#Lore24 – Entry #233 – Helica Month #21 – Digging into the Past, Saving the Future

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

Now that I was unbound by the dire threat of a horde of raiders sweeping across the border wall, I could take time to properly appreciate the ruins that lay partially buried within the Wildlands that I had only glimpse from afar before.  It almost felt like old times as I traversed the crater that marked one of the Transgressor’s prior destructive sweeps, taking note of the similar but slightly different architecture that marked the era that preceded the monster’s arrival.  It was not my destination, though it was on the way, and brought a certain kind of peace to my troubled mind.

It was hard to miss the expanded presence of the Church patrols out here now.  Beyond the border wall, they had maintained their presence in the city that had served as the bandit leader’s base of operations, likely to ensure that there were no further uprisings, but given that they were rebuilding it and adding new fortifications, I imagined they were going to be staying a lot longer.  It was somewhat unusual for the Church to expand so quickly, but perhaps that came with the influence of a certain Sylvanae summoner who now held a great deal of power within the church; I’d heard rumors she was already on her way to the very topmost ranks of its leadership. 

I avoided coming in too close, taking a roundabout route that led me through additional ruins, where I noticed signs of recent habitation from the fleeing monstrous races we had driven out of the area.  Thus far I had encountered none of them, likely driven into the depths of the earth or wiped out entirely.  I doubt that they would have appreciated my coming regardless, but I wonder if perhaps there could have been a peaceful resolution that would have allowed me time to speak with them about what they might have known about their land and its history.

My journey was not without its hardships, though, for there were plenty of demons for me to deal with, though they were nowhere near as fierce as they were with the Transgressor’s awakening, almost as if their fighting spirit had been drained from them.  All the better for me, given that I ventured into these lands alone.  I continued to see signs of recent habitation here and there, old campsites or abandoned villages, and could only wonder where the former inhabitants had gone in the wake of the Church’s culling.  I would be curious to attempt to explore and try to seek them out after some more time had passed, but that would have to wait, for I neared my destination.

#Lore24 – Entry #232 – Helica Month #20 – No Use for a Failed Knight

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

Though months have passed since I last passed through the Kinarrora Highlands, I found that some of the people along the way recognized me and were none too pleased by the revelation.  They were under the impression that I had died defending High Lord Summoner Esekia during his final battle.  I attempted to deny who I was, to convince them I was someone else, but they were not to be fooled (I’ve never been that great with people, admittedly), and began to call me a coward, accused me of fleeing and leaving my summoner to die.  What other choice did I have but to bear their sudden hatred, conduct my business, and be on my way as fast as possible?

I had expected such a reaction from the Church, certainly, which is why I avoided anywhere they were known to be, but I had not considered this possibility when I had set out.  The story woven by Tephysea had spread quickly, as one would expect, and I was an affront to that story, even in the eyes of the people who had once treated me with respect as I had guarded Esekia.  It seems that I would need to be much more cautious going forward, less the word of my survival reach the Church.

Thankfully I have received another vision from Saghirah now that things have settled down.  I had dreamt of the Highlands several times since my return from Grad Artanais, and now that I had returned to them, had dreamt of the Wildlands, of the lands beyond those which we had conquered when we slew the leader of the raiders.  Though it was certainly enemy territory, I had the distinct impression that everywhere save perhaps the lands held by the Ketzeryn could be against me now.  At least, I was not aware of anything I could have done to offend them, other than being a former Phyresian, of course.  Perhaps that would be enough?  I had little doubt I would need to seek their aid in searching their lands for another scroll eventually.

For now, though, I would venture again into the Wildlands and face what dangers may come.  Though I am hardly invulnerable, my time has a Knight Protector and my education in the art of black magic has made me more capable of dealing with most threats, especially now that the fire has diminished within many demons following the destruction of the Transgressor.

#Lore24 – Entry #231 – Helica Month #19 – The World Moves On

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

Many weeks have passed since the terrible betrayal I witnessed in Grad Artanais, and I have made full account of the incident, stowed safely away with the knowledge of the first scroll in no less than three places along my path that I will not name.  Though casual observation will not reveal the documents, in time, they will be revealed should something befall me.

