#Lore24 – Entry #249 – Fantasy Month III #6 – The Road to Hearthlight

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Oh, so you’re deeming me worthy of speaking to you again?  Aren’t you pleased that I left the muzzle on this whole time?  I’ve worn it longer.  It’s part of my performance, you understand.  What’s a little discomfort in the name of doing something you love?  Yurisaya understands; maybe you should take some time and read up on the Dark Lady’s tenets? 

Alright, so what’s on the menu this time?  I won’t make any promises, but I’ll try to keep things a little more concise this time.  Just because I’m being nice, mind you! 

How did we get out of Caerlon?  Well, it was actually rather easy!  Since those guys didn’t know that Siduri and Teelsa were helping us, they were able to smuggle us out pretty quickly, in all honesty.  We just hitched a ride with the bards that were moving on to the next town after the business with the Bronze Unicorn happened, with me and Eri hiding in their supplies.  Hmm?  Or, so Siduri said that?  Well…yeah, there is a little more to the tale, but you wanted the short and sweet version, right?  So that’s what I’m giving you.  I’m not usually one to tell stories, that’s Teelsa’s bread and butter, after all, so maybe you should check with her?

Anyway, we stayed in the wagon till nightfall, when we were a good way down the road from Caerlon, heading toward Hearthlight.  They had to push the horses pretty hard that day, and it was a rough ride sometimes, especially with me and Eri crammed into that box like we were.; side note, the cage I lost at the Unicorn would have been a lot more comfortable for two people!  Anyway, we eventually made it to the Wayrest sometime after nightfall, and once they’d made the bargain for our stay and confirmed there weren’t any undesirables on our tails at the moment, we were let out of the crate to recover and come up with some plans! 

We couldn’t stay with the bards forever, but Teelsa had decided to stick with us.  She’s really excited to make some kind of epic out of this whole affair; guess you can’t really know when inspiration is going to strike!  We eventually decided we’d continue to Hearthlight, try to uncover more details about who was after us. 

Yeah…well…okay, so I kinda knew who it was chasing me, but Eri didn’t have a clue why she was being chased by those mercenaries.  She had dealt with a demon cult or something like that before, so thought maybe they were related to that group, but something didn’t feel right about that.  Oh, who was chasing me?  Well…that’s kind of a long story and is really only interesting if you’re wanting to delve into the politics of Shey’Inasrith and the machinations of the Mantis Queen.  Did you know that we don’t know her name, by the way?  And yet they still worship her.  Kinda crazy, don’t you think?  And that they get so worked up when one of their family just decides that life isn’t for them and leaves it behind?  I’d call it madness, really, the lengths they go to in order to keep their machinations going.  I don’t even want to be involved!  And I had exactly zero plans to do anything against them; I just wanted to leave it all behind.  But no!  They just had to send their men after me and try to ruin MY life, to draw me back into that horrible situation!  I don’t even know which house they’re from!  They’ve intentionally left anything that would identify them behind, just to make things more difficult!  I’d almost believe it was my mother, hmmm, or maybe one of my sisters, or perhaps one of my aunts?  I suppose it could be one of my cousins, too…there was that one that I kind of rubbed the wrong way a few decades back over how her hairstyle didn’t really fit with her face, or something like that.  I mean, I wasn’t being particularly mean or anything, I was only observing that-MMMPH!”

#Lore24 – Entry #248 – Fantasy Month III #5 – The Flight from Caerlon

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“Back for more?  Just couldn’t get enough of my charms, hmm?  I take it you’ve spoken with my companions then.  What now?  Going to accuse us of slaughtering innocents or something?  Look, I feel bad about what happened, and it wasn’t like I wanted it to happen, but there’s really nothing myself or any of the others can do about it now. 

How did we escape?  Well, there were a lot more of those two groups than we figured on, and for whatever reason they weren’t killing each other, so we assumed they’d joined forces.  We just kept seeing them in the streets, looking for signs of where we’d gone, kinda got the impression that the town guard had been paid off to be extra scarce until they found us, since we didn’t see but a handful of them, and they were purposefully looking the other way.  Sometime after the Unicorn caught fire, after we’d met up with Siduri, we ran into Teelsa, who had managed to lead some of them off on a false trail and knew some places we could hide; she and Hatae were friends, so we were thankful that she’d decided to help us out.

