LORE24 ENTRY #38 – Supers Month #7 – Dollface


From the files of Cyber Seer…


Villainous Name



Real Name

Unknown (Probably some stuffy British name or something, based totally on that holier-than-though posh accent of hers.)



Like, oh my god, this lady is totally into the whole doll fetish thing!  Like, super seriously, you know?  Those masks of hers are totally bad news!  Creepy and porcelain-looking and stuff!  Then there’s that stuffy old Victorian dress thingy she wears, sitting on her throne and having all those creepy dolls waiting on her, totally loyal pets, like some kind of modern queen or something.  You know, I can totally understand why she’d like that kind of thing and could like, you know, maybe get into the whole ‘doll-like plaything’ angle, but only if, like, it was on my terms, you know?  Not like mind control and stuff, that’s just not cool.  


Known Lairs and Hangouts

The Dollhouse – It’s totally just a warehouse with some fancy interior, you know?  Like, nothing that special.  Especially since Black Cat gave it a new sunroof and I kinda totally fried all the electronics in there.  Think she’ll hold that against us?  I totally bet she does.  If she ever wakes up, anyway…

Edgewater Institute – Dollface is currently being held here for medical care and possible treatment.  They’re like, the only place in the city that can restrain supers right now, and like, oh my god, I can only imagine how they do it!  Like, seriously, they’re security is next-level, you know?  Like, I can’t even break through the firewall; whoever their IT is, they’re GOOD, like super-good, ME kinda good, you know?  

Update from Gun Bunny:  My sources inside SCPD have confirmed that Dollface is still in a coma at this time.  She is in the intensive care unit currently, and so far has shown no signs of waking up.  Brain activity is a mess, but that’s about all we’ve managed to get.  It seems the facility’s director, Jennifer Tempest, is VERY big on patient rights and protection.  Will let you know more if I get anything else.


Why She’s Bad news 

Those doll masks, dude!  Totally jacked up!  Like, those things are gnarly in the worst way!  Like, they’ve got some seriously intense tech going on there.  It’s a lot of what Pink Pussy was stealing and stuff, but with like, so much more beneath the hood!  I couldn’t like, get a full tech-spec on them before I burned everything down, but these things are like, wet-dream territory for the globalist nut-jobs trying to control the world, you know?  Not only can they totally control your mind, but they buff you up, too!  Like enhanced strength, toughness, all that kind of thing!  She made them out of like titanium and carbon composites, and that’s why even Musume had trouble busting them up.  But the way she like, made those special masks just for us is kinda creepy?  Or maybe its more like, the masks could shape themselves to us somehow, like, you know, customization based on the target or whatever?  And just how many of these things could she pump out if she had a bigger operation?  There were like, two dozen dolls there already!  What was this chick planning?  Like, world domination?  A kinky dollhouse kind of kingdom?  

Good news is that my brain is like, not totally compatible with her tech, thankfully, so she couldn’t get me to do the whole loyal doll thing, buuuuuut it totally messed with my head, like splitting headaches and jacked up senses and junk.  Not that I could, like, see or hear anything besides her anyway; totall sensory deprivation helmet.  Maybe I could’ve done more at that point, but she totally had me strapped down and at her mercy and stuff, so great save there, Gun Bunny!  Also, your legs…OMG, your legs!  Would totally let you crush me with those someday if you wanted!  Walk all over me with those heels of yours…mmmm…

Oh, oh, more about Dollface!  Like, her control mechanism was totally wireless tech, like a suped-up Bluethooth kinda thing, so maybe I could make something to disrupt that signal?  But if what Black Cat said holds, then maybe not?  Cause its like, magic and stuff, and I still don’t get how that works?  Might be something that Kitsune lady did, too.  She was magical too, and not just because she wore that sexy latex outfit.  She was pretty hot, though, right?  And that outfit she put Black Cat in?  OMG, SO HAWT!  And so cute!  Not cool though!  Not cool at all!  Bad Cyber Seer, bad!  Punish me, Mecha Mistress!

Update from Pink Pussy!  Like, apparently Dollface can teleport, too!  That’s totally how she managed to snatch Pussy (hehe…heheehehehe….I said snatch pussy…) and get her in that mask!  Creepy doll-faced lady with teleport powers, totally not cool!  BUT apparently it only works through mirrors, maybe?  At least, that’s what PP remembers, so everyone be totally careful of anything like that!



Known Accomplices

Kitsune – The sexy fox lady with very naughty and advanced illusion magic, per Black Cat.  I added the naughty part.  And totally not from Earth, apparently, not even this plane of existence.  Major unknown quantity here!  Like, she totally helped to free me when Dollface took that bullet to the head, but what’s her game?  Who’s she working for?  Where do all those tails connect, and are they real or just kinky accessories?  Inquiring minds want to know!

Anyway, she stole some seriously bad vibe magical artifacts that could mean…well, bad news.  Still waiting on Black Cat to figure out something there with her mysterious order or whatever (by the way, what little I’ve gotten out of her indicates there are totally a bunch of sexy mages in there…).  And apparently Scheherazade could do more than tell fun stories!  Who knew?  Certainly not I! 


Kitsune’s Boss – So, like, she’s working for someone.  No clues as to who, what, when, where, or why, but that’s like, the nature of mystery and intrigue in the superhero world, amiright?


Others – I couldn’t get much out of Dollface’s records, but I totally think there were others working for her or with her, maybe not her doll squad, but like, more influential or powerful types.  Something is amiss in Sentinel City, y’all!



Mecha Musume – I fixed the formatting for you; less thought-streaming, more factual and to the point.  Also clearer headings and more serious nature to the database.

Edit:  I see you’ve reverted most of my changes.  I’ll assume that’s just an error from the update you performed earlier and change that again.

Edit 2:  Ah, you’ve reverted my changes once more.  >:(  Well, fine, have it your way.  Mecha Mistress will be seeing you this evening, and she will not be pleased.

–Reply from Cyber Seer:  Insert eager panting noises here


Pink Pussy – I’m not proud of what she made me do, but can attest to the danger of those masks.  I could restrain myself in some ways, like when I took down Shadow Lynx and left her strung up under that streetlight; I had been ordered to kill her, but thankfully resisted the order.  I was out of it for a pretty good while afterward, though; once that mask came off, I was starving and exhausted.  No clue what longer term wear would do to a person who wasn’t a super.

And…who is this ‘Mecha Mistress’ chica?

–Reply from Cyber Seer:  That was totally hawt, btw.  Edit:  The Shadow Lynx thing, not the other stuff!  Also, Mecha Mistress, i can’t say anymore atm, I’m a little tied up 😉

—-Reply from Pink Pussy:  …with you, I’m not sure if you’re being literal or not…

——Reply from Cyber Seer:  Totes literal.  Ohmygawd, so hawt!


Gun Bunny – Appreciate that you appreciate my legs 😉  Also, I’m not seeing any comments from Black Cat; does she not have access?

–Reply from Cyber Seer:  The offer to crush me between them thighs or walk all over me is ongoing, btw.  Ummmm…baby steps with Black Cat.  She’s like…not really down with the electronic age, y’know?  She’s totally retro, but in a cool way!  

—-Reply from Gun Bunny:  Perhaps you should confer with your Mecha Mistress first?  

——Reply from Mecha Musume:  I’m certain she would not approve; I’ll be sure to inform her about this.

——–Reply from Cyber Seer:  I totally approve of this!  Eagerly awaiting whatever punishment Mecha Mistress has for me!  I’m totally a bad girl and absolutely 100% need it. XOXO