Even though I know the truth of the bargain which was made, I cannot bring myself to fully hate the coming of another Tranquility, for even in the outlying towns, the joy is clear upon the faces of my fellow Helicans.  The demons which roam the land have diminished already, their aggressiveness much lessened too.  I wish that the cost had not to be so terrible, and that it would be everlasting, but that is sadly not to be.  If anything, it will allow me some greater freedom to search for the next forbidden scroll.  I feel it best that I avoid the larger cities and towns for the time being anyway, for I have already heard the narrative which Tephysea, now the High Lady Summoner and Grand Mistress of the Church of Phyresis, has woven regarding her miraculous survival and the noble sacrifice made by her most precious lover, Esekia. 

To hear the people tell the tale, with such joyous looks upon their faces when I knew the truth of the matter, made me sick to the very core of my being, but I could do nothing about it for now.  The only way I could avenge Esekia, Zubayr, and the nameless Stalker that had protected us on the way was by planting the seeds of truth well out of the wrathful gaze of the Church and nurturing them until they were ripe. 

I am the chosen of Saghirah for this task, and I will not let her down no matter what it takes.  Though I have yet to learn all there is to know of the great amaranth, I am certain that she has a greater plan that I would only jeopardize should I be aware of it.  I have faith in her that all will be revealed in time, for I have no remaining faith in Phyresis, the false savior of Helica.  My faith is returned rightfully to the Amaranths where it belongs. 

#Lore24 – Entry #230 – Helica Month #18 – Betrayal and the New Tranquility

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

As with my first visit to Grad Artanais, I would leave the city shaken by what I would find, though the circumstances could not be more different.  As I write these words, I lay near death in the only safe place I could find within in ruins of the ancient city, within the shrine of Saghirah.  It is perhaps only by her blessing that I survived what befell my party and yet live to tell of it, though I fear my revelations are simply too much for the populace of Helica to bear, to say nothing of the Church of Phyresis.

Once we had descended to the camping spot I had used what seemed a lifetime ago, I could sense the change that had come over Grad Artanais, the malevolent, oppressive pressure that radiated from it, specifically from the massive ruin of an ancient Battleball arena at the city’s center.  Standing upon the slope of the holy mountain at night, I could see the vile aura of swirling blackness that surrounded the building, could see massive demons roaming the streets as if guarding it, miniscule compared to the Transgressor, but larger than any I had before witnessed.  For once, even Tephysea seemed overwhelmed by what lay ahead, though she again professed that the love she and Esekia shared would see them through. 

I had voiced my concerns about this relationship previously, but Esekia was quite resolute in his love, and for the additional hope it gave to the people of Helica.  Perhaps it would make a difference, I had thought then, for if one summoner had to sacrifice themselves to defeat the Transgressor, then perhaps two could overcome whatever lay within that arena and walk out alive. 

Of course, I would soon learn, after our party pushed through the guardian demons into the heart of Grad Artanais with the help of the Amaranths, that was a foolish hope.  Even though I knew not what to expect once we had breached the arena, passing by the statues of heroes long forgotten to history, I could not have predicted that which we found waiting within.  This is the truth that must told, but how can I reveal such a revelation to the people and actually make them believe it?  Surely the Church would never allow such knowledge to escape, for the entirety of their faith is borne upon it. 

What lies within the dark heart of the Transgressor is…

[Text becomes incoherent scrawls, drifting off the page]

I continue this entry with a clearer head now that I’ve had time to rest and have somewhat recovered from my injuries, for I am no longer near death, perhaps saved by the grace of the Amaranth herself.  Like Saghirah’s forbidden scrolls, I cannot reveal what I learned just yet, not here, for it would find its way to the Church, and the rumors would be quickly quashed, and any proclaiming them killed, or at best, permanently enslaved as a Beast to silence them. 

