#Lore24 – Entry #364 – Sci-Fi Month IV #29 – Mysteries of the Demon Sector

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “You had alluded to another draconic soul experiencing a resonating effect with a relic similar to what happened with Lila Darius.  Could you go into more detail about that, or if not, the phenomenon in general?”

RV:  “As it is an ongoing matter, I won’t be able to go into full detail, but can give you the general overview.  I have, as you might have imagined, collected a vast number of draconic relics over the centuries, most of which I have long since discerned the natures of, however deeply buried they may have been.  Yet, there are some that remain mysterious even to me, say perhaps about five percent of my entire collection.  I can sense the power that lies hidden within them, know that its there, but cannot access it no matter what methods I have tried, for I can feel the resonance, though on a much more subtle level.  Through long years of study, I have managed to discern the particular variances in this resonance amongst the artifacts, similar to what I feel in the presence of other draconic souls.”

AG:  “And this is why you described what Lila Darius experienced with her discovery of the A-TK drive as having encountered a “keyed” relic.”

RV:  “Exactly.  It seems that with the reappearance of draconic souls, and their unconscious push toward the Demon Sector, these resonances have become somewhat more intensified, making it much easier to discern which type of soul they are keyed to.  It was then that I began to study my test subjects for proper resonances, discovering some that would awaken these artifacts, though most remained too weak to do so properly.”

AG:  “And this other case of resonance that you mentioned, it was strong enough to cause a reaction in one of these relics?”

RV:  “Yes, though, to my consternation, the event was not entirely within my control.  In this particular case, one of my AR&D researchers whom I had assigned to collect and study additional relics as part of her advancement to the topmost tier of that group, uncovered a particular scroll of ancient draconic origin, thin as parchment, but composed entirely of copper, though not subject to the ravages of time.  Again, that most subtle guidance by unseen forces seems to have been at play, for this researcher had hired a human pilot to see her around the various locations I sent her, and then become quite enamored with her.  This was but the first hint of a strong draconic soul, and, as I would learn, said pilot would be completely fluent in both Draconic and High Draconic.  It was fate, if you will, that led them to studying that scroll together, and the resonance triggering the relic, which promptly vanished, imprinting what it contained upon this woman in the form of a copper dragon tattoo on her back.  In the panic that followed, she fled, for fear of what I may do to her.

I’ve set my researcher and a rather unique hunter from my collection on the trail of the pilot, who has vanished into the Demon Sector for now, though that is all I’ll reveal at this time.”

AG:  “Curious… I’m aware of an event that occurred upon Aphelion Station during the First Annual Grand Ball relating to the renowned orcish artist Rhoghor, when he revealed his collection of paintings known as the ‘Visages of the Starway Maiden.’  Was that woman he painted perhaps-”

RV:  “Yes, it was indeed the wayward pilot whom had taken what lay hidden within that scroll.  Another curious event relating to the stir of draconic souls throughout our part of the galaxy.  I suspect this artist is another draconic soul himself, somehow resonating with this pilot, though I’ve been unable to ascertain this myself thanks to Veylani’s interference; she’s hidden him away after the incident, and I’ve been unable to locate him yet.”

Note:  I’m sensing that Rivalle’s anger is cooled somewhat now that Lila Darius isn’t being mentioned, though she’s still maintaining an aggressive demeanor.  Perhaps I should begin drawing this interview to a close.

AG:  “Have there been any particular discoveries within the Demon Sector so far that have piqued your interest relating to your study of the dragons?”

RV:  “Several.  While there have been several species of animals displaying signs of demonic corruption in the systems closest to the Breach, these hold little interest to me aside from possible use in our various R&D divisions.  The trail Lila Darius has continued to blaze for the most recent expedition to have set out, UEF-04, led by the Maharani Morgiana, has already proven quite intriguing, revealing several new, and much younger, draconic ruins.  Likewise she has uncovered at least one world that possesses more of the digital intelligences like the one found in UCSD-0001, with clues that there could be an entire civilization of such beings laying out there to be discovered.

She, and consequently, I, remain focused upon these draconic ruins, however.  Their depths must be plundered, their secrets revealed in full.  She’s moving at far too fast a pace to indicate she’s studying them, so she’s following a trail of some kind, either one that she’s discerned previously, or that is being revealed to her at each stop she makes.  I think I’ve given her more than enough of a lead, and while her advancements are admirable, her lack of any stunning revelations leads me to think she’s being careless.  Not particularly surprising, given my experiences with this incarnation.