What do you want from me?!  I’m getting there!  For the love of Erisaya, you humans are impatient!  Fine…it took us a day or so, but once we confirmed they weren’t looking for either Siduri or Teelsa, it gave us a few more options.  Teelsa and the other performers she’d taken up with for the time would be moving on to the next town, and they had a wagon we could make use of for carrying their supplies.  Hatae and I would just have to hide out inside those supplies until we were good and clear from Caerlon.  Simple enough.

…Siduri said that, did she?  I’d rather not say.  It’s not important!  Look, she’s got her quirks, okay, and I don’t hold that against her.  What’s important is that we got out of the city without those crazies knowing about it, at least for a while longer.  Are you serious?  You need the details for your report…right.  Ugh…

I’d won Hatae’s challenge that night, so we weren’t exactly short on funds at the time, but given the situation, we figured we’d better hold on to as much as we could for the road ahead, and Siduri wanted something for the work she’d done so far, a down payment if you like, but agreed to take it in another way.  She got this brilliant idea that Hatae and me would have to really play up the ‘hiding as cargo’ angle, and so we’d have to be secured like cargo.  I thought it was ludicrous, I mean, what if those cultists stopped the wagon and found us like that?  We’d be helpless.  But…not only could she be very persuasive in a very bullying kind of way, when I prayed for guidance from Erisaya…I got the impression the idea would work.  So, we did it.  And it worked.  End of story.

No, I’m not giving you the details!  Ask Hatae if you really have to know!  Unless you’re letting me out of here, I’m done talking right now!  Either formally charge us or let us go!  Fine, go on, then!  Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!”

#Lore24 – Entry #247 – Fantasy Month III #4 – Cults and Captors

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“About damned time!  What in the hell is taking so long?  You want the facts or what? 

Don’t know about that inn, don’t care about that inn.  I was looking for work in Caerlon and happened to be in that district when it all started up.  I’d heard about that dark elf escape artist stirring up the town, yeah, was a little curious, but I was looking to hire myself out. In case this body didn’t clue you in, I’m a sword for hire, idiot.  What I do in my free time is my business, so you can just wipe that look of your smug little face before I wipe it off for you.

I wasn’t there when the place lit up.  I had seen some shady sorts moving around the streets, though.  Thought there might’ve been some kind of cult or something going to a meeting, but then I saw that they were dark elves, and that just wasn’t normal in this area.  Then I saw the other mercs moving in on the place and those two mazoku sorcerers leading them.  Don’t think they had a clue about the other group, though.  I hung back, decided to see what was going on, figured I might make some coin that night.  Sometimes you can find the best opportunities in the middle of the night.

Somehow these two groups slipped in without the other noticing, don’t know how they managed that, but they did.  Wasn’t long before all hell broke loose and the smoke started rolling.  Lots of screaming, lots of people running for their lives.  Hell, probably the most excitement Caerlon had seen in ages; glad I got to get in on it, really.  So, I saw a couple break out of the inn and make a run for it, some of each of the two groups hot on their sweet asses, so I figured now was that opportunity I’d been waiting for.  I chased after, made myself known, and got the better offer from Eri and Hatae, so I threw in with them and laid out the trash.  They still owe me, by the way, and until our contract’s done, I’m not going against it.  They’re not bad ladies, mind you, just need a good, strong hand to keep’em in line is all, cause they can have trouble raining down around you in no time at all if you let’em off their leashes. 

Once we had some time to breathe, I learned more about what was going on.  Somehow, each one of them had parties interested in hauling them in for whatever reason.  Eri seemed clueless as to why she was getting chased by the mercs, Hatae had some suspicions about the dark elves after her, but didn’t give me the details; I figure she stepped out of line back home and now had some noble house chasing her.  Didn’t matter to me; their downpayment for my help was good, so I’m in it till I get the rest of my money. 

Anyway, we hooked up with that screeching bard the next day and came up with a brilliant plan to get out of Caerlon.  I enjoyed that one personally.  Really enjoyed it.  Went off real smooth, too.  Anyone who had seen me with them the night before was laying dead in the streets, so any none of the shady types we saw knew me from any other merc on the streets.  You want the details?  Start coughing up some grub, then.  Or ask Eri or Hatae.  I’m done talking for now.  Any more’s going to cost you something in return.”

