#Lore24 – Entry #64 – Fantasy Month #4 – Bands of Grounding


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:


Perhaps this is Felaria’s way of grounding my expectations of travel?  It would certainly fit her sense of humor.  Was I a bit too hopeful yesterday, a bit too eager to explore?  Perhaps I was; I did speak a lot about lands beyond the library, perhaps too much, though I heard no complaints from the others, and Gray Tiger was quite fascinated with what I had to say.

Anyway, Bands of Grounding, also known as Grounding Bands or mana-siphoning restraints, while a bit on the archaic side in terms of aesthetics, are no less effective at their intended purpose, restraining those who are capable of casting spells and constantly draining their energy reserves so they cannot cast spells, even with the use of their hands and mouths.  At the core of the design of these items are heavy-duty shackles and collars, often stout enough to restrain even the strongest of orcs, beset with numerous iron spikes, and multiple attachment points for chains and locks.  Securing even one such band to a spellcaster can result in diminished casting ability as their most powerful magics are siphoned away and their overall capacity for magic is reduced.  A full set of these restraints (consisting of bands on ankles and wrists, and a collar around the neck) will completely nullify even the most powerful spellcasters in minutes. 

Some observations regarding the design of these devices: 

1) The spikes, while instrumental in safely discharging the captured arcanist’s magical reserves, can be harmful to an overly animated arcanist or to those around them, should they know how to defend themselves without the use of magic, as was told to me by Gray Tiger, who has witnessed such things himself during his time training within his clan in the capital. 

2)  These devices are typically made of the densest metals, and/or with little regard for their overall weight and bulkiness; many spellcasters are physically weak due to long years of study, and thus encumbering them will further hinder their abilities. 

3)  The use of chains on the bands is entirely optional, and usually serves only to further restrain the wearer or secure them in place for transport or incarceration. 

4) The older designs of the Bands of Grounding had separate locks, which proved to be a security risk for spellcasters capable of picking locks, and though still in use in some distant regions of the Empire, have been replaced by the newer design, which rely upon spell-coded locks, their individual keys kept secured in another location until needed, or by the newest modification, which creates a kind of magnetic seal powered by the wearer’s own magical reserves, only removable by a separate control device.  As an additional security feature, the keys on the more modern designs are attuned so that if one restrained by the Bands attempts to use the keys, on themselves or others who are contained within the bands, they will receive a severe electrical shock, stunning them and causing a significant amount of pain.

5) A significant portion of the wealthy of the Empire often have sets of these created without their mana-siphoning enchantments as decorations for their kerryn slaves, perhaps with more refinement to the design, as something of a fashion accessory, some in silver or gold, or even encrusted with jewels in the case of the exceptionally wealthy.  The audacity of the wealthy nobles and merchants who make such displays is truly staggering.

Speaking from my personal experience with these devices during the course of my training, the feeling of having your magical reserves siphoned away is unsettling, leaving you with a distinct numbness within.  Given the high mobility style of swordplay I’ve adopted, the additional bulk of the restraints made it quite awkward to mount a proper defense, and I wound up poking myself several times with the spikes as I tried to move about, much to Filaria’s amusement, I might add.  I certainly could not think of a more insidious way to restrict magic users from using their abilities.



#Lore24 – Entry #63 – Fantasy Month #3 – Witches of the Ways / Wayfare Witches


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:


Perhaps today’s prompt indicates that soon we will travel?  I can only hope; as much as I enjoy the archives, a trip out of these (perhaps overly) serene walls would not go amiss.  At least not a long trip.  And I suppose the peace here isn’t all bad.  I certainly wouldn’t mind seeing the southern lands this time of year, for the chill from the north is felt a bit too often these days. 

On to the topic at hand, less my fantasies overtake my more rational line of thought.  The Wayfare Witches, or alternatively, the Witches of the Ways, are perhaps the largest and most widespread of the known covens on the face of Andyllion, known to be found throughout not only the Imperium Draconis but throughout known civilization and perhaps beyond into the wilds beyond.  I suppose calling them a coven would be stretching things; some do tend to band together and practice secret rituals from time to time, but others seem to be following their ways without affiliation to a larger group.  Even then, from what the records indicate, their organization is extremely loose and informal, and operates perhaps with some amount of divine or otherworldly guidance, perhaps at the behest of the gods of nature and travel. 