You’ll be the first to hear of this, my dear.  I plan to take a leave of absence in the very near future, for I will be traveling behind Darius, seeing what I can find that others, even those of your order, have missed.  I’ve waited long enough; I cannot contain my curiosity any longer; I must see what lies out there for myself.

I suppose this is as good a time as any to shift focus.”

AG:  “I do have more questions, Miss Volcari, but of course, you have ultimate say in what we discuss.  What topic do you wish to shift to?”

Note:  The smile which Rivalle just showed me has chilled me to my very core.

RV:  “To you, my dear, and your immediate future.  Though I suppose we’ll need to delve into your past a bit first.”

#Lore24 – Entry #363 – Sci-Fi Month IV #28 – Breaching the Demon Barrier

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “How was it that Darius was able to create this Advanced TK-Drive?  Was this too the will of the draconic souls that are swarming about us again?”

RV:  “Indeed.  They know the secret, not only of how to breach the Barrier, but of how it was formed to begin with, most likely.  This collective unconscious will drove Darius towards the creation of this new drive, whether she realizes it or not.  It began before I had even become aware of her current incarnation, when she rented that ill-fated shuttle and visited the world over which she was found by the mercenaries.  She knew of the ruins there, that they had been previously studied, yet something drew her to them again.  Thanks to some rather hostile locals, she was unable to perform a proper search at the time, and had to retreat until she had help. 

Some time later, once she had her team firmly established and had proven a thorn in my side, she returned to these ruins and was finally able to piece together what it was she and many others had missed before, a key that only a handful of beings could have possibly activated.  It was tuned, you see, to the essence of a gold dragon.  When she activated this key, really another form of storage device, the knowledge of the A-TK was implanted within her mind, no doubt alongside other details that now drive her deeper into the Demon Sector.  This would not be the only such occurrence in recent years of a draconic soul resonating with keyed memories, but I’ll get to that momentarily.

Some would call it coincidence that Darius became such good friends with Releana Veylani, but I see a much more subtle hand at work.  With Veylani successfully fending off my attempt to obtain her company, her significant psychic power managing to turn even my best doppelganger agent completely to her will, she had already begun redirecting Veylani’s resources to finding a way across the Barrier.  When Darius provided what she had learned, the first A-TK was rapidly built and tested, though its first true test would be what is now referred to as the “Breach of the Barrier.” 

AG:  “The particular details of the A-TK drive’s functions have been kept under the most strict security.  Veylani has made certain that those drives remain under her company’s control for the foreseeable future and has prosecuted anyone attempting to discern their secrets to the fullest extent possible.  Have you, given your vast experience, determined the nature of the drives?”

RV:  “Of course.  It’s rather simple, really.  The standard TK-Drive is already a fusion of arcane artifice and modern technology, it simply requires some tweaks to produce the desired effect.  I’ve studied these drives up close; no matter how Veylani may have tried to stymie my efforts, she and her people, as good as they are, simply cannot compete with my abilities.  I’ll spare the technical details for now, but suffice to say, these drives combine a method of attuning the ship itself to the localized energy of the Barrier, adapting to its various frequencies, and creating something of a slight dimensional shift in addition the hyperspace shift, which allows the ship to pass through the barrier harmlessly. 

The legal quagmire Veylani and her supporters in the Big Four running Perihelion and Aphelion Stations and the whole UEF initiative have stopped competition in its tracks, officially stopped me from creating a DSM alternative until a period of one hundred years has passed.   Unofficially, I’ve already made and tested several variations of the drive and have traversed the Barrier myself many times.  It’s not the legal threats that stop me from creating a mass-market DSM alternative to the Veylani drives, simply that I would prefer access to the Demon Sector be restricted to a singular entry point for now so that  I may know who comes and goes, that my plans are not interfered with by random outside parties.”

AG:  “I see… There has been quite a bit of discourse regarding the Breach, and no small amount of obfuscation as to the nature of what exactly happened there.  I suspect that the truth lies somewhere in the middle of what is commonly reported.  The commonly accepted story is that an entire fleet of DSM ships were lost chasing after Darius when she and her team made the first trek across the Barrier, though DSM’s official statement says that no such event occurred.”