#Lore24 – Entry #246 – Fantasy Month III #3 – The Unicorn that Went up in Flames

As Told by Teelsa “the Swift” Dawndancer

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, good man!  I must say, though your accommodations are rather…spartan…I am nonetheless quite pleased that you’ve chosen to invite me into your humble establishment.  When shall the performances begin?  I would like some time to practice my craft, after all, though it seems the luggage boy has misplaced my instruments- Hmm?  What?  This isn’t an inn?  Well, I am shocked!  Absolutely shocked!  I suppose it’s a good thing I didn’t complain about the quality of the meals, then, hmm?  When is meal time, by the way?  One’s stomach can only wait so long before it starts complaining, you know.

Oh, the Bronze Unicorn?  My, what a sad, sad affair that was.  Fine establishment, absolutely the best I’d ever performed at in Caerlon, and the best people!  Oh, the patrons were marvelous!  So willing to offer their coin for a song and dance, absolutely the best one could have ever asked for, really.  And their chef, oh, an absolute master of his craft, I can assure you!  Why, if I were to have stayed on there as the inn’s resident bard, I may well have been on the road to- My good man, would you stop interrupting me?  I’m telling the story you asked for.  Oh, very well…some cannot appreciate the art of the slow burn…um, well, perhaps that phrase is a bit inappropriate given the nature of what happened. 

So, it went something like this; mind you, this is but my initial draft, so it is quite rough.  Ahem…

“In the heart of Caerlon, where shadows blend and twine,

A warrior strode with purpose, her gaze a sharpened line.

She bested every challenge, with grace and steel so bright,

But as the darkness gathered, fate would test her might.


Hatae, the acrobat, danced in the fire’s glow,

A blur of shadowed motion, in rhythm’s ebb and flow.

But envy’s cruel embrace, in the hearts of men and drow,

Sent hunters to the Unicorn, to strike and lay them low.


Two forces dark converged, each unaware of kin,

One clad in night’s own veil, the other stained by sin.

Led by twins of fiendish blood, their eyes like burning coal,

They sought to claim the hero’s life and tear apart her soul.


But Eri stood unyielding, as chaos filled the air,

With Hatae at her side, they fought with strength and flair.

The flames consumed the inn, the Bronze Unicorn no more,

Yet from the ash, the heroes rose, with legends to explore.


The mazoku twins, in greed, sought to reap their deadly toll,

But in their grasping hunger, they lost all sense of control.

For heroes are not felled by those with hearts of blackened night,

They shine with ever burning fire and stand for what is right.”


Well, what did you think?  You’re positively awe-struck, aren’t you?  I know, it is a bit basic, but as I said, I’m still composing the ballad, so-  What?  What’s a drow?  It’s an archaic name for a dark elf, of course.  A bit too archaic, hmm?  Criticism noted!

No, I assure you, good sir, that every word of my tale is true!  There absolutely were two groups hunting my companions that night, and one of them was indeed led by a pair of twin mazoku!  Well, not exactly twins, you see, for one had skin of crimson, the other azure, but they were identical otherwise.  Quite the proficient spellcasters, I might add, and I do believe that it was the red one that used the fire spell that set the poor Unicorn alight.  No, I did not get their names…it never came up in the course of our most chaotic flight from the inn; when one is being chased as we were, you don’t stop to ask who is doing the chasing!  Though I do believe my companions know more than I about those hunters, perhaps you should ask them?  It is not yet my story to tell, you see. 

Well, yes, there was something curious about the twins…they each wore some rather peculiar jewelry; I do think they wore a set of Bands of Grounding, but curiously enough, those devices did nothing to hinder their spellcasting.  Broken, perhaps, or unique? 

My good man, I grow weary, and my throat is dry.  What’s the house wine, and may I trouble you for some of it?  Or ale?  Or, gods forbid, water?”




*Full disclosure:  I used ChatGPT to generate the song lyrics, because I don’t have a lyrical bone in my body and coming up with something that sounded decent would have taken far too long in the context of a daily lore entry like this.  

