#Lore24 – Entry #76 – Fantasy Month #16 – Greatmother Magda


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

I’ll admit that I’m not as well-versed in the particulars of the orcish Badaxe clan as I should be, but they are a rather secretive lot, and very closely tied to the Emperor in significant ways, making up the bulk of his elite honor guard, in fact.  Gray Tiger has spoken highly of his people, and has shared many stories of them, but the inner workings of the orcs are still very much mysterious.  Yet, in spite of my lack of knowledge of the clan on a more nuanced level, I am familiar with the name Greatmother Magda. 

Magda is the eldest of the Badaxe clan’s shamans, ancient even by humanity’s standards, let alone the generally shorter lifespans of the orcs.  Though I haven’t seen or met her myself, she is reportedly frail and very much crone-like, but still regarded as tough as the stone of the mountainous clan-home itself and shows no sign of slowing down even with her advanced age.  She is always accompanied by her loyal guards, and rumored husbands, Scrumpy and Wurzel, who likewise are ancient, and are often seen to be guarding the gates to the clan-home.  Gray Tiger has mentioned many times when he had witnessed them covered in frost on the mornings following their vigils, yet they can still fight better than most warriors a quarter of their age. 

Magda herself, as a shaman, is in close contact with the spirits and in tune with the natural world like few others but is further renowned for her talents of farseeing and prophecy.  Many have sought entry into the clan-home to seek her wisdom, though few have been successful as the orcs tend to charge a hefty price set by Magda herself in return for her services (though at least a few accounts exist in the records of individuals who she has allowed to see her for as little as a few copper pieces or a seemingly worthless bauble).  She has frequently been spotted within Draconis Magna at the Imperial palace accompanied by her guardians and members of the elite orcish Black Guard, and the Emperor has long relied upon her guidance.  Though I could not pull any specifics from Gray Tiger, he has at least confirmed that Magda is well-versed in crafting curses as well and will not hesitate to lay one upon any who would offend her or her people. 

The current clan-chief, Mantok Badaxe, likewise holds her wisdom in high regard, as is proper for a wise orcish leader, I’m told by Gray Tiger.  Heeding her advice has led to further gains by the clan outside of their ties to the Emperor, and led to newly established settlements for the Badaxe orcs around the Empire, and, as slow as it is, greater acceptance in general society by humanity and, however begrudgingly, the elves and dwarves. 

I cannot, however, get confirmation from Gray Tiger on the nature of the rumored dour prophecies given by Magda in recent years.  These have been kept very well under wraps by the Emperor, and may in fact have world-shaking implications, though whether these are kept hidden to ease the potential for panic in the populace or in an attempt to circumvent them, I can’t honestly say.  Perhaps one day soon I will have an opportunity to meet Magda myself; she has visited the Great Library on a few occasions, though before my time, so there is always a chance.  Though I would certainly value the chance to meet her, I cannot help but be afraid of what I may learn of my own fate, should she deem me worthy of sharing such knowledge.

LORE24 ENTRY #29 – The Badaxe Clan

Category – Cultural / Organization

Historically, the Badaxe clan originated upon the world of Andyllion, forged through many generations to be the strongest and most prosperous of orcish clans, eventually earning the honor of serving the High Emperor himself as his most loyal and trusted soldiers and bodyguards.  This was further bolstered through strong leadership within the clan and their embrace of ancient Aerian combat training methods.  Even after they cut ties with the Empire, the clan remained strong, and became a unifying force for the orcish people of Andyllion, especially during the Age of Legends when their clan chief, Mantok Badaxe, ascended to godhood.

In modern times, the Badaxe Clan has evolved into something much different.  Though the descendants of the original clan still exist and control their own nation on Andyllion, they have continued evolving with the times.  Today, many know the Badaxe Clan as an elite private military company, now open to any of orcish blood from any world, and still holding its members to strict training based upon the old ways, adapted to modern weapons, technology, and tactics.  The Badaxe Clan mercenaries pride themselves on their ferocity, endurance, and adaptability, and are often seen as rivals to even the aerians, and while both are fiercely competitive, the rivalry between orc and aerian is mostly friendly…as much as a rivalry based upon combat can be.

Organizations across known space employ Badaxe Clan mercenaries for the most dangerous operations or to protect their high value targets, assuming they can afford the premium rates the clan demands for their expertise.  Even DSM is known to employ several units of Badaxe Clan members, with some working directly for Rivalle Volcari herself, even though the company has long been elf-dominated and the enmity between elf and orc is still not entirely extinguished.  Though members of the Badaxe Clan are trained to always put the job first and foremost, the strong sense of honor that is imparted to them have resulted in a few incidents over the years in which the work they were brought on to perform was deemed far too distasteful for even them, and they turned against those who hired them, echoing what happened when the great Mantok Badaxe himself led the clan against the High Emperor on Andyllion.