The TK drives would eventually lead to a wave of expansion into the depths of the galaxy, allowing the people of the Arcavarlon system to move beyond their own solar system for the first time in a way that wouldn’t require generation ships or lost spells to travel to other planes of existence.  The early days of travel were wrought with danger as the navigation systems for hyperspace travel were further refined, but after the first few decades, the galaxy was well and truly open…aside from the massive area known as the “Demon Sector”, which could not be entered via realspace or hyperspace.

The current iteration of the TK drive manipulates space, allowing the ship it is mounted upon to enter an area of hyperspace between two points in known space, traversing the corridor, and coming out on the other end in a fraction of the time it would take using regular propulsion.  There are different speed ratings for the drives, the higher the number, the less time it takes to reach your destination (for example:  to travel between two particular systems, a TK-1 Drive could take about 170 hours, whereas a TK-3 TK Drive would take about 57 hours).  Generally the larger the ship, the slower the drive, though this isn’t always the case, especially where military and corporate interests are concerned.  

The TK Drives create their own gravity fields when they are active, and thanks to advances in the technology, this feature has been fine-tuned to allow for artificial gravity aboard ships equipped with the drives.  As a consequence of this factor of the drives’ function, however, they cannot function to open a hyperspace tunnel inside strong gravity wells, such as those produced by a planet.  This means that ships will need to depart the gravity of a planet before engaging the drive to enter hyperspace, and conversely, a ship can be brought out of hyperspace by the unexpected appearance of a strong gravity well in realspace in the area of the hyperspace tunnel they’re traversing.  

A New Start for 2024:  #Lore24

Well, after some setbacks on the later half of 2023, mostly due to ongoing issues with my eyes, I had to step away from writing and limit my screen time to a couple hours or so a day for a while there.  Though I’m still experiencing some issues, I think the worst of it has passed now that I’ve figured out what was causing the problems the last couple months.  I’ve still been making handwritten notes and such using good old #2 pencils, so there’s been something rather pleasing about that experience in and of itself, but with the new year officially underway, I’ve decided to begin a new TTRPG year-long challenge, namely Lore24.


You can find the details of this challenge here.


I’ve had all kinds of lore entries floating around in my head for years that I’ve never written down, and plenty of others that I’ve never fleshed out in detail.  I figure since I’m not getting any younger, I should probably start getting these recorded somewhere before they’re gone, and this seems like a much more enjoyable kind of challenge for me personally.  I’ve always enjoyed writing, and this will just help build up my world even more.


Now, unlike the suggested focus on building up one world, I’m probably going to be recording various details about the entirety of my “UrbanVerse” overarching setting, which is something of an entire galaxy and its history through different time periods, which would encompass both fantasy and science fiction gaming, along with more niche settings found on other planets, like post-apocalyptic and western areas.  So, my entries should be rather varied through the course of this project.


And, should I find myself at a loss for a particular entry on a given day, I’m going to have this handy random chart to get me started:


Random Lore Entry Chart

Roll 1d8

1 – Place
2 – Person
3 – Creature
4 – Organization
5 – Spell / Magic
6 – Event
7 – Technology
8 – Custom (culturally speaking)


Stay tuned for the first entry, coming later today!