#Lore24 – Entry #245 – Fantasy Month III #2 – Leaving Home, Chasing a Dream

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Oh, and here I’d thought you’d forgotten all about me!  Hmm?  Oh, the shackles?  They were chaffing so I took them off.  I can put them back on if you want, but it really won’t matter, will it?  You DO know who I am, right?  Haven’t seen my posters around town, then?  A shame, here I thought I was finally starting to get my name out there…

What?  Oh, the Caerlon incident?  That was a real tragedy, that.  I really do feel so bad about the Bronze Unicorn; it was a great place, my first big venue, actually.  I’d never had crowds like that before, and it was the first place anyone had managed to beat my challenge!  It’ll always have a place in my heart because of that!

Hmmm?  Oh, the fire?  That wasn’t our fault.  Not at all!  How did it all start?  Well…I don’t usually like to talk about things like that, you see.  Oh, okay, since you really want to know, I guess I can say something about it… So, I’m from Shey’Inasrith originally, you see, and until you’ve lived there, maybe even just visited, you really wouldn’t understand just how HORRIBLE a place it is.  You know about the whole game the elvish great houses play, I’m sure, being an astute representative of the city and all that, so just imagine that, but even more cutthroat and moving at breakneck speeds.  It wasn’t uncommon to see blood spilled in the street daily over a squabble between noble houses or some perceived slight that may or may not have been true.  It’s a nightmare, really, even for one born there.

The fire?  I’m getting there.  Anyway, I’d had enough of the politics, always dreamed of better things that didn’t involve killing in the name of the Mantis Queen, trying to curry favor, you know.  I just don’t have the personality for it, I guess; I’m too softhearted for that kind of thing when you get right down to it.  So, I left, didn’t even say a word to anyone back home because that kind of thing could get you killed in a place like that.  I wasn’t entirely sure how I’d manage, but at least I’d started chasing my dreams, you know?  To put smiles on people’s faces, to give them something to ease their burdens through entertainment, satisfy my ego a little, that sort of thing. 

It just so happens that I’m really, really good at what I do.  So you’ve really never heard about my show?  I thought you’d have heard something about it…I mean, I’ve been making a name for myself for over a year now, slowly making my way to Arcavarlon, drawing in hundreds over the course of the week I spend in town.  It’s really something to have so many try for a private date with yours truly.  And when you have looks like I do, even being a dark elf from Shey’Inasrith doesn’t matter.  That’s what I love about the lands beyond my homeland!  People are just so open-minded!  Well, most of them…there’s been some that I could tell you about that haven’t been so welcoming to me, certainly.  Oh, you know, I’d put money on it being one of those who started the fire, trying to sabotage me and steal the pot that I’d built up!  You should really be looking at them, not little old me! 

Names?  Well…I don’t really know any?  I mean, I’ve got this one noble who was a bit obsessed with me, I think, Xenia, but she certainly wouldn’t try something that brazen!  She’s in it for the challenge, something to spend her coin on, you know?  I got the impression she’s not got a lot going on in her life, so this really piqued her interests.  I suppose it could be some of those who don’t care for dark elves; I’ve noticed they’re not especially common around here, and I do get some odd looks sometimes.

Oh, right, the fire!  Well, you did want me to start from the beginning, so don’t go getting yourself all worked up over me doing just that!  Be glad you didn’t ask for specifics, or we could be here all night!  Do you realize how many things I’ve gone through since I left home?  It wasn’t just a knack for escape artistry that prompted me to start this show, certainly not!  It’s a survival skill, too!  I figure if I can wiggle out of a bad situation, then maybe I can learn to avoid getting into them altogether, you know?  My charms don’t always work on people, so I have to be quick, and I have to be slippery!  Though sometimes it’s better to be slow and methodical, you see, especially when it comes to expertly done ropework.  It’s all a question of just how much time you have.  That’s what makes my challenges so much fun, you see!  Finding that proper balance is key!  If I’m too slow, they win, but if I’m too fast, it takes away from the spectacle!

Hey, no need to get upset!  I’m getting there!  Wait, what’s that muzzle for?  Hey, is that from my collection?!”