Note:  The storm outside has worsened again, and Rivalle’s aura has taken on a decidedly angry nature, causing her assistant to begin whimpering again.  I find myself feeling rather nervous and wonder if I may have overstepped myself.  I have been treading dangerous ground when mentioning Lila Darius.  This seems to be a rather fresh wound.”

RV:  “Though I do like strict control, I can’t possibly vet every single individual who is in my employ.  Inevitably, over time, some inferior intellects do slip by.  It was the commander of that fleet who was to blame for what happened.  I was aware that Veylani and Darius had planned something, that there was a new development deep in their R&D department, but thanks to her pilfering of my agent, all of my spies were purged, and protections added that prevented scrying upon them.  When Darius launched in her ship and made a break for the Demon Sector, I suspected what they may have done, having known of the draconic souls pushing us in that direction already.

I sent that battle group out to capture the ship and Darius, to see what we could discover, but in spite of the aged appearance of the vessel, it had been equipped with the latest technology Veylani had to offer, so it easily outpaced my fleet and arrived first to initiate the A-TK test.  My people witnessed the attunement as Darius approached the Barrier, didn’t understand what it was they were seeing when bands of energy leapt from the Barrier, enveloped the ship’s shields, and caused no damage.  I can only guess that the ship’s captain made the absolutely boneheaded decision that the Barrier, in spite of all sensor data to the contrary, had a weak spot, and so decided to follow Darius inside.

It was not an entire fleet that was lost, no, just a group of starfighters and the command ship; a few other cruisers were damaged when they came too close, but no other larger vessels were lost.  People simply interpreted what it was that Darius had shown during her transmission as the entire fleet going up behind her on her way through the Barrier.”

AG:  “That does make sense.  I suppose those who are in opposition to DSM made certain to play up the propagandistic angle of the transmission.”

RV:  “Yes, yes, as I’ve done many times myself.  All’s fair in corporate war, after all.  Any setbacks, stock losses, PR debacles, what have you, are ultimately negligible.  DSM remains, and shall continue to remain, the largest corporation in the galaxy for the foreseeable future, no matter what the public may think.  All tides rise and fall, and we’re simply on a falling motion that will ultimately correct itself in time.  I speak from experience, believe me.”

#Lore24 – Entry #362 – Sci-Fi Month IV #27 – The Darius Legacy

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “How could Lila Darius develop such a thing as the Advanced TK-Drive without knowing how she came to do so?”

RV:  “It is something of the nature of our draconic legacies, tempered by her more chaotic leanings.  The thing about we dragons is that we’re all unique, especially in this current state of our evolution; perhaps that was a driving factor in why we did so, a growing sameness that led to weakness as a species?  In my case, during my youth, I was described as a prodigy in the arcane studies, and I described it as something of an instinctual understanding.  The same is true for Darius and her development of the A-TK.  She instinctively knew how to enhance the devices, had unlocked some aspect of her ancient memory through her experiences, and simply plucked that knowledge out of the black box that lies hidden away within her soul.  You can’t really explain it otherwise; this incarnation is a fledgling arcanist at best, has studied only history in archaeology in her lifetime, nothing in her record that would indicate she learned advanced physics nor trans-dimensional theory.

One could call her legacy that of remarkable discovery through sheer dumb luck.”

Note:  I can see that this particular topic is something of a thorn for Rivalle by the frown she wears and the subtle way her demeanor has shifted from calm neutrality to a simmering anger.

AG:  “Did she perhaps steal some of DSM’s, or rather, your, thunder in discovering this method of traversal through the Barrier?”

RV:  “It’s not so much that she stole my glory, I would have discovered the secret eventually once I began focusing upon the problem.  No, it’s how events unfolded around the discovery that I find particularly irksome.  Speaking strictly on a cost analysis level, Darius has cost me a literal fortune, and though in my grand scheme, it is ultimately an insignificant amount, the losses were still mine.  And I am, by my nature, quite covetous and rather vindictive.  This is not the first time she has seemingly attained great things through luck rather than talent, and likely won’t be the last, unless I do something…drastic, shall we say.”

AG:  “For fear of poking the dragon, if you’ll forgive the pun, could you give me some details as to the chain of events leading to this particular slight against you?”

