LORE24 ENTRY #21 – Alyssa Cortavelli

Category – Person

Alyssa Cortavelli is a Succubus crime lord and information broker based on Sentinel Prime, part of the larger Cortavelli crime family that has its fingers in multiple systems.  Her base of operations is called the Demon’s Den, a hotel turned nightclub with a strong flavor of BDSM subculture.  Though she is somewhat new to the underworld, her eye for detail and talents learned from her years as a corporate investigator have served her well, and she has quickly become a well known and trustworthy source of illicit information, goods, and services.  She was quick to surround herself with talented people who supplemented the areas in which she was deficient, and has close ties to the church of Yurisaya, often being spotted with its local members.

Alyssa did not always have criminal ambitions, nor was she particularly interested in having a reputation.  In her early years, she actually turned her back on her family, choosing instead to learn proper business methods, going to school and earning her way up through the corporate ladder.  Unlike her more infamous sisters, Alyssa was a “changeling”, and appeared completely human at birth and in her early years.  Always something of an outcast, giving up on her family ties and taking the name Cordova, she worked hard, strictly controlled her indulgences, and passed for human for several years.  It was only when her company, Redstone-Starsazza Property Management, was taken over by DSM that her life would change forever.  Expecting to be laid off and already planning her next move, Alyssa was not prepared to find herself at the mercy of none other than Rivalle Volcari herself.  The cruel head of DSM had taken a personal interest in Alyssa, having easily found out about Alyssa’s heritage and falsified records of her true nature, and threatened her with severe penalties should she not continue with her duties.  Rivalle would proceed to subject Alyssa to an ever-growing list of indignities that would eventually lead Alyssa to losing herself for a time, indulging in the pleasures and “sins” she had for many years carefully avoided.  Over the months and years Alyssa served Rivalle, her appearance would change from an unassuming human woman to the succubus she is today.

Now, Alyssa has striking red skin and glowing yellow eyes, a pair of wicked horns curling up from her forehead, wearing her dark hair long, typically in a ponytail.  Previously rather average in appearance, her body has filled out as her demonic heritage asserted itself, now quite shapely with much of it on display, as Alyssa prefers to wear low-cut tops and short skirts, most often as tight as possible, and quite frequently made of latex.  Though she only stands about five and a half feet tall, she typically appears to be around six feet due to the high heels she wears, and is not the least bit shy about using her succubus charms to put those she deals with off balance, whether she is being seductive or intimidating.  She now appears much like her sisters, who, after some rather uneasy reunions, have embraced her and brought her into the family properly, Alyssa having proved that she is now fully dedicated to their life of crime.

Having established herself on Sentinel Prime, Aylssa is something of a local celebrity now, having risen from practically nothing to a respected business owner with one of the most popular clubs on the planet.  Her club is a known neutral zone where plenty of clandestine meetings take place, and she has forged a reputation for discretion in sensitive matters.  She also has a reputation befitting her demonic appearance should someone cross her, having devised multiple inventive and humiliating punishments for those who would cause trouble within her domain; perhaps owing to her time under the thumb of Rivalle Volcari, she would much rather see them suffer than simply killing them.