LORE24 ENTRY #43 – Supers Month #12 – Anita Winters


From the Personal Journal of Jennifer Tempest…


What can I say about Ms. Winters?  She has her uses, certainly, as limited as they are; everyone in a position such as myself has need of dumb muscle from time to time, and she certainly fills this niche.  I suppose I was fortunate enough to ensnare her into Edgewater’s web before she could get herself into real trouble after that floundering career as a MMA fighter.  I would hesitate to call her preferred fighting style a style, however; she could be compared to a rampaging rhino flying headlong at her target, absorbing punishment until she finally connects with a sufficiently strong blow or actually manages to land a submission hold.

For the record, Ms. Winters had been accused of massive steroid abuse following the event which gifted humanity with superpowers, due to the very noticeable increase in her muscle mass, though she insisted, and tests would prove, this was not the case.  Though she would be quite the challenging combatant in the women’s league, after a few bouts against one Catherine Ramos in particular, whose style was A) an actual fighting style, and B) was diametrically opposed to Ms. Winters’ “style” by actually using her brain and agility, Ms. Winters would seek ‘greater challenges’ by fighting in the men’s league.  She would prove herself quite a bit more capable here, quickly rising through the ranks and taking the top spot, even taking on the moniker of ‘Emasculator’ for her deeds.

This of course would lead to her further downfall, primarily because of Ms. Winters’ rather distasteful belief in the modern day, highly toxic version of feminism; the less said about that particular area the better.  Truly the cognitive dissonance on display with the modern world is staggering; were it possible, I would insist upon therapy and treatment for much of the current generation of humanity, but alas, I am but one humble succubus and there are much larger issues I must contend with.  She had her following that praised her, had the glory of defeating male after male in one on one combat, brutally so in many cases, but she still struggled with (and would rarely accept challenges from) female opponents, even her proclaimed nemesis, the aforementioned Ms. Ramos.  A curious trait, one which I certainly did not miss when I researched her following her arrest for assaulting several people, in public, in a fit of rage over a disagreement about the nature of her successes.  Making use of some of my family’s influence, I made certain that she was brought to Edgewater for a mental evaluation, not that it took an especially large push to have this done given her violent outbursts and obvious difficulties interacting with people.

During Ms. Winters’ initial observation period, I learned more of the nature of her powers, which I’m still not entirely sure she recognizes she even has; she is rather dense, to put it simply.  She possesses a most unique ability to actually emasculate men simply by virtue of being engaged in combat with them, physically weakening them in a nigh imperceptible manner over time.  The longer she faces them in combat, the weaker they become, though I have yet to find a single test subject that realized this until it is far too late for it to matter; they may as well have been children against Ms. Winters.  This ability was certainly useful, given the direction I am taking Edgewater, even if a higher ratio of superpowers seem to be possessed by females.  Perhaps it is simply that the men haven’t caught up yet; they are generally slower on the uptake in most matters, after all.

Ms. Winters is currently under my employ as a nurse in the special wing of Edgewater.  She is quite useful in restraining patients, especially the growing number of male patients, in particular the one known as Rampage, and now that I’ve been helping her overcome her less desirable attitudes and delusions, she has become mostly tolerable (though I find that her personal hygiene to still be insufficient; she does tend to work out far too much and either doesn’t realize or doesn’t care that she is not the only person in the vicinity).  She is still a blunt instrument, certainly, but a slightly more elegantly crafted one.  Like any good pet, however, she is capable of learning her place through proper incentives and punishments.  She is also quite useful in testing Specialist Leopard’s newest designs for high-security restraints, and I was personally quite amused by her behavior surrounding the illegal fight that occurred between her and Catherine Ramos in the hospital’s employee gym, as well as the subsequent time the pair spent together inside an isolation cell.  That cooled her fire for a time, though I am certain she’ll require further punishments going forward, and I am only too eager to oblige her.  Her continuing education and development shall be most amusing indeed.