No, a more cautious approach is needed.  I must be subtle, and I must be extremely careful once I leave this place.  Though the darkness is gone for now, for a new Tranquility has started, the Transgressor will return, and the cycle will continue unabated until a way can be found to stop it.  Suffice to say, the Sylvanae, specifically Tephysea and her loyal followers, are complicit in what comes next, and were responsible for what befell Esekia and my other companions.  A full accounting of her betrayal will I make elsewhere, and it shall be secreted away with the knowledge of the forbidden scroll of Saghirah, safe from any who would seek it.  I will see justice done in time, for I am assured that I will have plenty of it by the great Saghirah.

And so I end this journal for now, for the world I return to will surely be a different one upon my return, and I will have new purpose beyond simply uncovering the rest of Saghirah’s scrolls, for righteous vengeance is a powerful motivator.

The cycle cannot continue, for surely Helica will be destroyed, no matter how many times the Transgressor is defeated.

#Lore24 – Entry #217 – Helica Month #5 – Bound to the Will of Saghirah

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica

As I carefully rerolled the scroll, I sensed a change in the chamber.  The air grew heavier with Saghirah’s presence, and I felt the dry heat of the desert suddenly consume the chamber.  As I looked up, I saw that the visages of the Amaranth that surrounded me were glowing with faint golden light.  In the next moment, I was suddenly far beyond the cavern below the temple in Grad Artanais, standing atop a massive, pyramidal temple in the center of a great oasis in a desert.

Sensing the Amaranth behind me, I quickly turned, going to my knees before the massive form of Saghirah herself, looming over me in all her majestic glory.  I was too stunned to speak, for I never had the capacity to become a summoner, and why I was suddenly in this vision before Saghirah, I could not fathom in those moments.

By reading the sacred scroll of Saghirah, thou hast become bound to Her will,” she said to me, her voice rumbling as thunder over the expanse of the oasis.  “Thus, thou must continue the task She has set before thee.  Seek the other scrolls, traveler of Helica, that the truth of the Transgressor be revealed, but use the greatest of subtleties in this matter; reveal not thy forbidden knowledge of Saghirah to those incapable of understanding it, to those who will destroy thee for it.  Seek those of likeminded intent, those who can see beyond the doctrine of Phyresis.  In this quest, Saghirah grants you her blessing, that time may not ravage thee, Seeker of Knowledge, for thy task will take many lifetimes to complete.  Thou will knowest thy task approaches its end when the Angel of Grad Artanais reveals herself upon the grand stage of the arena in San Granalle as a beacon of hope unto Helica, and thou will knowest she is the true Angel, a true vessel of the will of Saghirah, for She will appear alongside the Angel.  Go now, Seeker, for thy long journey has begun.

I awoke from my vision with a start, disoriented and freezing, my eyes focusing upon the night sky and the stars far above me.  As I regained my senses and got to my feet, I realized that I was no longer within the shrine, no longer in Grad Artanais at all in fact, for the ancient ruin lay far below me.  I had somehow come back to the small campsite I had occupied on the lower slopes of the sacred mountain Temismere before my journey into the holy city.  Only now I had the faintest sense of Saghirah’s presence within my mind, a sense that her ever-watchful eye was upon me, perhaps a sign of the blessing she spoke of.  Thoroughly exhausted, I started a fire and settled in for the night, my thoughts filled with a vision of where I must travel next, the island of Ukejama, far to the south.

#Lore24 – Entry #216 – Helica Month #4 – The First Scroll

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica

I approached the scroll case reverently, for Saghirah’s gaze still weighed heavy above me, and I could not help but wonder if the reasons the Church had disavowed the existence of the Amaranth were in fact true, for their doctrine is absolute, and all are raised following it.  Still, I willed myself forward and gently opened the case, finding the rolled parchment inside to still be intact, and for a wonder, not as brittle as I feared; something of the Amaranth’s influence had preserved it well over the centuries. 

