#Lore24 – Entry #77 – Fantasy Month #17 – Thundering Dawn


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

The long lost legendary holy sword, Thundering Dawn, the Searing Light of Lashana, the Scorching Terror of Demons and Undead, has been sought after by holy knights, exorcists, treasure hunters, historians, and many an Emperor for centuries.  The blade itself was forged during the years before the Great Cataclysm and first wielded by Melisande no Synstralia de’Rashnikova herself, founder of the Holy Order of Rashnikova, known for their dedication to the goddess Lashana and their mission to see demons, undead, and other such fiends and supernatural creatures driven from Andyllion. 

Though Rashnikova would survive the Great Cataclysm, her line supposedly still continuing to this day, in fact, in the form of the aptly named Brightblade family, her famous sword would go missing in the centuries following the upheaval of the world, and has remained but a legend since, though many stories of heroic knights, kings and queens, seekers of justice, etc, have been written in which this blade features prominently.  Some theorize that it was stolen by demonkind after its final wielder was slain, hidden away within the Horrid Abyss in order to corrupt its very nature, while others suggest that the blade still remains hidden upon Andyllion, resting within the heart of an ancient evil that will awaken should it ever be removed, while others still would believe that the blade lies safely within the treasures of the Emperor, and the very power of having it so close has been responsible for the continuing prosperity of the Empire.

Thundering Dawn was, or perhaps, is, a bastard sword of exceptional make, forged from the purest mythril supposedly collected from a fallen star sent by Lashana herself by a remarkable combined effort between the master dwarven and kobold smiths of the era.  Thusly forged, the blade was then anointed by the clergy of Lashana through dozens of sanctifying rituals and finally bathed in the “blood of Lashana” to infuse the sword with its legendary power before it was given to Lady Rashnikova as she led the crusade against the demonic incursion. 

Though a weapon of remarkable power against any bearing ill-intent to its wielder, in the hands of a dedicated champion of Lashana, the true power of the sword was brought to bear.  When drawn in the presence of the demons or undead, owing to its namesake, thunder would shake the skies, and the sword’s blade would radiate with the light of the sun, searing such creatures that would be caught within its radiance.  Only the strongest of demons or undead could survive more than a single strike from the blade as its holy energy would spill forth and burn them into ashes, those that were not driven to flee by its powerful aura alone, that is.  Those evil supernatural creatures who were slain by Thundering Dawn were supposedly seared into oblivion, their vile essences burned away permanently by Lashana’s justice. 

Though I certainly would like to believe that Thundering Dawn exists, or once did, I find myself leaning more toward the sword’s supposed power being the stuff of legends.  Perhaps there was a sword with that name, and perhaps it was in fact wielded by Lady Rashnikova, but likely its powers and exploits were greatly exaggerated through time as the stories were told and retold.  Still, I can’t deny that I do enjoy many of the tales involving Thundering Dawn, and were it to be found, I would very much like to lay eyes upon it at least once.

#Lore24 – Entry #71 – Fantasy Month #11 – Ruins of Shinsei Daitoshi


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:


A rather sad topic today, but such is the nature of history.  Once the capital city of a great Kerryn empire, Shinsei Daitoshi was destroyed following the Demonic Incursion approximately two-thousand years ago, when the sealing of the dimensional breach resulted in a terribly destructive explosion, which in turn triggered the Great Cataclysm that followed, reshaping the very face of Andyllion in the process.  The true history of the city, even its true name, and the kerryn empire that it once served, has been greatly obscured and erased by decree of the first Great Dragon Emperor during the same decree that saw the kerryns themselves perpetually enslaved, lest they be allowed to cause another calamity with their demon-summoning ways.  Or so the official history states.

As a side-note here, I feel that I must note that the Order itself was founded in the century following these decrees and the foundations of the Empire, in an attempt to preserve as much history as possible from those who would seek to bury or destroy it.  Such is the way of tyrants, I suppose.

Back to the topic at hand:  The ruins of Shinsei Daitoshi still remain, however, and lie several weeks travel to the west of Draconis Magna, beyond the Ashenvale and the Broken Spine Peaks, in the region now known as the Demon Blight, a magic-scoured wasteland filled with poisonous plants, deadly creatures, and horrible monstrosities, many of which bear the taint of demons to this day.  For those adventurers brave enough to venture into the region, the city ruins can be found roughly two-days travel beyond the start of the Blight, many of the ancient buildings still standing on the outskirts, but now crumpling ruins and just as likely to house vengeful spirits of the past as a demon-tainted monster hungry for a meal. 

Beyond the outskirts, the ruins become so much rubble, eventually leading to the center of the city, where the Gateway Crater now lies, spanning over a mile in diameter and just as deep by several accounts of those who have been there and returned alive, though later accounts state that it has since, at least partially, filled with toxic water infused with the lingering demonic essence in the area.  The entire region is likewise a wild zone for magical energies, with terrible arcane storms flaring up without warning, and spellcasting of all types becoming unreliable at best, dangerous to its wielders and their allies at worst, as the very magical essences are twisted and corrupted as they are cast, resulting in wild, unexpected outcomes, though most accounts indicate explosive results are the most common. 

And yet, there are always those foolhardy enough to risk venturing into the region and the city center, for there are still treasures to be uncovered, long lost secrets to scour from the destruction, lying buried in the rubble or in the vast underground tombs that were once the very buildings that composed the city.  The Emperor has of course decreed that such ventures are outlawed, but that has done little to stop such activities, as there are many places beyond the empire where such secrets are worth a fortune. 

