LORE24 ENTRY #53 – Supers Month #22 – Gloria Tempest


From the personal journal of Delia Emmerson, Star Reporter of Channel 9 News…


I would say that Gloria doesn’t really fit the Tempest template, but I’m not even sure I can pin down a template for them; each of them are unique, and each of them have secrets I intend to uncover.  For a while, she was perhaps the most famous of the Tempest family, soaking up the limelight as one of those ‘famous because they’re sexy and rich’ types, though she did have a successful career as a model during that phase.  The last few months, though, she’s stepped out of the spotlight and become a much more private individual, stepped away from most of the attention she’d been getting.  Could it be that she’s tired of it all?  Is it because of her new boyfriend?  Or something more sinister, perhaps?

My money’s on something more sinister, no question about it.  

Gloria still frequently visits with other family members, most often Amelia Tempest, who is the youngest of the family, and perhaps the most successful in terms of business, given her position as the head of a major global financial management firm.  Gloria has been to countless parties and functions in Sentinel City, rubbing elbows with the wealthy and influential of all layers.  She could have anyone wrapped around her finger in moments by all accounts, and has a devoted following of admirers across the country and the world.  She apparently likes dolls, too, and has one of the largest collections in the city, some extremely rare, life-size, even.  I suppose everyone needs a hobby.

(As a side note…what is it with these Tempest women’s genes?  They’re all stunningly beautiful; I find myself getting lost in admiring even photos of them from time to time, and of those I’ve met, their personalities are absolutely overwhelming to be around, in the most exhilarating way.  Even Julia, the family elder, doesn’t look a day over thirty, at the most.  Must be some old-world Italian royalty in their blood, perhaps.  It should be a crime to be that damn hot…No, I’m not envious!  Why would I be?!)

But what evidence do I have of her shady nature?  Admittedly, not a lot.  I think she’s more of a go-between, maybe a messenger between various parties, delivering orders from the Tempest family, weaving their web of crime.  No paper trails here, just words whispered in an ear here and there in a public setting, masked by the buzz of the crowd.  I’d bet money that she learned it from Julia, and may have even taken over the role from her now that Julia has moved up the ladder in the family hierarchy.

There’s got to be an angle with her boyfriend, too.  Kyou Usunagi, one of the top-tier photographers in Sentinel City, known worldwide for his work, especially in the fetish community.  He’s done shoots with Gloria many times before they started dating, and before she went low-visibility.  What wrongdoing can I prove with Kyou?  Maybe a parking ticket, if that.  But, there’s a link there that I can’t deny that just screams suspicious.  Apparently one of Kyou’s clients, one Misha Kyle, was introduced to Gloria after he’d done a few fetish photo shoots for her company, Latex Leopard Limited.  Guess who has as special contract with the Edgewater Institute and one Jennifer Tempest, to provide uniforms and consulting services?  Misha Kyle.  Kyou knows something about what goes on in that family, I’m sure of it.  He’s recently taken on a new partner in his business, an out-of-towner named Kinzie O’Connor, fresh out of college, just learning the biz.  Gloria has been spotted several times with the two of them fawning over her, so maybe I can get something out of him even if Kyou’s too sharp to say anything about his girlfriend; based on his online presence, Kinzie is a bit of a ditz.

Again, frustration is the order of the day here.  There’s so much that could be chalked up to coincidence when it comes to Gloria Tempest, a lot of potential for criminal activity that I just can’t dismiss it.  I’ve tried to get an interview with her, but so far I’ve been ignored; I may have to be a little more bold, try to catch her somewhere in public, or at her home, try to get her off balance in those sexy heels she’s always wearing.

There has to be evidence out there, somewhere.  I will find it, and I will expose the Tempest family for what they are!