Always eager to absorb new knowledge, I suppressed my eagerness and carefully unrolled the scroll upon the altar, translating the ancient text easily enough through my many years of study of the world before the Wicked One’s arrival.  I committed the words of the Amaranth to memory, reading and rereading the scroll several times until I was certain not a word was out of place in my mind.  Normally I would have transcribed the words of Saghirah to my journals, but I knew instinctively that was not her wish, and with good reason.  The full contents of her scrolls will be revealed when the time is right.

What I will say of the first of the scrolls of forbidden knowledge is that the contents shook me to my very core.  Any remaining faith I’d once had in Phyresis, the One True God, fled me as I read and reread the ancient words.  At the time the scroll was created, faith in beings beyond our mere mortal existence was at an all-time low amongst all the peoples of Helica, with the Amaranths, the ancient guardian spirits of our world, becoming relegated to myth and legend by most. 

Faith, more specifically, the lack of faith by the people of Helica, would lead to the Downfall.  This was how the Transgressor had prepared our world for its arrival, by patiently seeding distractions and false beliefs amongst the people.  And when the Wicked One did come, that fateful night so many centuries ago when Grad Artanais fell, the world was simply not prepared to mount a defense, so scattered and divided was its people. 

The true nature of the Transgressor is positively vile, but no more can I say here.

#Lore24 – Entry #215 – Helica Month #3 –Within the Shrine of Saghirah

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica

Though many would call me mad for daring to stay in Grad Artanais for as long as I did, especially alone, in the end, my faith in the knowledge I had uncovered to that point would prove to be well placed.  It took some time to work my way through the shrine complex, for it was in a sorry state by this time, though I was confident that I would not be molested by the roaming demons in this place.  The ethereal calmness that permeates the temples to the Amaranths still lingered here, and without the Transgressor’s presence, the demons would not dare to approach these divinely protected places.

At last, I found Saghirah’s shrine, still mostly well preserved, ancient streamers covered in prayers to the Amaranth still hanging from the ceiling and blowing in the cool breeze that permeated the structure.  Her stone visage loomed large above me, the image of a large, winged feline, sitting imperiously with head held high, wings spread wide and angled back, regaled in armor that, in spite of the ravages of time, still held some semblance of their golden sheen.  Though I doubt there has been anyone to visit this place in centuries, I still felt the gaze of the Amaranth upon me the moment I came before her image, and I knew then that she was there, watching me.

I immediately dropped into the reverence position, offering my praise to Saghirah, explaining why I had ventured into this place, begging her aid.  I could feel her gaze weighing heavily upon me, the sense that I was but a mouse before a great predator that could strike me down at any moment.  There is little else that I could do then, for I was suddenly stricken by the fear that perhaps what I sought had been hidden by the Amaranth herself, not the Church, and that to court her for this forbidden knowledge was to invite death itself.

There was a shift in the ambiance of the shrine then, for the cool, damp air, like that of a tomb, that I had experienced since my arrival suddenly vanished, replaced in what sounded like a deep, sighing breath from the visage of the Amaranth herself by heat and dryness, not unlike the heat of a desert.  As I dared to look up, I swore I saw a gleam in the eye of Saghirah’s statue, and then the warm blast of air shifted, stirring the ancient streamers, drawing my eye beyond the visage to a doorway partially hidden by rubble. 

Taking this as a blessing from the mighty Saghirah, I rose and ventured forth, finding signs that this doorway was once hidden.  Beyond were stairs leading downward, and soon I was within an even more ancient place, still heavy with the presence of Saghirah, this chamber filled with fine sand and circled by half a dozen stone plinths, each bearing smaller images of Saghirah, half similar to those of the larger image above, the other half that of an unearthly humanoid woman, adorned in armor similar to what her bestial form wore, her head hidden behind a great feline mask.  In the center of this chamber was an altar, and upon this altar, still appearing pristine, was a scroll case.

#Lore24 – Entry #214 – Helica Month #2 – The Angel of Grad Artanais

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica

The tales of an angel, seen and heard across the broken expanse of the once great city of Grad Artanais are true!  I have witnessed her with my own eyes, heard her voice singing the Eversong with my own ears! 