#Lore24 – Entry #244 – Fantasy Month III #1 – The Long Journey to Caerlon

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“Why did I come to Caerlon?  To rest, relax, and enjoy the local flavor, of course, just like everyone else.  It’s known as one of the best cities in the land for that kind of thing outside of Arcavarlon itself, right?  What?  Not good enough for you?  Well, I guess you could say there’s more to it than that, yeah… You really want the whole story?  You sure about that?  Well, alright, I guess.  I’ve got nothing but time right now anyway…

So, it all started back when I was abandoned by my family, whoever they were, into the arms of the loving sisters at one of Erisaya’s holy whorehouses.  I had only my given name, but that was more than enough for the sisters, given what it is; not every day a redheaded child is delivered to you out of the blue that shares your goddess’s namesake, am I right?  They saw me as good luck, sharing a little bit of the goddess’s own name and all.  Some of them made a real big deal out of that, tried to make it a lot more than what it was, I think.  Anyway, I was adopted by the Erisayans, raised by the church, and eventually took on the name of my adoptive mother, Kitami, one of the few elvish holy whores.

Life was good for a while when I was growing up.  Got to see life outside the elvish kingdoms for what it was, mixed in with so many short-lived races.  Really gives you a different kind of perspective on things, you know?  I was all set to join in on the church as another of the sisters when I was old enough, just seemed the obvious choice, you know? 

Well, some things went down that I don’t like to talk about…suffice to say that happy life came crashing to a halt when someone decided to summon up a demon and use my home as the sacrifice.  There was…a lot of blood…a lot of suffering… I was meant to be the crowning sacrifice, you know.  Meant to be the vessel for that demon… Well, Erisaya wasn’t going to have that, and she got good and angry about the whole affair.  Channeled her holiness right through me once she got wind of what had happened and sent that demon packing, all those in the cult that had come to town along with it. 

Ever hear of the Rose’s Thorns?  Nah, figured you hadn’t; they’re pretty rare, even amongst the Erisayan faith.  We’re usually a pretty easy-going lot, not prone to stirring up trouble, but woe be to you if you get the Lady angry enough to call out a Thorn against you.  I was too green to be a proper Thorn then, but Erisaya saw to that, guiding me towards someone who taught me how to fight, and others who were friendly to the faith, and so it was I got set on a quest to root out every last member of that demon-loving death cult.  Took us damn near fifty years of traveling all over this side of the world, but we saw it through to the end, sent every one of them straight to their master in whatever festering hole it dwelt within.

So, after all that, with most of my friends too old to keep up the adventuring life, we went our own ways.  I decided it was time for a little rest of my own, but had good memories of Caerlon, so that’s why I wound up there again.  Yeah, that’s right.  This is where I was raised, and that story about the whorehouse massacre?  Yeah, that was one of Erisaya’s temples, the one I was raised in.  It’s not there anymore; got burned down by the cult during the chaos when the Lady got angry, and most around here don’t remember it, having been so long ago. 

What?!  Now that’s just stupid.  Why would what happened back then have any bearing on what happened at the Bronze Unicorn?  Hey, you asked me to start at the beginning, and when you ask that to an elf, you better be prepared for a long conversation; I’d rather not have drudged up those memories, just so you know. 

Look here, it wasn’t our fault, alright?  Just ask any of my companions, they’ll tell you the same!  Fine, you do that, then!  Well, go on, I’m tired of looking at you, too!”

#Lore24 – Entry #243 – Helica Month #31 – The Final Scroll Claimed, the Final Battle Begins

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

The Transgressor has come once again, this time it’s barely been thirty years.  If my calculations are correct, after its defeat this time, it will only take another twenty to twenty-five years to reappear.  Time grows dreadfully short for Helica, but I feel a certain amount of hope within my soul, a feeling I’ve not known in some many centuries, for Saghirah, along with the other Amaranths, have put their scheme into motion.  I have known of it for some time, given what I have learned and through the dreams provided me by the Amaranth, but have not written of it until now, for their enemies could not know of it should my texts fall into the wrong hands.

It was only now that I could possibly have claimed the final scroll from within Tyraguard, for a great tragedy has befallen the Church and a quiet chaos spread through their ranks.  My enemy for the last few centuries, the Summoner Most High, Lady Tephysea, has fallen.  The Church says that she passed from old age, but I know that was a lie.  Though I had sought to slay her myself for many centuries, it was not meant for me to do so.  Rather, she suffered betrayal all her own, and though I cannot confirm it, I have my suspicion that it may well have been her own son, Selanar of House Wynmaer, who was responsible, for he quickly ascended the ranks of the Church in the wake of her death, and the Sylvanae were quite fast to spread word of her passing quietly in her sleep, far too quick. 

