#Lore24 – Entry #88 – Fantasy Month #28 – Kerryn Courier and Transport Services


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

Truly something that could only exist within Draconis Magna and its immediate surroundings, and no doubt a sign of the decadence of the capital, for surely the merchants would have to be insane to attempt to implement these services elsewhere within the Empire.  Not the worst treatment of kerryn slaves that I have unfortunately heard of, but one can only imagine how it must feel to be in their position, essentially taking on the combined role of horses and messengers found in less decadent locations.

There are several of these services within the capital as I understand it, and many of the nobility retain their own kerryn slaves thusly trained for personal correspondence; even the Senate and lesser government offices makes use of kerryn couriers; tales abound of the streets being absolutely flooded with running kerryn messengers during emergency situations, especially during times of war.  It does make sense to some extent, however, for many of the streets within the capital are narrow and maze-like, especially in the older parts of the city, so those able to swiftly navigate an area like the Tangles would be highly prized.

I suppose I should stop beating around the bush and get to the specifics; no doubt that is what Mother is more interested in anyway.  The typical kerryn courier is bedecked in specialized slave gear (previously referenced in my discussion of the “Slave Scholar” expedition) to enhance their long-range endurance and carrying capacity, and trained specifically for either speed and maneuverability, or for strength, endurance, and teamwork.  They are treated very much like prized horses in this regard and trained according to some of the very same principles used by master horse trainers; even their specialized gear is fashioned after that of horses.  They typically wear some form of enchanted pack harnesses, longstrider hoof boots, and feeder bit gags, and their collars are able to track their location using the same magics that are found in the master/slave rings, with the same reward/punishment capabilities.  Gear coloration and accessories (bells, piercings, and the like) are used to differentiate kerryns by their agency, and likewise serve as advertisement for the services.  What could be more desirable, after all, than a well-trained kerryn slave who has the single-minded purpose of obeying their master and performing their task with utmost efficiency?  Or so goes the most common opinion on their appearance.  Either way, those running these services pride themselves in their efficiency and loyalty of their slaves, and compete fiercely to be the best of the best; they even organize races and tournaments with their kerryn slaves throughout the year for bragging rights.

The ”sprinter” couriers are generally meant for delivering messages and small packages rapidly, their harnesses equipped with smaller pockets and pouches clearly designated with the recipient’s name so there will be no confusion as to what item is meant for who.  The “heavy hauler” couriers are responsible for moving larger loads throughout the city, and generally work in teams of two or more while attached to carts and wagons; some are even used to carry people through the city as a standard carriage service would.

Not having to pay the rider or driver is certainly advantageous for those running these operations, for the kerryns are able to follow instructions to the letter and know the routes within the city like nobody else, for it is their purpose to be as quick as possible in their deliveries.  Their training, as mentioned earlier, focuses them entirely upon their intended tasks, meaning that they have little in the way of extraneous thoughts to distract them from their goal.  They are at peak physical condition as well, with the sprinters being possessed of lithe and well-toned bodies, and the haulers having muscles that could be the envy of most orcish warriors.  Though rarely involved in fighting, it is not entirely unheard of that these couriers become targets of thieves or the unwary horny traveler, they are capable of defending themselves much like any normal horse would, the haulers especially have something of a reputation for their powerful kicks and stomps when thusly provoked.


#Lore24 – Entry #62 – Fantasy Month #2 – Draconis Magna, Capital of the Empire


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:


It seems Felaria has addressed my complaints about specificity and given me a simpler prompt for today:  Draconis Magna, the Imperial capitol.  Surely, I could voice complaint about specificity once again, as discussing the capital is no simple task for the fountain of knowledge overflows with the broadness of the subject, but since Mother has narrowed focus, then I shall obediently oblige.

The seat of the Great Dragon Emperor, blessed and chosen of the gods to reign over the great Imperium Draconis, the throne currently held by Luxus Drakon Raikos the Fourth; for the sake of brevity I shall not list his many, MANY titles, otherwise I would be here far longer than is required of this entry.  I feel that I must pause here in my discussion of the capital and note the insistence upon draconic imagery and naming conventions throughout the empire when true dragons have been gone from this world since times predating the Great Cataclysm two thousand years ago; it is truly astounding to me that their legends have continued to persist for so long, especially in the minds of humans, and that their nature can evoke such thoughts of power and dominance amongst the populace.  I would have thought that demonic iconography would have found greater prominence given their pervading influences since the Cataclysm and higher than average population of demon-blooded throughout the Empire than other parts of the world, but that is a mystery to discuss at another time, perhaps when Felaria feels the need to prompt me to do so.

Draconis Magna lies upon the shores of Gulf Draconum, upon the Dragon’s Breath delta at the mouth of the Great Goldenscale River, a country unto itself, really, a metropolis spanning some five-hundred square miles, the very heart of the Empire from which all power flows.  The city is well defended, housing a significant army and naval forces, as well as the Tower of the Grand Arcanum, the most powerful of arcanist orders.  All culture would seem to flow from here as well, as the city is known to be the center of the arts, filled with bards and artists of all kinds, chasing fame and fortune at the hands of the nobility, though by the time great works reach the ends of the Empire, they have long been out of fashion within the city itself.

The most powerful of the nobility reside here, vying for power and the ear of the Emperor, and perhaps, uncoincidentally, the variety of pleasures to be found is nigh unfathomable.  Supposedly if one seeks a particular form of entertainment, it can be found in Draconis Magna, no matter how vile it may be.  Having only visited the capital a handful of times myself, I have never experienced the darker side of the city’s pleasures, but the tales are too prevalent not to hold some truth.  It is the kerryn slaves I feel for the most in this regard, for they are the ones suffering the worst the city has to offer, and of course it is by the Emperor’s decree, dating back many centuries, so who would possibly argue against what happens to them?  There have been attempts to overturn the decree of course, but such protests have not lasted long, and quite often those involved have vanished under not-at-all mysterious circumstances.

There does seem to be growing unrest within the high walls of Draconis Magna by many accounts from visitors to the library.  Rumors of rebellion in the outlying regions continue to grow, and some wonder if the Emperor’s power is on the decline after the family has held power for so many generations.  Supposedly even the slaves, kerryn and otherwise, are growing discontent and starting trouble, but as yet, I have no actual proof of this.  Perhaps this is why the Emperor has begun efforts to expand the empire further, and has been seeking lost relics in the many ruins found in the wildlands, and is even looking across the seas to other lands to plunder?  It seems a time of unrest may not be far off, if history is to be repeated.  Perhaps it is even time for a new age to be born, however violently, into existence?