#Lore24 – Entry #263 – Fantasy Month III #20 – Another Horrible City

As Told by Kazumi, Druid of the Circle of Claw and Fang

“This one doesn’t like cities, never has, and Arcavarlon is no different.  Too many people, too little reverence for nature, too much distraction… Even the air coming in from the Great Canoma Bay does little to ease this one’s nerves in a place like that.  It was all this one could do to make herself go within its walls…so little in the ways of trees around, only a few small parks, nothing for miles around!  Terrible!

This one did not care what the others had been tasked to do; she was there to hunt those responsible for harming her forest first and foremost.  She knows not the details of the deal, only that we were to aid one of the influential persons in Arcavarlon with some task that could only come from the corruption born of the cities.  Has this one mentioned she doesn’t like cities?  You are aware of how sensitive a kerryn’s sense of smell is, yes?  This one’s is much stronger than that, you see, and this one struggles to ignore everything she doesn’t need to in large places like Arcavarlon.  Think of it like when a sudden flash blinds you, of when your senses are vastly overwhelmed and overpowered.  Yes, this one could learn to deal with it, but that means spending time in cities, and that is something this one never wished to do.

Once we had settled in at one of the inns, word was sent to arrange to meet the person in question, but that wouldn’t be until later.  This one had time to explore, try to make some sense of the chaos that is Arcavarlon.  She would spend much time in the shape of a regular cat, listening, watching, learning paths and routes through the mess, finding the pockets of nature she could in the parks, pondering why nature hadn’t reclaimed the abominable city by scouring it from the land through great storms or ice from the northern reaches of the sea.  This one saw many things while she watched, some good, some bad, many people just trying to survive.  This one may speak of dire matters and affronts to nature, but not all are capable of surviving as this one does amongst the druids.  There have been many debates in this one’s time about such matters in the circles, but this one wishes not to bring them up now.

This one would watch and wait while the others visited the temples to their gods in the time we had before we would meet with the one Lady Jade had sent us to assist.  This one reveres the spirits of the land above all, though this one admits to being curious of the nature of the lost kerryn mother goddess.  This one has had opportunity to speak with some of the nomadic kerryn clans that roam the land of their searching for the goddess, and until she came here, this one had no idea that such hopes still existed, for this one was raised to think that the kerryn were forsaken by the gods for past evils.  Nature is much simpler to understand than the gods.”

#Lore24 – Entry #262 – Fantasy Month III #19 – Cutting a Swath All the Way to Arcavarlon

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“You know, I’ve thought about what you said about Teelsa.  Does her keeping things from me bother me?  Yeah, no question about that.  I don’t like being jerked around and lied to, but she is a bard, and you can’t really trust them not to try something like that.  They’re almost as bad as thieves in that regard, only difference is you can usually hear them coming because they can’t shut their mouths, right?  Well, anyway, let her keep her secret a while longer; I’ll get it out of her eventually.  Sounds like she’s earned some time with my whip after this mess…

Well, after that dark elf ambush, we weren’t taking no shit from anyone on the way to Arcavarlon, I can tell you that.  You can thank us later for clearing up some of your bandit problem on the road between there and Greenspire, by the way.  Some coin would be fitting enough.  I’ll not hold my breath.  We must have killed nearly two dozen of them, kept thinking a bunch of women were easy pickings, I guess, but they weren’t prepared for us.  Would’ve taken time to clear out their dens, but we had more lucrative things on the menu. 

Cleared out one of them, though; got held up in Orzyn after it got raided and the ferry was burned, along with several other buildings in town.  Guess you’ve heard all about that situation already, though, you’re looking bored.  Guess you don’t really enjoy a good interrogation without a bit of torture, huh?  Not volunteering, just saying.  So yeah, that took us a few days, tracked them down, recovered what we could, brought in a mess of ears, that kind of thing, while we waited for the ferry to be rebuilt.  Doing a good deed, you know.

Anyway, we finally made it to Arcavarlon so we could get this business for Lady Jade settled, and that turned into another mess.  Guess that’s why I’m sitting here, huh?  Don’t know why, really.  I mean, it was legitimate business, a favor for a favor and all that.  Oh, that fire?  No, that wasn’t us, lady, and the fact that you’d try to pin that on us pisses me off!  Do I really need to spell it out?  It was the Twats again!”