I will know for certain soon enough, but at long last, I have claimed the final scroll of Saghirah, having gone into the Church’s most sacred places as a Knight Protector once more, this time with a summoner by the name of Baiharu and his Knight Protectors, his lifelong friend, known as Nyxon, and a man out of time known as Kenjiro, one brought here by none other than Saghirah herself.  Baiharu is remarkably open-minded, having been raised as a summoner only reluctantly before Tephysea’s death as he had come from a disgraced family that had been wiped out due to their heretical actions, but given the fewer numbers of those capable of summoning the Amaranths in this age (an entirely different topic for another time), the Church had little choice in the matter.  Perhaps they saw potential for a redemption story to sell to the people should Baiharu ultimately be successful.

I will certainly do everything in my power to see this through, for the coming of Kenjiro, plucked from ancient Grad Artanais by Saghirah herself, is the key to the ultimate victory for the Amaranths and the salvation of Helica.  More will I reveal soon, but for now, I will compile everything that was contained within the scrolls and await the right moment to reveal it all.  It is coming; at long last, it is coming, the end of this journey…one way or another it will end.  I continue to place my faith in the Amaranths, in my Empress Saghirah, for Helica has no other choice for its salvation. 

#Lore24 – Entry #242 – Helica Month #30 – The Final Scroll Revealed

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

Another four Tranquilities have come and gone, and indeed, their duration is growing shorter each time.  The Church of Phyresis of course does not address this, rather, simply increases their rhetoric about remaining faithful and forsaking all that it has deemed to be anathema.  Now that they have secured their own malkikai defenses in Tyraguard, as well as soldiers trained in the use of firearms, my future task is going to be much more difficult.  For, you see, Saghirah has finally blessed me with knowledge of where her final scroll rests, and it is fully within the belly of the beast.

Indeed, it lies within the dark heart of Tyraguard itself.  I would have thought that the Church would have destroyed such a relic, but perhaps they have kept it intact just for me, hoping to draw out the one who has caused them no small amount of headache over the decades and centuries, for my truths have been a constant thorn in their side.  Though the buildup was slow, the fact that there have been a handful of minor uprisings against the Church is encouraging, even if they were quickly quashed.  It is pleasing that I have become such a bother for Tephysea and her machinations, and I gladly accept the title they have bestowed upon me of Heretic Most Foul. 

I must delve further into the nature of the Beasts soon as well, for I feel that a great many allies in the coming battle for the soul of Helica will be found amongst their ranks, once I learn the nature of what controls them, how their new flesh is formed.  The Tamers keep their secrets well, though, perhaps better than the Church itself.  Though I had thought their order had maintained its seat of power in Tyraguard all these years, I have managed to discern that this is not the case, that their true heart lies elsewhere.  One day, perhaps, I will find it, and discern the secret of the Beasts with it.

I have walked among the lands of the Phyresians without my Ketzeryn garb for some time now, keeping my profile low, using false names, changing my garb and appearance constantly, even performing as a most reverent worshipper of the false god.  I do not keep up with my journals as I used to, certainly, for by now I would have filled a library with my ramblings (a pleasant enough thought, but impractical for now), but do offer the occasional update when I return to one of the safe havens I’ve secreted about the world.  Helica has changed much over the years since I was blessed by Saghirah, yet plenty of its history remains, enough that I’m able to offer my insights to passing travelers as I encounter them, pondering a certain ruin, a particular statue of a lost heroic summoner, or a gouge in the landscape caused by a past battle with the Transgressor.  History is so much more exciting to tell when you can offer personal insights and experiences in the stories you share, and people are so much more likely to listen and take your stories to heart.  This is especially important when my tales subtly reveal the truths I have learned thus far.

#Lore24 – Entry #241 – Helica Month #29 – To Share Forbidden Knowledge

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

If anything good could be said about the current leadership of the Church of Phyresis, it is that, with the Most High Summoner Tephysea in charge, some advances have been made, and with the aid of the Ketzeryn, no less.  The Church has actually adopted long-range communication technologies that were recovered many decades ago by the Ketzeryn, who had used them to keep their own fleets in touch since their recreation.  Of course, I’m certain that this will lead to nothing good, and likely will be used to further tighten the Church’s control within its established borders, if not encouraging them to expand their holdings even further.

