LORE24 ENTRY #14 – Succubi

Category – Cultural

Though one unfamiliar with them may think the Succubi were a recent find what with the opening of the Demon Sector, they have actually been around since the Demonic Invasion thousands of years ago.  If nothing else, the blood of demons is strong, as their influence still shows quite clearly upon the Succubi to this day with their “demonic” appearance:  skin and eyes hat are often shades of red or orange or other “unnatural” hues, horns on their heads, tails, claws, and goat-like eyes being very common.  Unlike their progenitors from long ago, however, they are not inherently evil, though many within the galaxy may not believe that to be the case, as they are, on many worlds, treated as second-class citizens.  Regardless of this stigma, Succubi are considered to be extremely beautiful and charismatic, and can, given the chance, become amazingly successful.

They are known as ‘Succubi’ for a few reasons.  Firstly, beyond their obvious beauty, due to a unique quirk in their genetics, they can generally interbreed with any of the known races, though there is an extremely high chance (perhaps over 90%) of the child being female, sharing appearance and traits of both parents; the rare male child is still considered a ‘Succubus’, though some of these may call themselves an ‘Incubus’.  Second, their natural (or unnatural) charisma and innate ability to read others’ emotions gives them a significant advantage in interpersonal dealings.  Third, some Succubi still retain a small measure of power from their demonic heritage, and can manifest it in ways that may unsettle some, such as manifesting flames, causing their voices to boom like thunder, changing ambient temperature around them, etc, though arcanists in the know consider these abilities to be simple arcane manifestations no different from what they can do.

More uncommon amongst the Succubi are those who can pass for the race of their birth parents.  In some cases, these rare individuals do not manifest the unusual skin, eye colors and other demonic features of their brethren at birth, and appear much as their non-Succubi parent lineage.  In some, this lasts their entire lives, and these individuals generally have an easier time integrating on worlds where Succubi are looked upon with suspicion.  In others, it seems that over-indulging in the vices classically associated with demons and evil (the “Seven Deadly Sins”) tends to draw their out their inner demonic nature, causing their bodies to change to match their natures by taking on the typical Succubi appearances.  Though there currently isn’t an official name for these types of Succubi, the term ‘changeling’ has been used in some cases.