#Lore24 – Entry #263 – Fantasy Month III #20 – Another Horrible City

As Told by Kazumi, Druid of the Circle of Claw and Fang

“This one doesn’t like cities, never has, and Arcavarlon is no different.  Too many people, too little reverence for nature, too much distraction… Even the air coming in from the Great Canoma Bay does little to ease this one’s nerves in a place like that.  It was all this one could do to make herself go within its walls…so little in the ways of trees around, only a few small parks, nothing for miles around!  Terrible!

This one did not care what the others had been tasked to do; she was there to hunt those responsible for harming her forest first and foremost.  She knows not the details of the deal, only that we were to aid one of the influential persons in Arcavarlon with some task that could only come from the corruption born of the cities.  Has this one mentioned she doesn’t like cities?  You are aware of how sensitive a kerryn’s sense of smell is, yes?  This one’s is much stronger than that, you see, and this one struggles to ignore everything she doesn’t need to in large places like Arcavarlon.  Think of it like when a sudden flash blinds you, of when your senses are vastly overwhelmed and overpowered.  Yes, this one could learn to deal with it, but that means spending time in cities, and that is something this one never wished to do.

Once we had settled in at one of the inns, word was sent to arrange to meet the person in question, but that wouldn’t be until later.  This one had time to explore, try to make some sense of the chaos that is Arcavarlon.  She would spend much time in the shape of a regular cat, listening, watching, learning paths and routes through the mess, finding the pockets of nature she could in the parks, pondering why nature hadn’t reclaimed the abominable city by scouring it from the land through great storms or ice from the northern reaches of the sea.  This one saw many things while she watched, some good, some bad, many people just trying to survive.  This one may speak of dire matters and affronts to nature, but not all are capable of surviving as this one does amongst the druids.  There have been many debates in this one’s time about such matters in the circles, but this one wishes not to bring them up now.

This one would watch and wait while the others visited the temples to their gods in the time we had before we would meet with the one Lady Jade had sent us to assist.  This one reveres the spirits of the land above all, though this one admits to being curious of the nature of the lost kerryn mother goddess.  This one has had opportunity to speak with some of the nomadic kerryn clans that roam the land of their searching for the goddess, and until she came here, this one had no idea that such hopes still existed, for this one was raised to think that the kerryn were forsaken by the gods for past evils.  Nature is much simpler to understand than the gods.”

#Lore24 – Entry #262 – Fantasy Month III #19 – Cutting a Swath All the Way to Arcavarlon

As Told by Siduri Tamboura, Warrior for Hire

“You know, I’ve thought about what you said about Teelsa.  Does her keeping things from me bother me?  Yeah, no question about that.  I don’t like being jerked around and lied to, but she is a bard, and you can’t really trust them not to try something like that.  They’re almost as bad as thieves in that regard, only difference is you can usually hear them coming because they can’t shut their mouths, right?  Well, anyway, let her keep her secret a while longer; I’ll get it out of her eventually.  Sounds like she’s earned some time with my whip after this mess…

Well, after that dark elf ambush, we weren’t taking no shit from anyone on the way to Arcavarlon, I can tell you that.  You can thank us later for clearing up some of your bandit problem on the road between there and Greenspire, by the way.  Some coin would be fitting enough.  I’ll not hold my breath.  We must have killed nearly two dozen of them, kept thinking a bunch of women were easy pickings, I guess, but they weren’t prepared for us.  Would’ve taken time to clear out their dens, but we had more lucrative things on the menu. 

Cleared out one of them, though; got held up in Orzyn after it got raided and the ferry was burned, along with several other buildings in town.  Guess you’ve heard all about that situation already, though, you’re looking bored.  Guess you don’t really enjoy a good interrogation without a bit of torture, huh?  Not volunteering, just saying.  So yeah, that took us a few days, tracked them down, recovered what we could, brought in a mess of ears, that kind of thing, while we waited for the ferry to be rebuilt.  Doing a good deed, you know.