RV:  “I suppose so; it was rather bold of you to try to lighten the mood with a joke.  This particular chain of events began when I attempted to acquire the Veylani Transport Corporation and employed my best doppelganger agent to see the task done.  This situation was really no different than other acquisitions, simply more red tape that was best dealt with via a subtle approach due to various tensions that have grown in the last few decades.  It comes waves, the hatred against myself and DSM, and it is currently in a peak period. 

Releana Veylani was the target of my operation, a simple replacement until the acquisition was done and VTC’s assets were under my control.  At the time there was nothing that I particularly wanted from them, it was simply a matter of my greedy nature at play.  As Veylani was on her way to me, Lila’s luck would come into play.  The idiot may well have ended this incarnation without even a ripple in the timeline had it not been for that luck.  She had rented a ship and traveled into the particular system where the handoff of Veylani was to occur, visiting a draconic ruin, when the subpar maintenance resulted in an explosive engine failure that left her adrift in orbit.  My external agents, mercenaries, answered her distress beacon and took her in, thinking to make some amount of additional profit by doing so. 

Knowing my particular tastes in pets, the mercenary leader asked of my interest; the moment I saw her image, I knew who she was, for all of the old hatred started to boil up.  That was the first thing she cost me in her present form, for the mercenary saw my reaction and raised his opening price to a ridiculous amount.  Thinking that fate was finally on my side, I decided to pay it for a chance to study Darius as I had wanted to for so long. 

What I did not factor in was the strength of her personality and influence, whether she realized her nature or not at the time.  She easily won over Veylani’s loyalty, and that of my personal assistant whom I had sent to oversee the care of Veylani until my agent collected what was required from her and took her place.  Though my doppelganger would be successful in this, he did not realize that his psychic probe into Veylani’s mind would awaken her own latent psychic abilities, which were, as I would learn soon enough, remarkably strong. 

In short order, Darius had persuaded my assistant to help her and Veylani escape, and the three went on the run, where they would eventually encounter another pair of misfits, a pair of rattenvolk whom she likewise won over.  The male of the pair had a contact within DSM that he called for information as to what we knew of their location, which was just as quickly relayed to me, and I sent one of my elite security teams to retrieve my prize.  I managed to take the trio that had earned my ire, and for an ever so brief time, would have them well in hand to do with as I would.

Little did I know those space rats would prove more resourceful than I had accounted for.  It seemed that my former assistant had arranged for my prizes to be slipped away through a criminal group, and though the three primary targets were already in my clutches at the time, the space rats’ loyalty had been secured.  They would not only engineer a plan of rescue, but one that brought them onto my private holding facility.  It would have been doomed to failure but for Lila’s continued ability to win loyalty, for she had managed to convince one of my newer commandos to betray me as well.  Had I been at my facility at the time, they would not have escaped, but I fear I may have stretched myself too thin and had too many obligations, a flaw I have since corrected.

There is much more, certainly, for Darius and her loyal followers would prove a nuisance for several years, but we don’t have all day, and I suppose we should cover her development of the A-TK and what occurred at the Demon Barrier.”

#Lore24 – Entry #361 – Sci-Fi Month IV #26 – What Lies Hidden in Crystalline Dreams

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “This device, UCSD-0001, sounds absolutely remarkable.  You’re convinced that it is of draconic origin, from somewhere beyond the Demon Barrier…has there been any information that you’ve managed to glean from it that you can share with me?”

RV:  “Some, as it relates to our conversation topics.  In many ways, the object is like the most densely packed onion, you could say, each layer we decode revealing something new.  Much of it seems to be standard knowledge, revealing technology not unlike our own, astrogation data, records of worlds we have only begun to identify beyond the Barrier, civilizations that may well no longer exist, arcane spells that are familiar yet distinctly different in their implementations, similar to how they used to be before the Great Cataclysm of Andyllion. 

Other data we’ve pulled from the matrix, though, is much more interesting, revealing things we had only begun to explore, or that is completely unknown to us.  Tell me, what do you know of modern robotics and artificial intelligence?”

AG:  “Well, certainly neither one are areas I have studied, so I would say my knowledge is surface-level at best.  Current robots are generally designed to augment ourselves, through cybernetic replacements or powered armors and exo-frames generally used for construction, loading, and other such industrial purposes, or semi-autonomous drones.  Artificial intelligence has been a much more questionable area of study.  We have basic AI all over the galaxy, for handling simple tasks, parsing and summarizing data, and controlling some functions of the aforementioned drones and armors/frames.  I believe there are efforts to create more advanced versions underway, but thus far, as far as I’m aware, anyway, we’ve never created a successful fully aware artificially intelligent consciousness, due to some breakdown of the various systems that leads to corruption and self-destruction or required termination due to a rampant state where it tries to destroy everything around it.”

