LORE24 ENTRY #36 – Supers Month #5 – Black Cat


Hero Name

Black Cat


Real Name

Elizabeth “Liz” Powell



Having lived outside of the normal world for decades, Liz remains somewhat stuck in time, as do many of her order, and doesn’t necessarily make much of a distinction between her true identity and her heroic one; pretty much nobody knows her outside of the order anyway.  

Though she is well into her 50s, Liz still has the appearance of a teenager, with long black hair reaching down to her butt, worn loose, with very obvious cat ears and a tail covered in black fur.  Her eyes are amber and can appear feline when she is using her arcane sight.  She is of average height and build, and still wears the kinds of clothes she wore when she was still living in the real world, namely heavy metal band shirts and jeans or jean shorts, usually accented with leather collars, cuffs, and maybe even a light chain instead of a belt, and a good pair of stout boots.

As she’s interacting with the people of Sentinel City more and more, and working with the heroes of the city, as Black Cat, she has taken up a costume of her own, going with another classic style, namely the sexy witch.  Her heroic costume consists of a wide-brimmed, floppy witch’s hat with holes for her ears to poke through, beset with various magical charms, a leather mini-dress with a cleavage-revealing bustier top and loose-fitting corset, opera-length gloves, over-the-knee high-heeled boots, and fishnet stockings.  Later, following a bit of a magical mishap involving the mysterious Kitsune, her costume would be composed of magically-infused latex instead of leather.


Powers and Abilities

Unlike the vast majority of the current wave of superpowered individuals, Black Cat is a classically trained arcanist (witch, wizard, mage, whatever the term one decides to use), giving her a wide variety of spells and a deep knowledge of the intricacies of the nature of magic that none of her companions have.  In essence, she is capable of learning and using practically any spell assuming she has the mana reserves to do so, whereas the ‘supers’ around her typically have a rather narrow specialty, their powers focusing in only a few well-defined areas.

Having bonded herself to her familiar, Black Cat possesses heightened senses, not only better night vision, hearing, and smell like a cat, but magical sight which allows her to read the flows of magic and understand their composition almost immediately.  Further, this bond allows her to cast certain spells when she would normally not be able to (such as when bound and gagged), as her familiar can take over the physical requirements in its state of existing between the physical world and the ethereal.

Due to the nature of her training and her deep knowledge of magical theory, and her access to the vast archives of the Sanctum, Black Cat can generally come up with a spell for any occasion, often improvising well-known spells to create other effects, or coming up with innovative uses for simple spells that the overspecialized ‘supers’ often can’t contend with.  She also possesses knowledge of at least one of the forbidden spells, known as the Bands of Arrnor, which calls upon the power of a demon to capture foes n a most inescapable and deeply erotic way.  Further, she also possesses enough magical aptitude to study the ways of chronomancy with the head of the Order of Hecate herself.


Background Info

A woman out of time, Liz was born in the 1970s and raised in the 1980s, growing up in a suburban, middle-class family and enjoying all the entertainment the time period had to offer.  As magic had mostly been drained from the material world, it came as a complete shock to her when, during her early teenage years, she began manifesting uncontrolled magical abilities.  It was soon after these began that Sassy, a member of the Order of Hecate, would appear and officially adopt Liz into the Order as its newest apprentice, the first one since Sassy herself, who had joined in the late 1800s.  Though she would miss her family, Liz was fascinated by the fact that magic was real and that she could use it, and dove headfirst into her studies.  Inside the order’s Sanctum, time has little meaning, and before she knew it, decades had passed, and her magical abilities had matured, though her body still appeared mostly as it did when she was taken in.  She would chose the path of bonding with her familiar instead of keeping it as a separate entity, gaining its feline features.

Then, an amazing thing happened.  Whatever force had sealed up the source of magic in the real world suddenly vanished, and with the dam broken, magic flooded the Earth.  Old leylines were suddenly bursting with power, and people across the face of the world were gaining magical powers of all kinds, kinds that had not been seen in centuries, if not completely new.  Given the Order’s nature, there was really no decisions made to investigate, only to study until the time was right.  Being the youngest of the mages, only in her early 50s, Liz did what any teenager properly raised in the 80s would have done:  she snuck out of the Sanctum and explored Sentinel City on her own, discovering that the world was almost entirely different from how she remembered it.  For the first time, she could understand why it was that most of the members of the Order avoided venturing into the material realm.

It was during her exploration that she would come upon the crime scene that Mecha Musume and Cyber Seer had recently taken care of, learning more details about the strange use of magic and picking up on the magic that was used by the mysterious Pink Pussy, her instincts telling her that there was much more going on that what was at once obvious.  She would eventually run afoul of the Sentinel City police, specifically Detective Conway, during her investigations, and would have to break out, after which she would join up with Mecha Musume and Cyber Seer to hatch a plan to capture Pink Pussy before she could complete her crime spree.  Though they would successfully capture Pink Pussy and learn of the existence of Dollface, their plans would go awry from there, and she would be defeated by the talented illusionist known only as Kitsune.

Following this incident, Liz continues to learn more of the modern world, now with the blessings of her superiors in the Order, to uncover the nature of the mysterious dark entity seeking the magical relics Pink Pussy and Kitsune had been pilfering, and acting as one of the newest heroes of the city to fight the surge of superpowered criminal activity as Black Cat.


Known Enemies and Rivals

Clean Sweep (Enemy)

The Clean Sweep Gang (Enemy)

Dollface (Enemy)

Demon Lord Kurae (Enemy)

Kitsune (Enemy…?)