#Lore24 – Entry #261 – Fantasy Month III #18 – An Illusive Deception

As Told by Teelsa “the Lively” Dawndancer

“It’s quite true, my fair Confessor, that I am something of an adept when it comes to the art of illusion, as any who have witnessed my performances can most easily verify!  For what is a spectacle that does not spark a sense of wonder, which lacks a grand flare to solidify it in the minds of those witnessing it, if not utterly and irredeemably forgettable?  Why, I have indeed used my talents with illusory magic to aid our escapes on several occasions as well, to draw attention away from us or make it appear that we have gone a different way, and for the most part, those knaves who pursue us have been fooled by them. 

Not so with the dark elves!  They have proven quite adept at peering beyond the illusory veil, and I daresay they’ve been granted an enchantment most magical to see through them, for in our brief encounter with them upon the road, my magic seemed quite ineffective.  Of course, that could have just been the fact I could barely speak or see for their foul poisonous mixture that they employed ruined my performance… But I ask you, good Confessor, what of the possibility?  Is it not possible?

I have given the matter which we had discussed previously some thought, and though I shall not reveal my true form to you just yet, I will admit that my usual appearance is drastically different than what you see before you now!  No, I shan’t reveal myself until the time is right, when my companions can witness it for themselves as well, for no doubt you’ve told them of my deception in an attempt to drive a wedge between us!  Only time will reveal the truth of the matter, I’m afraid, time and a most grand reveal!

Ah, it seems that chill has returned.  You um…aren’t going to try and torture the truth out of me by chance, are you?”

#Lore24 – Entry #260 – Fantasy Month III #17 – The Grand Game

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Being a Confessor, I suppose you’ve had plenty of experience navigating the ins and outs of high society.  Well, that kind of thing is on a whole other level when it comes to how it’s done in my homeland, we even call it the Grand Game.  Though the dark elves that managed to track us down and attacked us that night hid their house affiliations, I could still figure out some details about them that might be useful.  They’re from a very influential house, for one; their equipment was of the best quality, enchanted even, and they were highly trained for stealthy kinds of actions, the kind where you kidnap people and hold them for leverage.  Their use of that poison gas was a pretty clear indicator of that!

There were no women with them, at least not in that particular attack party, though the one in overall command would have to be female, probably a priestess, and in good standing with the Mantis Queen.  We were hidden from normal scrying at the time, so they still managed to find us somehow…that implies either stronger magic at work, possibly from the Mantis Queen herself, OR it means they’ve got a lot more resources at their disposal and have eyes everywhere, scouts spread throughout the whole region.  Could even mean both, really.  So, that narrows it down even further to only the highest-ranked houses, likely one of the Grand Convocation.  That could mean it’s either my family who is still upset that I’ve left, or one of their three main rivals, who wish to use me for leverage against them…or it could also be that one of the others has ideas for how they could use a rogue noble… Guess it’s good to be wanted so much?

That little attack also told us the two groups are likely not working together anymore.  I would have suspected some arcane assistance from those twins if they had been, but there was none of that, no signs of any mercenaries who were associated with them.  So…that meant we could potentially turn them against one another given the right situation, but it also meant that we couldn’t exactly predict when or if the other group would track us down.  It’s all the paranoia and plotting that really gets me about my homeland, you know?  I hate that my mind can still work like that after all these years, even though I’ve tried to forget all about it.  But they keep dragging me back in, I guess…

Well, we were on alert for any further attacks after that, and they knew it.  Even though we couldn’t spot them, I know they were following and watching; Kazumi knew it too, and she was getting pretty antsy about it the whole time.  Another thing about dark elves, and elves in general I suppose…we can be very patient.  They were waiting for a better opportunity to strike, one where they’d be assured success.  Eri’s a little on the brash side for an elf, though; I think that’s one of the things I really like about her!