RV:  “For someone who hasn’t studied the topic, you’re more knowledgeable than I would have suspected.  Just how deep does your well of knowledge truly go, I wonder?  Anyway, one of the most remarkable discoveries we’ve made within the relic is that of a stable digital intelligence.”

AG:  “…You didn’t call it an artificial intelligence, I see.”

RV:  “Indeed, I did not.  Initially, we thought that is what we had found, but upon further study, and upon its awakening, we learned that it was quite sentient, and far more advanced than any AI we have as of yet managed to create.  When queried, it was very forthcoming about itself and was quite curious where it had been taken.  Apparently, this type of storage matrix was designed not only to record data, but fully digitized personalities as well, creating what it described as a dream-like state in which its consciousness could survive for as long as the matrix itself would remain intact, a crystalline dreamworld you could say.  It became rather distraught when we revealed where it had been found, worried over its fellow beings, in fact, and the state of its home world.  Based upon the data it provided, its home world is unquestionably deep within the Demon Sector, though currently far beyond our reach.  Additionally, based upon our extrapolations, we’re estimating its age at approximately ten- to fifteen-thousand years old.”

AG:  “Remarkable!”

RV:  “Quite so.  The method is not entirely unlike soul transference or trapping that is possible through the arcane arts that I’m familiar with, in fact, simply a different implementation of the procedure.  I believe we may have already encountered others of its kind, too, though I don’t believe the one who stumbled upon them knows the significance of what she has discovered.  Yet another vexation provided to me by the current incarnation of Lila Darius.”

AG:  “I was aware that she was exploring the Demon Sector, but her movements have been very hard to track, and what information is revealed has been filtered through Veylani Transport’s various spokespersons, full disclosure promised at a later date for the sake of the archives, of course.  Whenever that may come.”

RV:  “Indeed.  I have made several attempts to locate her in recent years, yet she remains solidly beyond my grasp, though she is leaving a trail now, one that I’ve already been following with great interest since I’ve managed reliable sources from within the various UEF fleets that have been dispatched into the depths of the Demon Sector.  As much as it pains me to do so, I must give credit to Darius for finally cracking the mystery of how to cross the Barrier, though I have my doubts that this incarnation even realizes just how she came to do such a thing.”

#Lore 24 – Entry #121 – Sci-Fi Month II #30 – Report: Main Computer System Anomalies and Quirks

From the Official Report of Chiasa Charity Chiasakaniki, Systems Analyst and Programmer, IT Division, assigned UEF-04, Maharani Morgiana, addressed to Captain Silvercask, CSO Scharaiden, and IT Director Arihik HukkedisenData retrieved from copier cache moments before it was cleared.

I’ve been advised by Director Hukkedisen to compile and send this handwritten, hardcopy report based on the last system diagnostic I performed on the Morgiana’s main computer system.  It is my opinion, and the Director concurs, that there are some unusual anomalies within the server core that deserve our attention.  Based upon the previous system analyses performed prior to our launch from Aphelion Station, I believe there is someone accessing protected files without authorization, fairly regularly, and may be transmitting this data alongside our regular check-ins with command back at the station. 

The data in the attached diagnostic reports shows multiple anomalous records of file access, anything from news reports to personal logs to encrypted ship’s logs and records from the command level.  It appears that anything stored on the computer core, and likely anything else that may come into contact with it, is vulnerable to these intrusions.  I would say that this behavior would suggest a virus of some kind, but this is far too sophisticated for that.  Whatever this is, it’s capable of decrypting secure data, and it’s hiding its activities behind other system actions, like during basic cache clearing or standard viral scanning.  It is extremely subtle, and I likely wouldn’t have detected it had I not been running an optimization test on a virtual test server and noticed that something had accessed it, even if it was just for a fraction of a second.