A more disturbing rumor has begun to spread amongst the Ketzeryn during the latest Tranquility that the Church had begun adopting more stringent security within its capitol of Tyraguard, specifically reclaimed machines of war from before the coming of the Transgressor, the ancient malkikai that even they have been reluctant to study.  Not all Ketzeryn clans are in lockstep with one another, certainly, have never been, and the fact that some may have broken away and made deals with the Church to further their knowledge of the lost technologies is not unexpected, but is nonetheless worrying.  And of course, the average person accepts it faithfully, for the Church has simply declared these machines bonkikai, for use by those within the Church to protect the people from further actions by the Transgressor and other enemies.

Until I can confirm the nature of these machines for myself, perhaps joining a trading ship bound to Tyraguard’s ports to have a closer look, I’ll withhold further judgement, but securing more power, no matter the cost, seems to be perfectly in line with Tephysea’s ways.  Given that she’s undoubtedly allied with the Transgressor at this time, it’s honestly not that surprising.  As such, I’ve taken a few steps to help unsettle that new power structure she’s building up, tp weaken the foundations, so to speak.  Firstly, I’ve made sure that the Ketzeryn are developing countermeasures to any such malkikai that may be on the horizon, mainly in the form of more effective firearms and specific loads charged with electrical energy, which these creations are more susceptible to; more reluctantly, they are developing their own bonkikai to combat those of the Church, using what has been salvaged from across Helica.  Secondly, using the resources that I’ve accrued over the years, I’ve set up various methods of disseminating the truth of the Transgressor that I have learned from Saghirah’s scrolls to the people.  I am certain that my printed texts and burst transmissions through the communications system will be condemned as the work of heretics, but it will be enough to begin putting doubt into the minds of those who haven’t been totally brought under the sway of Phyresis.  Given the fact that several criminal groups have sprung up in the last few decades, all dealing to some extent in materials the Church has declared illegal, there is no insignificant number of those people who perhaps would be willing to listen to my message.  It will be slow and arduous, certainly, but with proper caution and my seeming timeless nature, it will be effective, I am certain.

#Lore24 – Entry #240 – Helica Month #28 – The Third Scroll

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

It took us several weeks in the demon-infested seas to make significant headway on our excavations, for the Transgressor had been spotted before our arrival and had stirred them up.  Still, one must work hard for their rewards upon Helica, and my goal was clear.  Once we had reached the ancient city and surveyed it properly, I identified another shrine complex.  This time I would not be alone when venturing into it, for the seas were still dangerous.  Fortunately, I had a group of Drakonae warriors with me, and they were of a breed that were able to breathe underwater, so they were able to assist me in staying down much longer than usual with my work by carrying extra air tanks for me and were quite adept at fending off the demons. 

This shrine complex was mostly intact, though partially buried in centuries of silt and debris, so took some time to excavate, requiring multiple trips down.  I think the presence of Saghirah was somewhat unnerving to my dive-mates, especially when the eyes of her statue began to glow once they were uncovered.  We would later go on to uncover other shrines, and for those of the Amaranths that were still in existence, I could feel their presence now as well, though not as strongly as that of Saghirah.  With their return to this underwater shrine, the demon activity in the area lessened significantly. 

Soon enough, I would find the sacred chamber hidden beneath Saghirah’s shrine, sealed away from the accumulation of silt.  Even though it remained underwater for so long, the third scroll case was unmarred and seemingly as out of place in time as I am, appearing pristine in the gloomy water.  I would nonetheless work carefully to secure it within my pack for the return to the surface and would fight through my fatigue of the dive to see its secrets revealed before I would rest.  I had retrieved some of my previously cached knowledge in the short visits I had made to the mainland in the intervening years, and quickly added the new revelations of this scroll to my previous notes.  The picture has become much clearer now, and I know with absolute certainty that Helica has only so much longer left to live before the Transgressor is ultimately successful in its desire to see it utterly destroyed. 

All will be revealed elsewhere, however, for I have but one more scroll to find, though I know not where as of yet.  My work in assisting the Ketzeryn will continue in the meantime, until I can discern the final scroll’s resting place.  We have found knowledge that, if we are able to bring it into being, would change the face of Helica and potentially deliver a major blow to the iron-fisted control of the Church, though for now it is but a dream.