LORE24 ENTRY #32 – Supers Month #1 – Pink Pussy


Hero Name

Pink Pussy


Real Name

Catherine “Cat” Ruiz Ramos


In her daily life, Cat is an attractive Latina woman with bleached blond hair, and blue eyes, and a healthy, muscular build, honed from years of training in various fighting styles.  For a while, she was an up and coming MMA fighter, relying on her above-average agility to outwit her opponents and get thin into various submission holds.  Since taking up the heroic mantle of Pink Pussy, she has lessened her time in the ring, focusing on work as a personal trainer and self-defense instructor in her hometown of Sentinel City.  She’s known to be rather headstrong and tends to leap into things before thinking them through, and has had to be pulled out of a bad situation more than once by her friend and lover Laura, a detective with the Sentinel City police.  

When transforming into her heroic persona, Pink Pussy, Cat becomes arguably more beautiful, or at perhaps, more voluptuous.  Her body becomes even more muscular, her hair grows much longer and turns a bright shade of pink, and she takes on feline features, including ears, tail, eyes, and large claws on her oversized, paw-like hands and feet.  The transformation is violent, shredding any clothes she happens to be wearing at the time, but thankfully her body is covered in soft, pink fur, or mostly so; the fur is placed in a way as to leave plenty of skin exposed, earning her the ire of some of the more conservative types.  Her more playful and seductive personality as Pink Pussy has also gotten her plenty of accusations of being a slut or attention-whore, but her army of loyal fans know better.  She is friendly and outgoing, eager to fight crime and those willing to do evil, but loves getting praised for her actions, and is most definitely out to be even more famous than she already is.


Powers and Abilities

When transformed into Pink Pussy, Cat possesses enhanced agility, stamina, and strength befitting her nature as a large feline, with very keen senses of smell, hearing, and sight.  She also gains extraordinary recuperation, making her able to recover from serious injury must faster than normal.  Her large claws are both intimidating and functional, allowing her to easily climb walls and hold onto slick surfaces, while also being able to slice through anything she’s come up against so far, even shields of magical force.  She doesn’t necessarily understand how that’s even possible, and even her magically gifted ally Black Cat hasn’t puzzled it out yet.  She tends to focus on quick, agile strikes, keeping her enemies off balance until she can snatch them up and work them into a submission hold, often in the most sexually suggestive way possible.  Somehow, she always manages to leave behind an autographed photo of herself when she leaves defeated foes behind for the authorities or if she happens across an adoring fan, though nobody really knows where she keeps them, and Pink Pussy certainly isn’t telling.

Her powers aren’t without their flaws, however.  Cat sometimes has to fight with her inner self to avoid transforming into Pink Pussy, the beast within wanting to take over during times of great duress, or if she faces danger, headless of whether it would reveal her secret identity or not.  Transforming will destroy any clothes she happens to be wearing at the time, so she either has to find an out of the way place to strip down, or have a stash of spare clothes tucked away somewhere when she comes out of her alternate persona.  Once she transforms back to her normal self, Cat is often starving, and has earned a reputation as a big eater, and is frequently hitting Mr. Wong’s Chinese buffet after performing her heroic deeds.  Though not necessarily seeing it as a downside, Cat also tends to get very horny once she’s back to normal, and has to relieve her frustrations once business is taken care of.


Background Info

Cat grew up in Sentinel City, a rather typical middle-class upbringing, though she was always getting into fights, with her brothers and sisters, or more often, other kids in school, due to some perceived slight or what she judged to be some kind of wrongdoing.  Known as something of a troublemaker, she would turn herself around after she met Laura Conway in high school.  The two hit it off rather quickly, Laura’s cooler head tempering Cat’s hotheaded nature and managed to get her focused on applying her fighting spirit toward bouts of a more sporting nature.  This would continue through their college years and beyond, with Cat seriously taking up training and eventually entering into various MMA events.  It would be during her MMA years that she would earn the ire of one Anita Winters, a bulky, brute of a woman who seemed to be the exact opposite of Cat, all muscle and no style; the two would clash many times, though Cat got the upper hand more often than not.

It was only after the world suddenly found itself with super-powered individuals that Cat left her MMA career behind, moving in with Laura and starting work as a personal trainer to give her more time to fight crime.  She was amongst the earliest of the emerging superpowered personas to go public, and quickly earned a growing reputation for fighting the good fight, and legions of adoring fans.  It was a few months later that she earned another rival in the form of Shadow Lynx, another feline-themed Latina heroine with a growing fanbase that often clashed with one another over which of their chosen heroines was the best, and whenever the two met, there were always sparks as their personalities clashed.

Cat ran afoul of the villainous Dollface soon after the villainess made her debut.  Captured, Cat was forced to wear one of the villain’s special doll masks, which took over her mind and left her as an unwilling servant, quickly becoming the most powerful of Dollface’s minions, and being forced into committing thefts so that the villainess could increase her power and influence throughout the city, though it was discovered that Dollface was working under the direction of another, perhaps one not even of this world.  She would remain this way for several months, until a group of newcomer heroines would manage to finally free her, though her reputation would be greatly tarnished by this.  Coming out of the dark days as an unwilling minion of Dollface, Cat, never one to give up easily, has started rebuilding the good name of Pink Pussy, and has redoubled her efforts to keep Sentinel City safe, working alongside her newfound allies to uncover the mysterious figure backing Dollface:  Gun Bunny, Mecha Musume, Cyber Seer, and Black Cat.


Known Enemies and Rivals

Anita Winters (Rival)

Shadow Lynx (Rival)

Dollface (Enemy)

The Order of Immaculate Chastity (Enemy)

Demon Lord Kurae (Enemy)

Kitsune (Enemy…?)