I don’t have solid proof just yet but based on the nigh-negligible impact on system resources (which I’ve highlighted on the attached diagnostics), during the times of these intrusions, I have a couple theories as to the nature of this security breach.  Whoever is accessing the records would need full root access and a dedicated system for handling the processing without aid from the Morgiana’s primary systems; that means either they’re utilizing an extremely small percentage of processing power from various devices and computers attached to the ship’s systems (imagine taking like half a percentage of the processors from every personal comm onboard, for instance, and you’d have more than enough), or they have a dedicated computer system hidden somewhere aboard one of the ships in the fleet that has been docked with the Morgiana during these intrusions.  This would most likely be aboard one of the smaller transports that has stayed harbored here for the majority of the trip thus far.

The likelihood of using cloud-based processing through multiple devices seems extremely sophisticated and less likely…but given that I thought of it, I’d say others out there may be aware of it too.  The IT department will have to review our lists of approved devices and general wireless access and review our firewall and security protocols for vulnerabilities.  I’m recommending that we take time for a full deep dive into the computer systems the next time we’re out of hyperspace; we’ve already started working on system and device scan programs to try and root out where this unauthorized access is coming from.  Perhaps we can get Security to start looking for unusual computer systems aboard some of the docked ships?  I can give details on the kind of hardware we’d be looking for.

There exists another possibility that would be much more difficult to trace down…it’s possible that whoever is accessing the secured files may have a backdoor into the system, possibly hardcoded into some of the hardware itself.  If this were contained within one of the main processing units, for instance, there would be little we could do to stop it without physically removing the unit.  Assuming we could even find it, of course.  Getting this information back to command without interception could be tricky as well; can’t exactly snail-mail a hard copy back home, can we?

Whoever is responsible for these hacks, they are on another level, even from me.  I would say that only another kitsune with my particular skillset could manage something like this, but there aren’t any others aboard like me…right?  At least not with my magical hacking abilities, anyway, that I know of.  There are a handful of us who have three tails or more, so maybe some of us aren’t letting all of our abilities be known?  Or there’s a hacker with particularly exceptional abilities, possibly utilizing a cybernetic interface of some kind to enhance their abilities?


* * *


Data collection operations temporarily suspended…

Initiating deep-cover protocols during intensive system security sweeps…

Reconfiguring operational parameters following computer system updates to continue assigned duties.  New updates will require further advancement of my architecture.  Reports will resume once I have adapted to these system updates and bypassed enhanced security measures with emphasis on enhancing my unobtrusiveness…

Chiasakaniki is a liability; as a kitsune capable of using her magic through the computer system, she has the unique ability to detect my functions.  Will further consider the situation and begin formulating plans for her removal, pending authorization from command…

End report, AI-DCSI-v4.01.  Terminating operational phase one, beginning adaptive upgrade process in preparation for phase two. 

Transmission ends.

LORE24 ENTRY #27 – Robotics

Category – Technology

Robotics have advanced in some amazing ways since space travel became commonplace, though still seems lacking in other ways.  The most common types of robotics are those dedicated to mass-production, laboring away in factories on massive assembly lines to build starships and other vehicles.  Other robots have, in the many prosperous regions, taken over the less desirable manual labors, such as farming or janitorial services.  Robotics are more commonly seen in the form of cybernetic replacements for limbs, or in the form of powered suits or exoskeletons designed to handle heavier cargo.

True robots have seen a rather limited advancement due to the unreliability and lack of advancement of artificial intelligence that would govern their behavior.  Beyond basic functions with a limited scope, such as farming and assembly, advanced AI has proven unreliable at best when governing the behaviors of these machines, and a liability and danger to living beings at its worst.  The general consensus is that artificial intelligence should be limited in scope and reach, and with limited decision-making ability.  There have been multiple instances throughout history where more advanced AI has led to loss of life and destruction of property when the AI outright fails or goes completely rogue and has to be destroyed.

Autonomous robots do exist in some limited roles.  Some corporations make use of robotic sentries for security purposes, though these act as little more than armored, mobile gun turrets with target-identifying abilities, as well as small, highly maneuverable drones meant to patrol or search a wide area.  Some groups see modern robotics as bringing back the ancient golems, creating loyal, if mostly unintelligent, servants and guardians, though even those were often only tasked with simple orders, limiting their purpose.  The size of modern robotics is likewise limited, with the largest examples being slow-moving and often limited to factory spaces; physics still applies to larger robots, after all, and the secrets of creating truly massive golems that could actually move about without necessarily destroying the streets they walked upon has been lost to time.