The Witches are typically found outside of the largest cities, frequently operating the various travelers’ inns and rests along the roadways that connect civilized lands, or in the case of their seafaring sisters, within the safe ports located throughout the islands dotting the seas and oceans; rarely they will appear within large cities, but they are known to be found in even the most unexpected and inhospitable climes, such as the great swamps like the Muckenmyre or the icy Frigid Steppes.  A wise traveler will seek shelter beneath the roof of a Wayfare Witch, assuming their intentions are honest and they can offer a proper payment.  Payment varies with the individual or group, depending on the whims of the witch, but are usually reasonable and fair:  coin or a modest piece of jewelry in the case of a traveling noble, or something as simple as sharing a story or song for those of less wealth.  Some witches will accept favors to be repaid when able, and woe be to those who try to weasel out of the deal, or worse, try to harm a witch within their domain.

Generally seen as goodly and kind, offering shelter and aid (food, a hiding place, healing, etc.), especially to those fleeing conflict or those injured during their travels, the Witches of the Ways are not without their fangs.  Like most who practice the craft, they are adept at curses, and if crossed, will not hesitate to lay one upon the offending individual or party.  Their revenge is rarely, if ever, seen coming, and never immediately, and may be as simple as months of annoyances along the ways (imagine getting a pebble in one’s boot every day for a year), or as severe as outright ruin and calamity for the offenders in the cases of the most severe offenses; the disastrous campaign of Akakios Andriadis two centuries ago during the attempt to expand the Empire’s reach to the west saw his entire expeditionary force wiped out and reportedly consumed by the kobolds of the Flammesand Desert, supposedly after one of his subordinates assaulted a Witch’s apprentice and he refused to see them properly punished for the offense (said apprentice was a kerryn, and thus, the thought of punishing a soldier for such an act was deemed laughable), as the legends say.  Actual evidence of this is lacking, however.

The inner workings of the order are mostly a mystery to those outside of it, for the Witches closely guard their rituals and practices.  It is said that new members are brought in once a Witch finds a fitting apprentice, regardless of who or what they may be (they are a remarkably open-minded group, even within the Empire), spending many years learning before they either take over for an aging witch or go on to create their own Wayrest.  They do have places of power in which they hold their most sacred rituals, though these are usually difficult if not impossible to find if one is not allowed to.  Supposedly one can be invited into these places, or can seemingly stumble upon them during their explorations, but only if the local coven deems them worthy or if they can serve the witches in some way.  Once the need has been met, the place of power cannot be found again, supposedly, without an additional invitation. 



#Lore24 – Entry #62 – Fantasy Month #2 – Draconis Magna, Capital of the Empire


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:


It seems Felaria has addressed my complaints about specificity and given me a simpler prompt for today:  Draconis Magna, the Imperial capitol.  Surely, I could voice complaint about specificity once again, as discussing the capital is no simple task for the fountain of knowledge overflows with the broadness of the subject, but since Mother has narrowed focus, then I shall obediently oblige.

The seat of the Great Dragon Emperor, blessed and chosen of the gods to reign over the great Imperium Draconis, the throne currently held by Luxus Drakon Raikos the Fourth; for the sake of brevity I shall not list his many, MANY titles, otherwise I would be here far longer than is required of this entry.  I feel that I must pause here in my discussion of the capital and note the insistence upon draconic imagery and naming conventions throughout the empire when true dragons have been gone from this world since times predating the Great Cataclysm two thousand years ago; it is truly astounding to me that their legends have continued to persist for so long, especially in the minds of humans, and that their nature can evoke such thoughts of power and dominance amongst the populace.  I would have thought that demonic iconography would have found greater prominence given their pervading influences since the Cataclysm and higher than average population of demon-blooded throughout the Empire than other parts of the world, but that is a mystery to discuss at another time, perhaps when Felaria feels the need to prompt me to do so.