As I dared venture down from the overlook in which I camped last night, a thick fog rolled in from the poisonous sea that borders the ruined city.  On the one hand, it would be useful in concealing my presence from the roaming demons that fill this place, but on the other, so too would they be concealed from me.  It didn’t take long for me to hear them, their claws scraping over the broken skyscrapers that lay about in piles, rending the ancient metal remains of machines that were somehow frozen in time, still there and not rusted away by time and seasons.  I tread carefully, using every sense I had to navigate in the direction I had chosen, careful to avoid notice. 

It was perhaps two hours into my dangerous trek that I began to hear the Eversong, the reverent and soothing tones echoing eerily through the dead city’s remains.  Then I heard her voice, the voice of the angel herself, clear and distinct, chilling me to my very core.  Her voice sounded otherworldly, a starkly beautiful, yet hauntingly melodic sound amongst the fog-shrouded decay and littered remnants of demon-infested civilization past.  I saw her guiding light then, piercing through the fog, and in the direction I had intended to go, a ball of light in the dim fog, like a beacon.  And so, I followed the light and the song, sensing not the demons as I went to her light.  As I neared, the light faded out, only to be replaced by another further along, her voice moving with it, leading me, guiding me.

I followed the angel for perhaps an hour, my tension eased by her voice and her holy light, finally coming to understand what it was that those summoners and their protectors who had survived this place to tell the tale had experienced, for truly she is a being of the divine.  And she led me exactly where I had deigned to go!  It was nearing midday, the fog finally starting to thin, when I finally came upon the ancient shrine complex, broken and decayed, but still recognizable to me as the place I had discovered in the lost records where many of the Amaranths were once worshipped. 

There the angel left me, and I ventured forth into the ruin, seeking the shrine of Saghirah, and hopefully, one of her ancient, forbidden scrolls.

#Lore24 – Entry #213 – Helica Month #1 – The Forbidden Scrolls of Saghirah

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica

Long have I journeyed across Helica’s blasted and broken landscapes, the ruins of a world long dead that lays infested with monstrous demons thirsty for mortal flesh and malkikai, ancient machines that no longer recognize their masters and seek to slay them just the same.  Seldom in these days do I see the civilized parts of the world, those cities and towns that remain in the wake of the Transgressor’s destruction, for what I seek, should any remain, lays far beyond the reach of man and the Church of Phyresis and their closed-minded, dogmatic faith in their god.

What is it that drives me to brave these blasted lands and ruins of ancient cities, you may ask?  Nothing less than forbidden knowledge, of course!  The knowledge denied to the people of this world by the Church of Phyresis, the knowledge once bequeathed to the people of Helica by the Amaranths themselves!  But not just any Amaranth, no, the lost Amaranth Saghirah! 

There are reasons the Church of Phyresis has tried to hide knowledge of Saghirah, and these scrolls are those reasons!  She can see the very essence of time and space themselves, has seen beyond the very creation and destruction of Helica to the great beyond, has seen the stars that lay in the far beyond!  She sees the past, the present, and the future, and in her knowledge lies the key to the true destruction of the Transgressor! 

Why would the Church of Phyresis not seek this knowledge, you ask?  Quite simply, they fear it.  They fear the loss of control over the people of Helica, their place of power.  It is the same story told many times, of the desire of those who wield great power to maintain their control over that power.  But…but I have a theory that there is more to this tale than what I know now.  If I am able to locate one of these lost scrolls, then perhaps I can corroborate this theory with the words of the great Amaranth. 

On the morrow I venture into the ruins of Grad Artanais.  Though it is a sacred site to the Church of Phyresis, they have not scoured the entire ruin; even they do not have the power to survive there long enough to do that.  I am convinced I have located the ancient temple complex that once housed the Shrine to Saghirah, and perhaps one of the lost scrolls I seek.  Given what I had to dig through to find this information, and comparing it with the records of the archives, they have not found what remains there yet. 

May the Angel of Grad Artanais watch over me during this excursion; I will need all the help I can get.