No, no, I never got the impression that Siduri or Teelsa were working against us.  An illusion, you say?  Hmm, well, that’s unexpected, but I traveled with her a while before that night in the Bronze Unicorn, and I never got the impression that she was plotting anything.  Maybe she’s just not happy with her normal appearance?  No, I wouldn’t think she’s spying on us, I’d trust her with my life.  Siduri…well, I can’t say I know her that good, obviously, but I think she’s rather honest with her desires.  Although…she does have a very mercenary attitude at times, so if there was enough coin involved…maybe she would turn against us…”

#Lore24 – Entry #259 – Fantasy Month III #16 – The Dark Elves Strike

As Told by Erilantielle “Eri” Kitami, Champion of Erisaya

“Everyone has their secrets; that should be no big surprise to you.  I don’t know much about Kazumi, and I don’t go digging into people’s past.  They tell me what they will, and that’s fine for now.  Until I’ve got some kind of evidence of a betrayal, so what?  Teelsa’s a bard, illusions are a thing they do.  Ask about something else if you have to know, or let me out of here.  I’m getting real tired of this waiting.

That’s not changed; if I had any clue why a bunch of mercs were hunting me down, I’d gladly tell you.  I’ve asked Erisaya many times for guidance, but she kept urging me to Arcavarlon and staying light on the details.  I guess she wants me to discover my past for myself.  That’s fine too.  Everything happens as it does, even though I’m usually fighting against it somehow…

Yeah, we made it clear of Greenspire without trouble, even enjoyed almost a week of travel without sighting any followers.  Those dark elf hunters, though, they’re something else.  Hatae said it was something to do with training they’d kept from their days living in the really deep caverns, how going unnoticed was an absolute requirement or something; she’d know more.  They had picked one hell of a night for their ambush, I’ll give them that.  A new moon and a storm coming in.  Even Kazumi didn’t pick up on their presence till the last moment when she shouted out a warning to us while we were taking our turns sleeping. 

Bastards had planned it well, though.  First thing they did was toss some kind of concoction of theirs into the campfire that covered the area in a smoke filled with some kind of poison that slowed us down, making us very sleepy, and choked Teelsa out from casting her spells, to say nothing of clouding our vision.  Had Kazumi not been on the outskirts of the camp, I’d say they would’ve had us; she whipped up a good strong whirlwind to blow the poison cloud away and at least gave us a fighting chance; had they simply wanted us dead, it would’ve been a lot easier for them, but since they were trying to capture us alive, we had enough of a chance that things evened out once the air had cleared, even if we were moving slow.  The Sisters were watching out for us that night, I’d say.

Yeah, we drove them back, killed a few of them, and we weren’t too badly injured, and we knew they wouldn’t make the mistake of attacking with Kazumi on watch again; I’d say she put a big target on herself that night.  Still not rightly sure how they tracked us, though; I’m figuring the twin twats that are hunting me were the ones using the scrying magic Lady Jade told us about, and the dark elves were doing something different.  Pick Hatae’s brain on that one; she knows her people far better than I do.”

#Lore24 – Entry #258 – Fantasy Month III #15 – Catching Rats

As Told by Kazumi, Druid of the Circle of Claw and Fang

“This one is sated for now, Confessor, though this one was disappointed the captain did not deliver her meal.  Perhaps this one is more agreeable now that the beast within is sated…what answers do you seek now?

This one knows little of the events that took place inside the Greenspire, for she spent most of her time outside of it and on the outskirts of the city.  This one was hunting for those who had sought this one’s companions.  Though this one does not trust the lady of the tower, this one accepted a trinket that would shield her from the scrying that we had been warned of, for it would make hunting easier.  Yes, this one was successful in finding some of those who had burned the wood, though not those twin mazoku, only lesser, spies sent to root us out.  This one thinks they knew little about hunting large cats, you see; most kept forgetting to look up.

This one learned little that was useful, though.  They knew who they hunted, that they were meant to be returned alive, but not why they hunted, only that the coin in their sacks was worth the risk.  This one has little use for coin, but this one kept what she found for the others to ease traveling.  They take so much that is not needed with them…

Yes, this one did encounter some of the dark elves as well, though they were much more subtle, more keen to avoid this one’s hunting.  They are sly, these dark elves, very much wary of being spotted, and capable of adapting and setting traps for large cats.  This one observed from afar, did not engage more with them, not without the others.

