#Lore24 – Entry #225 – Helica Month #13 – Those Who Would Defy Phyresis

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

On our journey to Vallalava, we would encounter a small group of malkikai ships, the plumes of black smoke billowing from their exhausts visible before the ships themselves.  With our vessel now on alert, we prepared ourselves for trouble, for there was only one group who would dare use such forbidden technology, the Ketzeryn, those who would dare to defy the Church of Phyresis.  I had not had an opportunity to speak to any of their members myself, and know only that they inhabit several islands and have holdings of their own upon them, outside of the influence of the Church. 

Though most often they stay to the seas, for that is where they find their forbidden weapons and technology, their members have been known to travel into the lands of Phyresis on occasion, plundering some ruin or another in hopes of finding more of the malkikai.  It is not uncommon belief amongst those faithful to Phyresis that the Ketzeryn are responsible for ending the Tranquilities and reawakening the Transgressor and bringing further sorrow unto the world.  And yet, that belief, in my opinion, is flawed, for they suffer the wrath of the Transgressor just as often as anyone else, and yet if their sins are so great in the eyes of Phyresis, then why have they not been wiped from Helica already?  Surely it would not be difficult for the Wicked One to perform such a feat?

The Ketzeryn ships turned generally toward us, but as they neared, only one ship approached closer, the others holding a good distance away.  As it neared, this vessel raised a white flag, indicating they wished to parlay.  This sent a ripple of discussion amongst the many faithful of Phyresis, some chomping at the bit to destroy the heathens, quite confident in the powers with their Amaranths.  Others, the crew of the ship, myself, and a few other travelers and merchants, advised caution, however, as they numbered nearly a dozen vessels to our one, and theirs were armed with forbidden weaponry.  It could turn disastrous for us quite quickly.

Luckly, cooler heads prevailed, and there was a peaceful meeting with the Ketzeryn.  As we would learn, they were fleeing a recent attack from the Transgressor, who had destroyed one of their island bases when it had suddenly surfaced nearby, and that they were only a day’s journey from their last sighting of the Wicked One; it was simply a warning that we should be careful, and that they bore us no hostile intentions.  I would say the Ketzeryn acted quite reasonably during this meeting, and though they were just as alert as we were for an attack, they made no hostile moves.

I will note that I was rather disgusted by the response from many of the Phyresians to this news, for they were practically cheering such destruction of their enemies.  Were these not human lives too? Was there not enough suffering in the world without conflicting ideology stoking the fires of hatred? 

Our vessel moved on without incident, their fleet hanging back and continuing to the east as we continued roughly northwest.  Perhaps one day I will have the opportunity to travel amongst the Ketzeryn and learn more of their ways, but that would not be this day.  My own training would continue, and the island of Vallalava and the Amaranth Cinza awaited us.