#Lore 24 – Entry #96 – Sci-Fi Month II #5 – ASD Lead Arcanist Primula Tallfoot


From the Personal Journal of Kiara Mizutani, Arcane Support Division, assigned UEF-04 Maharani Morgiana

Oh no!  I might be in trouble!  And not the fun kind of trouble, either!

The Maharani Morgiana returned to Aphelion Station last night.  Wow, I wasn’t expecting her to be that big!  She’s a station unto herself!  But that’s not what I have to get off my chest.  I had to report to my division head aboard the ship this morning, and I screwed up!  I got lost and wound up being late for the meeting!  It’s not my fault, though!  I got to talking with some of the work-release convicts who were handling the loading operations (they were in honest to goodness SealTech suits!  Oh my goodness, the tits and bulges!) and got separated from the others who were headed that way and then got all twisted around once I tried to follow the directions I’d been given.  I’ve never been on a ship like that before, how am I supposed to know which bulkhead leads where and which module is connected to that module?!  And the stupid map-app was busted or something, and I just couldn’t find anyone who could give me a coherent answer on where to go!  I’m not military, I don’t know this stuff!

Anyway, to make a bad day worse, when I finally found the right module, I was looking around for some direction on where her office might be and stumbled right into her!  Oh, Saressh, she was so pissed!  It might’ve been because I bumped her, or maybe it was because I didn’t recognize her immediately?  Maybe she’s always this grumpy?  I don’t know!  I mean, I didn’t mean to bump into her like that, but she’s a halfling, so I wasn’t looking down, and I didn’t mean anything by it, but she didn’t even give me a chance to apologize or explain or anything!  She started tearing into me immediately, giving me a dressing down that made me feel smaller than she is! I haven’t had a tongue lashing like that since the early days at the Academy!  (This time at least I didn’t have the cock-cage pinching me…)

Not that she looks that small, though.  I mean, she is wearing like the tallest platform boots I’ve ever seen on a woman her size, they have to push her height to almost four feet, maybe a little more if you count her hair.  She’s got this whole “dark goth-punk chick” thing going.  It’s not my style, but she makes it work I guess?  She looked paler than the ID photo I saw, and she had fewer piercings, so maybe special privileges come with the position?  I saw enchantments on most of them, so I guess she’s just prepared for the worst?

She calmed down after making me feel terrible, but she was still grumpy, and I can tell she doesn’t like me.  She grilled me on my studies, my experience at the Academy as a guy, everything pretty much.  It felt like an interrogation!  But I couldn’t just not tell her, I mean, she’s my boss and all, and I have to do whatever I can to make up for that terrible first impression.  I guess it’s kind of like that first year at the Academy, when I was getting used to the changes and had to be the house maid the whole year.  She asked about that a lot, too, and I think I saw her twitch a little bit of a smile.  Is that good?  Is that bad?  I just don’t know!

After all that she finally went over the details of what she expected of me as part of her division, and what our general duties were going to be on the voyage, handed me some materials to review and get familiar with, showed me around the workshop and to my personal office.  It almost felt normal at that point, but she never lost that scowl on her face.  Once she had dismissed me, one of the ship’s officers came in, and I heard her browbeating him too, so maybe she’s like that to everyone?

I have to report back to her first thing in the morning for some kind of skills test.  I’m just a bundle of nerves right now!  I think I’ll go visit the gardens again, but maybe some ice cream first, though.  Some sweets and a little walk will do me good, I’m sure.  I just hope Director Tallfoot doesn’t treat me like this the whole trip, or this will be an absolutely miserable journey.