#Lore24 – Entry #77 – Fantasy Month #17 – Thundering Dawn


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

The long lost legendary holy sword, Thundering Dawn, the Searing Light of Lashana, the Scorching Terror of Demons and Undead, has been sought after by holy knights, exorcists, treasure hunters, historians, and many an Emperor for centuries.  The blade itself was forged during the years before the Great Cataclysm and first wielded by Melisande no Synstralia de’Rashnikova herself, founder of the Holy Order of Rashnikova, known for their dedication to the goddess Lashana and their mission to see demons, undead, and other such fiends and supernatural creatures driven from Andyllion. 

Though Rashnikova would survive the Great Cataclysm, her line supposedly still continuing to this day, in fact, in the form of the aptly named Brightblade family, her famous sword would go missing in the centuries following the upheaval of the world, and has remained but a legend since, though many stories of heroic knights, kings and queens, seekers of justice, etc, have been written in which this blade features prominently.  Some theorize that it was stolen by demonkind after its final wielder was slain, hidden away within the Horrid Abyss in order to corrupt its very nature, while others suggest that the blade still remains hidden upon Andyllion, resting within the heart of an ancient evil that will awaken should it ever be removed, while others still would believe that the blade lies safely within the treasures of the Emperor, and the very power of having it so close has been responsible for the continuing prosperity of the Empire.

Thundering Dawn was, or perhaps, is, a bastard sword of exceptional make, forged from the purest mythril supposedly collected from a fallen star sent by Lashana herself by a remarkable combined effort between the master dwarven and kobold smiths of the era.  Thusly forged, the blade was then anointed by the clergy of Lashana through dozens of sanctifying rituals and finally bathed in the “blood of Lashana” to infuse the sword with its legendary power before it was given to Lady Rashnikova as she led the crusade against the demonic incursion. 

Though a weapon of remarkable power against any bearing ill-intent to its wielder, in the hands of a dedicated champion of Lashana, the true power of the sword was brought to bear.  When drawn in the presence of the demons or undead, owing to its namesake, thunder would shake the skies, and the sword’s blade would radiate with the light of the sun, searing such creatures that would be caught within its radiance.  Only the strongest of demons or undead could survive more than a single strike from the blade as its holy energy would spill forth and burn them into ashes, those that were not driven to flee by its powerful aura alone, that is.  Those evil supernatural creatures who were slain by Thundering Dawn were supposedly seared into oblivion, their vile essences burned away permanently by Lashana’s justice. 

Though I certainly would like to believe that Thundering Dawn exists, or once did, I find myself leaning more toward the sword’s supposed power being the stuff of legends.  Perhaps there was a sword with that name, and perhaps it was in fact wielded by Lady Rashnikova, but likely its powers and exploits were greatly exaggerated through time as the stories were told and retold.  Still, I can’t deny that I do enjoy many of the tales involving Thundering Dawn, and were it to be found, I would very much like to lay eyes upon it at least once.

LORE24 ENTRY #31 – Holy Order of Rashnikova

Category – Organization

Founded during the Age of Legends to combat both a resurgence in demonic activity and an upsurge of undead and other supernatural threats, this holy order was originally founded by the paladin Melisande no’Synstralia de’Rashnikova of Arcavarlon, upon the planet Andyllion, originally under the divine guidance of the goddess Lashana and her drive to punish evil in all its forms.  The Holy Order has survived to modern times and has since opened its doors to those of other faiths who have dedicated themselves to combating supernatural evil.

Though not a prerequisite, nearly all of the Order’s membership possess divine or natural magic abilities, divided mostly between the clergy and the paladins, with the paladins being the ones most often sent to the frontlines to deal with the threats, while the clergy handle healing, more complex rites of exorcism, and research.  In the current times, the most common threat the Order faces are the undead, though lycanthropes and other evil shapechangers and similar spirits are not entirely uncommon.  On rare occasions a true demon has been encountered, requiring a much more significant response to deal with.

Though a relatively small group, they are backed by multiple organizations and individuals across known space.  As such, the Order has access to some of the best craftsmen, mystics, and technology available to perform their holy exterminations, with its members possessing some of the most highly enchanted arms and armor available, including their customized Fenrir assault rifles, now something of an iconic weapon.  Trained in all forms of combat, not just firearms (because some creatures simply won’t die until their heads are removed with a silver blade or a stake to the heart), many of their members come from related backgrounds, such as mercenary or military groups, often with a particular incident they managed to survive driving them onto their new path as a holy slayer.  


LORE24 ENTRY #3 – Prayer of Blessing

Category – Spell / Magic

A Prayer of Blessing is a type of divine magic used by priests and priestesses.  The caster of this spell speaks a prayer to the deity to which they have devoted themselves, asking for the blessing of their deity to protect and bolster themselves and their allies, most often in a combat situation, though there are variations for other circumstances.  This is a very common type of spell.


Example Blessings

Blessing of Battle – A blessing of this type bolsters the combat prowess of the recipient, enhancing their ability to land telling blows and enhancing the amount of damage done should the strike land.

Blessing of Defense – A blessing of this type bolsters the defenses of the recipient, creating a magical shield that will soften incoming blows or deflect incoming bullets, if not completely, enough to allow the victim of the attack to perhaps survive the attack.

Blessing of Endurance – A blessing of this type bolsters the physical resilience of the recipient, granting them greater endurance and fortitude to withstand harsh conditions, march for longer, or even resist the effects of poisons and toxins.