I must admit that even I have a desire to at least see the ruins of Shinsei Daitoshi for myself, to walk amongst the ancient kerryn buildings and witness the Gateway Crater for myself.  I can only imagine what history has yet to be uncovered there, and perhaps what secrets may be uncovered that the Emperor wishes to remain thus.  I have much training to do yet, and will also admit to having little worldly experience in adventuring, so it is unlikely that I’ll ever venture there, but still, one can dream, though it may be considered a strange and terrible dream.  As a student of history, however, I feel rather obligated to uncover as much of it as possible in the small length of time I have upon this world.

#Lore24 – Entry #66 – Fantasy Month #6 – Demon Lord Suzu’Reitani, Bringer of Calamity


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:


I was rather curious as to why Felaria had today’s prompt delivered in written form, and my curiosity was quickly sated, for one does not invoke the name of demons verbally, especially those as ancient and powerful as this particular Demon Lord, lest their sight and wrath fall upon you.  That is traditional wisdom, and one must perform the proper ritual to communicate with a denizen of the lower realms (and what a ritual it must be to reach a demon lord), but perhaps it is best not to take chances?

The great Demon Lord Suzu’Reitani, Queen of Succubi and the Bringer of Calamity, thusly named for it was her coming that led to the Great Cataclysm that shook the very foundations of the world some two-thousand years ago.  Though much history was lost following the great upheaval, we do have records that state quite clearly that it was her entry into the world that led directly to the downfall of the kerryn goddess Sarresh and sealed the fate of the kerryns to be forever enslaved, less they cause another disaster that would see the world utterly destroyed.

This of course, like many things in history, is up for interpretation, for there is ample evidence that it was the Elvish Dominion that called forth the demons into the world, though they’ll never admit to such a thing, certainly.  This discussion is for another time, however.

This great demon lord sought to conquer Andyllion and use it as her bastion in her desires to claim the entirety of our realm as her own.  From what is generally accepted, she masterminded the many wars that marred the decades before the Great Cataclysm, using her many daughters to plant seeds of deceit, bending wills to her own devices, and building the great onyx tower that would serve as the beacon for opening a gateway to her domain and allowing her to come through to claim the world.  The true nature of her failure to take the world as her own has been lost in the chaos caused by the destruction of the great gateway tower, but we do know that her destruction in this world is what triggered the Great Cataclysm that reshaped the very surface of the world, toppling nations, destroying countless civilizations, and forever changing the fabric of our world.

The true depths of her machinations are still far from being fully explored, though her legacy has certainly remained.  To this day there are still those whose ancestry can be traced directly to her blood, for all mazoku are descended from her daughters, their demonic features easily marking them as such, as does the fact that they are almost entirely female, with estimates of less than one-percent of the mazoku being male.  Many creatures maintain demonic qualities, for Suzu’Reitani’s taint runs deep, and her kind are known to breed with anything, and true demons are still not unheard of, though full manifestation in the material world is thankfully rare.  However, there are still many cults worshiping demons, some perhaps even dedicated to Suzu’Reitani herself, though such worship is strictly outlawed and must necessarily remain hidden.

Thankfully another true demon lord has not been summoned into the realm, and hopefully none are planning such madness again.  It is the ever-present danger presented by demons, their unmatched capacity for destruction, that orders of exorcists, like that of the Holy Order of Rashnikova, still exist, and are rarely if ever bored.  Those caught worshipping and summoning demons are dealt with harshly, no mercy granted, and none expected, for one who dedicates themselves to such darkness are far too dangerous to be left to their machinations.



LORE24 ENTRY #14 – Succubi

Category – Cultural

Though one unfamiliar with them may think the Succubi were a recent find what with the opening of the Demon Sector, they have actually been around since the Demonic Invasion thousands of years ago.  If nothing else, the blood of demons is strong, as their influence still shows quite clearly upon the Succubi to this day with their “demonic” appearance:  skin and eyes hat are often shades of red or orange or other “unnatural” hues, horns on their heads, tails, claws, and goat-like eyes being very common.  Unlike their progenitors from long ago, however, they are not inherently evil, though many within the galaxy may not believe that to be the case, as they are, on many worlds, treated as second-class citizens.  Regardless of this stigma, Succubi are considered to be extremely beautiful and charismatic, and can, given the chance, become amazingly successful.

They are known as ‘Succubi’ for a few reasons.  Firstly, beyond their obvious beauty, due to a unique quirk in their genetics, they can generally interbreed with any of the known races, though there is an extremely high chance (perhaps over 90%) of the child being female, sharing appearance and traits of both parents; the rare male child is still considered a ‘Succubus’, though some of these may call themselves an ‘Incubus’.  Second, their natural (or unnatural) charisma and innate ability to read others’ emotions gives them a significant advantage in interpersonal dealings.  Third, some Succubi still retain a small measure of power from their demonic heritage, and can manifest it in ways that may unsettle some, such as manifesting flames, causing their voices to boom like thunder, changing ambient temperature around them, etc, though arcanists in the know consider these abilities to be simple arcane manifestations no different from what they can do.

More uncommon amongst the Succubi are those who can pass for the race of their birth parents.  In some cases, these rare individuals do not manifest the unusual skin, eye colors and other demonic features of their brethren at birth, and appear much as their non-Succubi parent lineage.  In some, this lasts their entire lives, and these individuals generally have an easier time integrating on worlds where Succubi are looked upon with suspicion.  In others, it seems that over-indulging in the vices classically associated with demons and evil (the “Seven Deadly Sins”) tends to draw their out their inner demonic nature, causing their bodies to change to match their natures by taking on the typical Succubi appearances.  Though there currently isn’t an official name for these types of Succubi, the term ‘changeling’ has been used in some cases.