This one would venture to the Greenspire a few times to check in, and after a few days, this one was restless to be on our way.  Finally, we set out through a hidden tunnel to hide our departure from the tower, coming out in familiar woods to begin the journey to Arcavarlon.  No pursuers were waiting at the time, though the dark elves would be the first to find us on the road, using methods this one is not certain of.  Perhaps there is more to the power of their Mantis Queen than even Hatae knows? 

A spy amongst us?  Hmm…no, this one is certain that is not the case.  This one is observant, this one senses no deceptions.  The bard?  No, you are mistaken.  That one is simply acting as her nature dictates.  She is not human, and her kind are rare in these lands; it is easier for her to travel in her human guise.  When did this one find out?  From the first meeting of the party, of course; her scent was quite distinct, even beneath the kobold smell that clung to them, and this one’s nose is trained to know its prey.  No, this one is not from these lands, and this one is not speaking more of it.  This one wishes to forget the past.”

#Lore24 – Entry #250 – Fantasy Month III #7– A Crossroads in Hearthlight

As Told by Teelsa “the Nimble” Dawndancer

“No, no, no, you’re mistaken my good man!  I’m Teelsa the Nimble, you see; this ‘Swift’ character, I don’t know her.  It’s a very particular thing, I just want you to be certain that your notes are correct, you understand.  In the interests of helping your operation maintain law and order and all of that.  Seems dreadfully dull if you ask me, though. 

Now, you asked about the details of our little impromptu smuggling operation?  Well, it’s honestly not that exciting.  Really, it was us stripping Eri and Hatae down to the basics, gagging them with some of Hatae’s gear that she had managed to slip away with, and then strapping them down with a dozen or so leather straps each.  That crate we’d wrangled was just long enough to fit them without causing too much trouble.  Hmm?  No, no, my good man, you’ve not been paying attention!  I write ballads, not tawdry stories!  A romance perhaps, but certainly not simple lewd recounting!  That’s something of the level I’d expect from that Siduri!  It was her idea, after all it was her idea.  I thought it a bit much, but we heard not a peep from our two charges during the trip!

Really, the story of our time in Hearthlight is rather dull.  I fear I’ve not been able to make much of it.  We left the Wayrest unmolested and with no sign of our pursuers and reached the quaint little town the next evening with little trouble.  I said my goodbyes to my companions, for they wished to spend a few days earning some spare coin, and had a discussion about our next steps, once our lovely elves were out of their box, mind you.  I do think Eri was getting a bit angry over the travel accommodations by this point; she’s a hot-blooded one, you know?  Would very much like to stick that rapier of hers into someone instead of hiding away, but it was what it was.

I’m getting there!  Good gods above, man, you’re an impatient one!  So, as I was going to say, we were in the middle of our discussions about how to proceed, enjoying some of the fine cooking at the Sweet Dessert Inn; I must return there one day to proper express my gratitude to the proprietor, for there is nothing quite like a proper halfling cooked meal after a long day’s travel, and its name was most apt!

Ahem…so, as I was saying, no need to get all worked up, we discussed our options.  Which were rather slim, admittedly.  It was only a matter of time before they figured out which direction we’d gone, and we were but four maidens fair on the road, minding our own business and not at all wanting to get involved with kidnap-happy cultists and dark elves with overblown senses of their own importance!  Fortunately, we were all rather well-traveled, so we knew the lay of the land well enough, and had a few connections here and there.  Ultimately, we decided upon Greenspire, figuring that some of the uh…more ah…shady types of entrepreneurs would know something of our plight, and may be willing to offer some aid, or perhaps sell us out and draw our enemies in for a proper fight.  Either way, the real takeaway here is that Eri and Hatae were not willing to go back into their box for another moment.  Much to Siduri’s displeasure, I might add.  It was ultimately Eri’s decision for us to take the route we did, for she’d taken the same course in a previous adventure and knew that, while challenging, would serve us best in evading our hunters.  The only problem with that course of action was that the forest had changed quite a bit in the decades since she’d been through there, so there was a spot of trouble we ran into. 