Draconis Magna lies upon the shores of Gulf Draconum, upon the Dragon’s Breath delta at the mouth of the Great Goldenscale River, a country unto itself, really, a metropolis spanning some five-hundred square miles, the very heart of the Empire from which all power flows.  The city is well defended, housing a significant army and naval forces, as well as the Tower of the Grand Arcanum, the most powerful of arcanist orders.  All culture would seem to flow from here as well, as the city is known to be the center of the arts, filled with bards and artists of all kinds, chasing fame and fortune at the hands of the nobility, though by the time great works reach the ends of the Empire, they have long been out of fashion within the city itself.

The most powerful of the nobility reside here, vying for power and the ear of the Emperor, and perhaps, uncoincidentally, the variety of pleasures to be found is nigh unfathomable.  Supposedly if one seeks a particular form of entertainment, it can be found in Draconis Magna, no matter how vile it may be.  Having only visited the capital a handful of times myself, I have never experienced the darker side of the city’s pleasures, but the tales are too prevalent not to hold some truth.  It is the kerryn slaves I feel for the most in this regard, for they are the ones suffering the worst the city has to offer, and of course it is by the Emperor’s decree, dating back many centuries, so who would possibly argue against what happens to them?  There have been attempts to overturn the decree of course, but such protests have not lasted long, and quite often those involved have vanished under not-at-all mysterious circumstances.

There does seem to be growing unrest within the high walls of Draconis Magna by many accounts from visitors to the library.  Rumors of rebellion in the outlying regions continue to grow, and some wonder if the Emperor’s power is on the decline after the family has held power for so many generations.  Supposedly even the slaves, kerryn and otherwise, are growing discontent and starting trouble, but as yet, I have no actual proof of this.  Perhaps this is why the Emperor has begun efforts to expand the empire further, and has been seeking lost relics in the many ruins found in the wildlands, and is even looking across the seas to other lands to plunder?  It seems a time of unrest may not be far off, if history is to be repeated.  Perhaps it is even time for a new age to be born, however violently, into existence?

#Lore24 – Entry #61 – Fantasy Month #1 – Andyllion


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:


Felaria continues to insist upon testing my knowledge, and so I will write, once more, upon the topic she has chosen for this day.  I am not entirely certain as to why she insists upon me keeping such a personal record recalled from my own mind when we have access to the entirety of the Imperial Archives, but so be it; I am but the apprentice and she the wizened Head Archivist, after all.  Mother knows best, as they say.

For today she has chosen…Andyllion, the world upon which we all live.  I’m not exactly sure where to start with the topic, considering it’s literally a world of possibility.  The entirety of it surely hasn’t been explored, and more of it has been lost to time and calamity than we can possibly know.  As far as known facts…the world hosts a pair of moons, Mika and Elara, a yearly length of three-hundred-seventy-five days, and a daily length of twenty-five hours.  There are at least seven known continents, Ashun, Emoris, Mizunko, Saenaphia, and Yastryka, plus the frozen north and south polar regions that have been almost entirely unexplored. Dozens of smaller island groups serve as a loose connecting tissue between them, and vast uncharted seas lie beyond those.

Should I begin detailing the flora and fauna found amongst the various continents?  Or perhaps some details of the kingdoms as well as their people?  Shall I describe the civilized races, or perhaps the more savage ones inhabiting the wildlands?  Or perhaps the civilizations we know to be long collapsed and their ruins left to crumble, forgotten and inhabited by monsters and abominations?  Or perhaps I should detail the cataclysm that nearly destroyed it some two-thousand years ago?  Simply naming the world as a topic!  Surely, she could have made it something more specific!  One could literally write volumes on Andyllion; volumes have been written on Andyllion in fact, and I’ve read most of them!

Oh, praise the gods and the Great Dragon Emperor himself!  An arcanist seeks knowledge, and the other archivists are otherwise occupied!  Felaria’s pages will have to wait until they have been served; I shall hope that they are particularly unskilled at performing their own research and require the rest of the day digging through the archives, for I must serve the people, after all!