LORE24 ENTRY #13 – Demon Sector

Category – Place

The Demon Sector, as it is known, is actually a region of space that is far larger than what is typically defined as a sector, though it was discovered and thusly named in the early days of space exploration, and the name stuck.  The region is surrounded by an unnatural, and as yet unexplained, energy barrier known as the Demon Barrier which prevents any ships from entering this region of space.  

The name ‘Demon Sector’ was originally given during the first studies of the region using long-range telescopes and probes (all of which were destroyed immediately upon entry, and any ships that tried to enter were severely damaged, if not outright destroyed), in the days when only 72 stars were detected (since, many more, comparable with regions of known space, have been discovered), with a particularly large cluster near the center of the region consisting of a singular large central star surrounded by a half dozen slightly less intense stars.  The lead researcher on what would become the Demon Sector Research Project, an elf by the name of Faeranduil Quivernelle, being familiar with the historical records of the ancient times when demons were common, thought it appropriate to name the central star Bael, and proceeded to name the rest of the stars after other powerful demons.  There was some pushback on this, but given the nature of the barrier and the lack of ability to penetrate it, and the number of ships damaged in the attempts to pass through, the names stuck.

In the modern era, after thousands of years of waiting, the Demon Sector was finally breached in a completely unexpected manner by an unexpected source, namely the kerryn explorer Lila Darius the 34th and her crew.  With the aid of her friend, Releana Veylani and her company, Veylani Transport, Darius had somehow managed to develop a new iteration of the TK-Drive that would become known as the Advanced TK-Drive, or A-TK, which would combine modern technology with what was, until this event, powerful, lost magic that would allow them to successfully traverse the Demon Barrier and come out in one piece on the far side.  Since then, thousands have rushed to the region and began exploring the nearest systems, and the first permanent settlements have been created in the Valefar system, the nearest of the Demon Sector stars to the Barrier and the nearest world, Sentinel Prime.