Oh, my good man, I’m simply parched!  I never did receive that house wine I’d asked for earlier, could you see to that for me?  I simply cannot go on without proper drink!  Why, it would ruin my voice were I to but try!”

#Lore24 – Entry #249 – Fantasy Month III #6 – The Road to Hearthlight

As Told by Hatae Ulla, Exotic Entertainer, Dedicated of Yurisaya

“Oh, so you’re deeming me worthy of speaking to you again?  Aren’t you pleased that I left the muzzle on this whole time?  I’ve worn it longer.  It’s part of my performance, you understand.  What’s a little discomfort in the name of doing something you love?  Yurisaya understands; maybe you should take some time and read up on the Dark Lady’s tenets? 

Alright, so what’s on the menu this time?  I won’t make any promises, but I’ll try to keep things a little more concise this time.  Just because I’m being nice, mind you! 

How did we get out of Caerlon?  Well, it was actually rather easy!  Since those guys didn’t know that Siduri and Teelsa were helping us, they were able to smuggle us out pretty quickly, in all honesty.  We just hitched a ride with the bards that were moving on to the next town after the business with the Bronze Unicorn happened, with me and Eri hiding in their supplies.  Hmm?  Or, so Siduri said that?  Well…yeah, there is a little more to the tale, but you wanted the short and sweet version, right?  So that’s what I’m giving you.  I’m not usually one to tell stories, that’s Teelsa’s bread and butter, after all, so maybe you should check with her?

Anyway, we stayed in the wagon till nightfall, when we were a good way down the road from Caerlon, heading toward Hearthlight.  They had to push the horses pretty hard that day, and it was a rough ride sometimes, especially with me and Eri crammed into that box like we were.; side note, the cage I lost at the Unicorn would have been a lot more comfortable for two people!  Anyway, we eventually made it to the Wayrest sometime after nightfall, and once they’d made the bargain for our stay and confirmed there weren’t any undesirables on our tails at the moment, we were let out of the crate to recover and come up with some plans! 

We couldn’t stay with the bards forever, but Teelsa had decided to stick with us.  She’s really excited to make some kind of epic out of this whole affair; guess you can’t really know when inspiration is going to strike!  We eventually decided we’d continue to Hearthlight, try to uncover more details about who was after us. 

Yeah…well…okay, so I kinda knew who it was chasing me, but Eri didn’t have a clue why she was being chased by those mercenaries.  She had dealt with a demon cult or something like that before, so thought maybe they were related to that group, but something didn’t feel right about that.  Oh, who was chasing me?  Well…that’s kind of a long story and is really only interesting if you’re wanting to delve into the politics of Shey’Inasrith and the machinations of the Mantis Queen.  Did you know that we don’t know her name, by the way?  And yet they still worship her.  Kinda crazy, don’t you think?  And that they get so worked up when one of their family just decides that life isn’t for them and leaves it behind?  I’d call it madness, really, the lengths they go to in order to keep their machinations going.  I don’t even want to be involved!  And I had exactly zero plans to do anything against them; I just wanted to leave it all behind.  But no!  They just had to send their men after me and try to ruin MY life, to draw me back into that horrible situation!  I don’t even know which house they’re from!  They’ve intentionally left anything that would identify them behind, just to make things more difficult!  I’d almost believe it was my mother, hmmm, or maybe one of my sisters, or perhaps one of my aunts?  I suppose it could be one of my cousins, too…there was that one that I kind of rubbed the wrong way a few decades back over how her hairstyle didn’t really fit with her face, or something like that.  I mean, I wasn’t being particularly mean or anything, I was only observing that-MMMPH!”

#Lore24 – Entry #247 – Fantasy Month III #4 – Cults and Captors

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“About damned time!  What in the hell is taking so long?  You want the facts or what? 

Don’t know about that inn, don’t care about that inn.  I was looking for work in Caerlon and happened to be in that district when it all started up.  I’d heard about that dark elf escape artist stirring up the town, yeah, was a little curious, but I was looking to hire myself out. In case this body didn’t clue you in, I’m a sword for hire, idiot.  What I do in my free time is my business, so you can just wipe that look of your smug little face before I wipe it off for you.

