#Lore24 – Entry #240 – Helica Month #28 – The Third Scroll

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

It took us several weeks in the demon-infested seas to make significant headway on our excavations, for the Transgressor had been spotted before our arrival and had stirred them up.  Still, one must work hard for their rewards upon Helica, and my goal was clear.  Once we had reached the ancient city and surveyed it properly, I identified another shrine complex.  This time I would not be alone when venturing into it, for the seas were still dangerous.  Fortunately, I had a group of Drakonae warriors with me, and they were of a breed that were able to breathe underwater, so they were able to assist me in staying down much longer than usual with my work by carrying extra air tanks for me and were quite adept at fending off the demons. 

This shrine complex was mostly intact, though partially buried in centuries of silt and debris, so took some time to excavate, requiring multiple trips down.  I think the presence of Saghirah was somewhat unnerving to my dive-mates, especially when the eyes of her statue began to glow once they were uncovered.  We would later go on to uncover other shrines, and for those of the Amaranths that were still in existence, I could feel their presence now as well, though not as strongly as that of Saghirah.  With their return to this underwater shrine, the demon activity in the area lessened significantly. 

Soon enough, I would find the sacred chamber hidden beneath Saghirah’s shrine, sealed away from the accumulation of silt.  Even though it remained underwater for so long, the third scroll case was unmarred and seemingly as out of place in time as I am, appearing pristine in the gloomy water.  I would nonetheless work carefully to secure it within my pack for the return to the surface and would fight through my fatigue of the dive to see its secrets revealed before I would rest.  I had retrieved some of my previously cached knowledge in the short visits I had made to the mainland in the intervening years, and quickly added the new revelations of this scroll to my previous notes.  The picture has become much clearer now, and I know with absolute certainty that Helica has only so much longer left to live before the Transgressor is ultimately successful in its desire to see it utterly destroyed. 

All will be revealed elsewhere, however, for I have but one more scroll to find, though I know not where as of yet.  My work in assisting the Ketzeryn will continue in the meantime, until I can discern the final scroll’s resting place.  We have found knowledge that, if we are able to bring it into being, would change the face of Helica and potentially deliver a major blow to the iron-fisted control of the Church, though for now it is but a dream.

#Lore24 – Entry #239 – Helica Month #27 – Tranquilities Come and Go, and Yet I Remain

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

I would spend many years amongst the Ketzeryn, traveling amongst the many islands they called their home, in the regions where the Phyresians dared not venture.  I would visit many ruins, both above the sea and below, for the Ketzeryn have managed to restore ancient diving equipment to a mostly working order that allowed us to descend to depths I could never have imagined before, to see ancient buildings and wonders that were long forgotten.  Though much of the ancient technology we found was irreparable, some of the knowledge remained in the form of physical archives, though it would consume many of my years translating the languages that had long been forgotten.

The world of Helica is so much larger than I had once imagined it.  The largest of the continents are held by the Phyresians, while so many more were sunk below the waves in the centuries since the arrival of the Transgressor, either through its immense destructive power or the rising of the sea following the melting of what were once massive polar regions, housing cities and peoples all their own, many of which are now extinct upon Helica. 

I would spend only so long with certain groups, no more than a decade or so with each, before I would drift to another, exploring another region of the world.  The elves amongst the Ketzeryn knew there was something unnatural about me, and many of the shorter-lived races suspected it.  At last, nearly seventy years after I had first joined them, time enough for another Tranquility to come and go upon Helica, I would formally speak to the Ketzeryn elders about my mission.  By now, the seeds I had long been planting of the true nature of the Transgressor had begun to take hold in them, and I did not fear reprisal of any sort.  So, over the course of several days, upon the Ketzeryn’s most secure island home, Gallanholm, in their city of Abu Masfurah, I would for the first time relate my tale to the elders. 

The stir my story and knowledge caused amongst the Ketzeryn elders was significant, but at least they were willing to listen, whereas the Phresians would certainly have closed off their ears to such heresy and have had me killed or once more enslaved.  I sought only to continue my search for the remaining scrolls of Saghirah, to find the absolute truth of the Transgressor and see its destructive cycle end once and for all.  Some thought me insane, and I suppose I can’t blame them for that; I’m certain my time with Tephysea had left me a little unstable, but my nightmares of my frequent tortures had faded through the years, and it had been some time since I had awoken screaming and thrashing about as if possessed.

Word would arrive as our discussions came to an end of a new ruin site discovered in the eastern seas that looked promising.  That night I would be granted the first vision from Saghirah I had experienced since the one that had taken me into the wildlands, though I heard they have since been renamed and civilized since I was there.  It was clear that I had to be part of the expedition to this new site, for there I would the third scroll.  The elders would continue to consider how the knowledge I had given them would be used, and I was granted permission to continue my work with their blessings and would set off the following day.