#Lore24 – Entry #253 – Fantasy Month III #10 – A Guide Through the Canorath Wood

As Told by Kazumi, Druid of the Circle of Claw and Fang

“So, this one is finally deemed worthy of being spoken to, is she?  Ah…a Confessor…truly this one is honored to rate so highly.  Yes, this one recognizes your kind, mazoku; this one can smell the blood that lingers upon you.  Fair warning…this one is hungry, and her nature may very well take over if provoked.  Simply the nature of the beast within this one, you see.  Ask your questions, Confessor, and consider offering fresh meat in return, lest this one goes and finds it herself.

Initially, we were amused by the antics of the adventurers.  This one’s circle cares little for the spiders or the kobolds; we keep them in check so they do not cause harm to the Canorath.  Of course, we were aware of the adventurers soon after they entered the Wood.  We knew not their goals, but they seemed not to be there to cause harm, so we allowed them to continue.  We watched as they were captured and toyed with by the kobolds, yes.  This one was quite amused that it could happen at all, but if they were not strong enough to prevail over the pests, then what good were they, hmm?  Once they escaped and thinned the kobold population by some amount, we returned the favor by guiding them to the Circle within the heart of the Canorath, offered them respite and food for their services. 

Then we ushered them out of our wood quickly, for we did not wish them stumbling around more than they already had.  Of course, the paths had changed since the Erisayan had been there last; we do that from time to time; can’t have outsiders growing used to our ways, now can we?  This one was chosen as their guide outside the wood, and her involvement would have been finished there had it not been for the attack that came near the far side of the great Canorath, from those of your kind, the ones of fire and ice.  Your kind have a certain scent that is very distinct, mazoku, certainly not common in our wood, so this one knew of the ambush and provided warning, and we were able to drive them and their minions away, the ones that we did not kill.

This one may have been overzealous, for she slew several of the mercenaries with the mazoku before they could be questioned.  A great tempest of rage broke through when they hurled fire and damaged the trees, you see, and this one let it run wild, as it desired.  They were not prepared; they retreated with their magic, but for their actions, this one would see them punished, so this one was then attached to the adventurers.

Hmmm…yes, the mazoku of fire and ice were wearing spiked cuffs and collars, set with crystals.  The items were not hindering their spellcasting that this one could tell.  At that time, no, there was no known reason for their interest in the Erisayan, and it was then that this one learned of the others hunting the Yurisayan performer.  This one listened to the voice of the wood that night, and sensed that she would be needed, and should pursue this threat.  A strange journey this one has been on since.

You hear that, yes?  This one’s inner beast grows hungrier.  This one is starting to think that your flesh looks awfully good.  Perhaps you should consider getting this one some fresh meat?  For now, this one is content to remain, but if this one’s beast breaks free due to hunger, then this one cannot be held responsible for what will happen.  Send the cowardly man who did not wish to speak to this one if you wish; you may like the sounds this one will produce with him.”