I wasn’t there when the place lit up.  I had seen some shady sorts moving around the streets, though.  Thought there might’ve been some kind of cult or something going to a meeting, but then I saw that they were dark elves, and that just wasn’t normal in this area.  Then I saw the other mercs moving in on the place and those two mazoku sorcerers leading them.  Don’t think they had a clue about the other group, though.  I hung back, decided to see what was going on, figured I might make some coin that night.  Sometimes you can find the best opportunities in the middle of the night.

Somehow these two groups slipped in without the other noticing, don’t know how they managed that, but they did.  Wasn’t long before all hell broke loose and the smoke started rolling.  Lots of screaming, lots of people running for their lives.  Hell, probably the most excitement Caerlon had seen in ages; glad I got to get in on it, really.  So, I saw a couple break out of the inn and make a run for it, some of each of the two groups hot on their sweet asses, so I figured now was that opportunity I’d been waiting for.  I chased after, made myself known, and got the better offer from Eri and Hatae, so I threw in with them and laid out the trash.  They still owe me, by the way, and until our contract’s done, I’m not going against it.  They’re not bad ladies, mind you, just need a good, strong hand to keep’em in line is all, cause they can have trouble raining down around you in no time at all if you let’em off their leashes. 

Once we had some time to breathe, I learned more about what was going on.  Somehow, each one of them had parties interested in hauling them in for whatever reason.  Eri seemed clueless as to why she was getting chased by the mercs, Hatae had some suspicions about the dark elves after her, but didn’t give me the details; I figure she stepped out of line back home and now had some noble house chasing her.  Didn’t matter to me; their downpayment for my help was good, so I’m in it till I get the rest of my money. 

Anyway, we hooked up with that screeching bard the next day and came up with a brilliant plan to get out of Caerlon.  I enjoyed that one personally.  Really enjoyed it.  Went off real smooth, too.  Anyone who had seen me with them the night before was laying dead in the streets, so any none of the shady types we saw knew me from any other merc on the streets.  You want the details?  Start coughing up some grub, then.  Or ask Eri or Hatae.  I’m done talking for now.  Any more’s going to cost you something in return.”

#Lore24 – Entry #163 – Wild West Month #11 – The Goblin People of the Far Southern Lands Beyond the Peaks that Never Rest

As told by Kumiko Stalks-Amongst-the-Stars, shaman of the Midnight Panther tribe of Kerra-Kerra

While the Orc Peoples of the north are strong and mighty warriors, there is perhaps a greater danger which lies to the far south, beyond the Peaks that Never Rest.  Long have our people told of the Night Goblin People of the Lands Beyond the Peaks that Never Rest, for it is said they are born of the Devil-Wardens’ foul sorcery.  The lost Mountain Bear tribe of Kerra-Kerra, who once roamed the lands around the Peaks that Never Rest, are said to have been taken by these goblins, though we know not what came of them, for any who venture beyond the Peaks never return.

Though none living amongst our people has seen these goblins, it is said by our ancestors that they are possessed by the spirits of the Devil-Wardens, skin the color of night and with eyes that blaze with terrible fire that can see better at night than even those of our tribe.  Using the secret ways of the Devil-Wardens, they travel unseen, unheard in the dead of night, leaving nothing behind in their wake save what they cannot carry, like some terrible dark spirit collecting souls, not a body left behind, and no blood to be found.  If they take them alive, what do they do with them?  Perhaps foul sorcery of their own, perhaps as food or slaves? 

For many moons, the Goblins of the Dark have been kept away by the Peaks that Never Rest, for travel through them is dangerous because of the constant unease of the powerful earth spirits that dwell within them.  In recent times, those from Beyond the Great Walls have placed settlements nearby, and have pushed further and further to the south, going deep into the Peaks that Never Rest in spite of the dangers.  I cannot know for certain if they even are aware of the goblins that lie beyond, but I fear it is only a matter of time before they learn of them; those from Beyond the Great Walls rarely seek wisdom from our people.