LORE24 ENTRY #34 – Supers Month #3 – Cyber Seer


Hero Name

Cyber Seer


Real Name

Rebecca “Becky” Dodgers



Normally, Becky appears as an attractive if rather plain looking young woman, with green eyes and wearing her hair long, midway down her back.  She usually embodies the ‘gamer’ look when outside of work, favoring t-shirts and shorts more often than not.  She tends to keep her hair its natural black color, though has been known to ‘photoshop’ its appearance from time to time into a different color or style, using her powers.  When she’s on duty, she dresses professionally, though typically in a more business-casual style for now since most of her duties have been relegated to fixing stuff around the office.  She’s not ashamed of her Texan accent in the slightest, and pulls off the ‘charming Southern girl’ schtick pretty well.

In her alternate persona as Cyber Seer, Becky has fully adopted the ‘cyber goth’ style, wearing her hair in dreadlocked bundles that freely shift color on their own, and dressing mostly in layers of dark latex striped with neon green, her costume featuring long gloves and stockings, a short skirt and bustier-style corset along with a fishnet bodystocking beneath it all, and heavy-duty platform boots that add a good six inches to her height.  She hides her eyes behind a pair of tech goggles, and wears a voice-changing respirator mask that changes the pitch of her voice while she adopts the full valley-girl way of speaking.


Powers and Abilities

Becky’s powers are deeply tied to the internet and cyberspace; in fact, she can’t actually use them if she’s cut off from a network connection, either through a physical, cable connection, or via the pretty much omnipresent wireless internet found throughout the city.  She has the ability to access and control any computers and technology she can access through the networks, usually hacking through any security features in moments.  Her mind functions very much like a computer itself, registering and processing massive amounts of data in moments, and due to this, is resistant, if not outright immune, to any powers that would influence her mind.  Further, she has developed the ability to dive into cyberspace, traveling through these networks and emerging elsewhere in the blink of an eye.  She can also ‘photoshop’ herself, changing her appearance in almost any way imaginable.

Additionally, she can create digital constructs of varying size and complexity, from a simple tool to guns and vehicles, though the greater the complexity, the greater the strain it puts on her ‘RAM’, requiring more and more of her concentration to maintain, though this limit is slowly increasing the more she uses her abilities.  As a side effect of her powers, Becky is ‘always on’, and hasn’t slept in ages, always aware of the world around her in some form or another through her wireless connectivity, though she has discovered ways to dull her technology sense to some extent.  

Physically speaking, though, Becky isn’t as impressive as other heroines in town.  Though she’s a decent shot with a gun, she’s not a fighter, and is best when she’s working from behind the scenes.  The few times she has showed up to fight crime in person have not gone well, typically with her winding up in some kind of trouble that requires intervention from one of her allies.


Background Info

Becky grew up in Austin, Texas as the only child of a struggling single mother, having never known her father.  Even from a young age, she exhibited a keen understanding of technology, especially computers, though she didn’t have the chance to truly learn more until her mother remarried to a very successful government accountant, and they moved onto his large ranch in the country, and they could finally afford pretty much anything she could imagine.  Though his work often had him away for many days or weeks at a time, Mr. Dodgers always made it a point to spend any and all time he could with his wife and adopted daughter, even after Becky’s mother passed away just before Becky finished high school.

Much to her father’s chagrin, Becky decided that she needed to get away for a while, and enrolled in college in California.  Still, ever the supportive father, Mr. Dodgers trusted Becky to make the right decisions, and let her do as she wanted.  While moving into the dorm, Becky discovered that her roommate was a Japanese transfer student named Emi, and the two immediately hit it off, both women sharing a love of advanced technology.  Their friendship would grow from there, and the two would remain together throughout college.  Once the pair had graduated, they moved to Sentinel City, into one of the suburban homes Becky’s father owned, to pursue their work; by this time Becky learned that she was one of those gifted with super powers, when she suddenly woke up one morning to find that her hair had changed from black to something akin to fiber optics, color shifting seemingly like the LEDs inside a computer, and could sense every piece of technology connected to the internet in the dorm.  Given the nature of her father’s work, and her own incredible abilities, she would join up with the FBI Cybercrimes unit in Sentinel City, where her abilities could be of the most use.

Outside of work, she would assist Emi with her own incredible project, creating a suit of advanced power armor, and the two would eventually make their debut appearance during a robbery by the Clean Sweep gang, and would soon find themselves mixed up in a much larger plot involving the disgraced heroine Pink Pussy, and eventually Dollface and her mysterious, otherworldly backer.  Following these events, she and her partner Emi would often work with Pink Pussy, Gun Bunny, and Black Cat, with Cyber Seer acting as the eyes and ears for the heroes, handling all their communication needs.

Becky is not without her flaws, though.  Perhaps being a product of the Information Age, and her powers being so closely tied to the internet, she is known to be a bit too obsessed with porn, the kinkier the better, and is very into the BDSM scene, sometimes to her detriment.  Thankfully, Emi is usually there to keep her focused, and assists her with some of her more kinky needs, especially when it comes to ‘unplugging’ for a while.  She can be a bit dense as well, especially when it comes to her father and the nature of his work, and has been in more than a few bad relationships throughout her college years, though she can’t quite seem to quit some of them.  


Known Enemies and Rivals

Clean Sweep (Enemy)

The Clean Sweep Gang (Enemy)

Dollface (Enemy)

Gloria McBride (Rival)

Demon Lord Kurae (Enemy)

Kitsune (Enemy…?)