#Lore 24 – Entry #103 – Sci-Fi Month II #12 – Known Commonalities Amongst Demon Sector Creatures


From the Official Report by Bovinius Greenwhisker, Herdminder, assigned to UEF-04, Maharani Morgiana.

Though our study of the creatures native to the Demon Sector has only just begun, there are several notable commonalities shared amongst a significant number of creatures which should be noted and observed in the field.  Much of our information comes from the local wildlife captured and studied in the Valefar system, but long-range messages received from other exploratory teams deeper within the Demon Sector have revealed these traits to be common there as well.  It should be noted that these traits are NOT found in ALL lifeforms we have thus far encountered; aside from coloration and size differences, many of the species we have encountered thus far are almost identical to what we are familiar with.  These traits, while most common in predators, are sometimes present in the prey animals as well, making for some interesting and potentially dangerous combinations.

  • Aggression – The most common trait attributed to this particular type of Demon Sector wildlife is their aggression. Even the herbivores are more aggressive than one might expect, often choosing to fight when threatened instead of running.  The colonists of Valefar V have dealt with the particular type of “raptors” common in the temperate regions of the main continent for some time (though these creatures are most certainly to be classified as dinosaur-type creatures, not avians), and they are known for highly aggressive pack behavior and their fearlessness; they are known to attack even low-flying grav-craft used in driving them from claimed territory.  Some subspecies of Valefari deer are likewise aggressive, charging to attack hunters instead of fleeing, the males possessing particularly vicious antlers that are easily able to tear through unprotected flesh.
  • Intelligence – Animals of the “Demon Sector type” (we really should settle on an official name for these…) are also possessed of uncommon intelligence and cunning, capable of tactical thinking and problem solving. The Valefari raptors are known for their pack tactics, luring hunters into tracking one of them while others attack from the flanks, or even luring the unwary into rudimentary traps, such as creating rockslides or making use of quicksand.  A breed of rodent first encountered by explorers and later studied by UEF-01 in the Dantalion subsector is particular adept at navigation, possessing almost a minotaur-like quality to traverse mazes, and subsequently, structures, and are rather fond of the outer coating used on wiring, so they make for excellent saboteurs. 
  • Increased Size – Compared to other known species of similar types outside the Demon Barrier, the Demon Sector variants are thus far universally larger, on average at least fifteen percent larger (mostly due to increased muscle mass), though some are much larger. Again, the Valefari raptors are five to six feet high on average, with the alphas being as tall as eight feet, their long balancing tales making their length between eight and twelve feet.  The deer share similar increased size and mass, and the saboteur rodents average out to be about two feet from nose to tail.
  • “Spicy” Flavor – The natural flavor of meat collected from the various “Demon Sector creatures” has been described as “spicy” or hot naturally, whether in its raw state or cooked, though cooking tends to make the meat even hotter, depending on the method used (it should be noted that certain variations of these species, depending on their nature, are harder to cook than others, see Elemental Resistances below). This can be mitigated with certain herbs and spices, and there seems to be a growing movement to perfect “Demon Cuisine”.
  • Brilliant Coloration – These types of creatures are usually noted for their brilliant colorations that don’t always blend in with their surroundings. They, like the succubi, are usually possessed of brilliantly colored skin and fur, of various hues of red, orange, green, and blue, though many other colors have thus far been encountered.  These colors are often matched with stripes or spots not unlike those of predatory felines. 
  • Elemental Resistances – Of the known thirty types of “Demon Sector” animal variations encountered thus far, twenty-six of them possess some form of elemental resistance, usually related to the environment in which they have been encountered. Fire and cold resistances seem to be the most common thus far (and these are also the ones hardest to cook properly due to the higher heat required for cooking in both cases, either to overcome the natural resistance to flame and heat or to avoid burning the cold-resistant meat with too high a flame).  Similar resistances have been noted to acids and toxins, electricity, natural and otherwise, and even one species has proven resistant to divine magic.  It would be safe to assume that a newly encountered creature will possess a type of resistance, and thus should be carefully observed before engaging if at all possible.

Though we have no measurable metrics to validate the idea, it is theorized that creatures possessing some or all of these traits have demonic blood in their heritage.  Many traits of these creatures are shared by the succubi with whom we are familiar (and yes, I mean the race more correctly identified as ‘mazoku’, despite the current day common parlance), though their ratio of male to female members seems to be more in line with normal animals of similar species.   Some of those capable of using divine power in battle have reported that their holy magic affects these creatures as they would a demonic or other extra-planar creature, so this theory holds water.  Further time and study will tell us for certain, though.

LORE24 ENTRY #9 – The Greenwhiskers

Category – Organization

The Greenwhiskers are a group of druidic mystics originally founded by the nomadic rattenvolk clans during the pre-galactic expansion times.  The group has long been dedicated to preserving and defending nature from overzealous expansion efforts by the larger races, but have traditionally made efforts to come to diplomatic solutions as opposed to combative ones.  To encourage peaceful interactions, they also offer aid to travelers and others in need if they are able to.

During the early days of space exploration, the Greenwhiskers proved instrumental in promoting long-distance space travel.  While most rattenvolk looking to the stars were talented technicians, able to get into small spaces most couldn’t, the druidic Greenwhiskers were responsible for maintaining the ship-based gardens in early exploration vessels, providing not only fresh air, but extra food and vital knowledge on newly discovered flora and fauna.  They were likewise instrumental during colonization efforts of various worlds, working to ensure stability while minimizing dangers to the local environment.

In modern times, the role of the Greenwhiskers has diminished in terms of space travel and exploration with the widespread use of and perfected designs of the TK Drives, but they are still found across most systems, maintaining station-bound gardens, nature preserves, and even being responsible for the upkeep of natural elements scattered across many cities.  With the opening of the Demon Sector, they have seen a resurgence in demand as thousands of explorers dive into the unknown and seek to expand to the many worlds within.