Anyway, we finally made it to Arcavarlon so we could get this business for Lady Jade settled, and that turned into another mess.  Guess that’s why I’m sitting here, huh?  Don’t know why, really.  I mean, it was legitimate business, a favor for a favor and all that.  Oh, that fire?  No, that wasn’t us, lady, and the fact that you’d try to pin that on us pisses me off!  Do I really need to spell it out?  It was the Twats again!”

#Lore24 – Entry #261 – Fantasy Month III #18 – An Illusive Deception

As Told by Teelsa “the Lively” Dawndancer

“It’s quite true, my fair Confessor, that I am something of an adept when it comes to the art of illusion, as any who have witnessed my performances can most easily verify!  For what is a spectacle that does not spark a sense of wonder, which lacks a grand flare to solidify it in the minds of those witnessing it, if not utterly and irredeemably forgettable?  Why, I have indeed used my talents with illusory magic to aid our escapes on several occasions as well, to draw attention away from us or make it appear that we have gone a different way, and for the most part, those knaves who pursue us have been fooled by them. 

Not so with the dark elves!  They have proven quite adept at peering beyond the illusory veil, and I daresay they’ve been granted an enchantment most magical to see through them, for in our brief encounter with them upon the road, my magic seemed quite ineffective.  Of course, that could have just been the fact I could barely speak or see for their foul poisonous mixture that they employed ruined my performance… But I ask you, good Confessor, what of the possibility?  Is it not possible?

I have given the matter which we had discussed previously some thought, and though I shall not reveal my true form to you just yet, I will admit that my usual appearance is drastically different than what you see before you now!  No, I shan’t reveal myself until the time is right, when my companions can witness it for themselves as well, for no doubt you’ve told them of my deception in an attempt to drive a wedge between us!  Only time will reveal the truth of the matter, I’m afraid, time and a most grand reveal!

Ah, it seems that chill has returned.  You um…aren’t going to try and torture the truth out of me by chance, are you?”

LORE24 ENTRY #41 – Supers Month #10 – Kitsune


From the files of Cyber Seer…


Villainous? Name



Real Name




Oh baby, now we’re talking super-sexy villains!  Sure, sure, she’s totally got the dark and mysterious thing going on, but DAMN, she’s also rocking that latex like a champ!  Total body coverage (and yeah, she’s got a VERY toned body), skin tight, shiny, black with gray highlights, what more could you ask for?  Well, how about NINE freakin’ tails, gray tips!  And like, they move just like real tails!  Like, wow!  She’s wearing one of those fox masks too, not like the ones Dollface uses, though, this one is more classic Japanese.  But…I guess it’s not Japanese?  Cause she’s like, not from this world, right?  So like, what would you call it?  Well, I’ll just call it SEXY.  She’s even got a utility belt filled with all kinds of tricks!  

Like, I’d love to have more here about her looks, and I could totally just spend a few pages on some kinky fantasies that just went through my head, but I’ll restrain myself for now (see, I totally have self control!  Sometimes!)  For all we know, she’s actually a real kitsune beneath all that rubber!  She didn’t even show us her hair, so like, who knows?  

But, we know she likes to play games, and when she speaks, she’s like, a mimic or something?  She speaks in riddles and rhymes and by like, using like magical audio clips or something.  Like, illusion magic is what it’s classified as too, I guess?  From what everyone’s experienced, she like, never talks in her own voice; it’s always like snippets of speech pulled from the radio or TV and junk.  

But like, what game is she really playing?  She totally released me after GB’s awesome doming of Dollface so I could wreck the system, and like, I’m totally wondering about that.  So like, how many angles is this foxy fox playing?  There’s just so much we don’t know about her, like, total wildcard territory!


Known Lairs and Hangouts

Well, dudes, she was living with Dollface a while, but like, no clues where she went when she stepped through that portal.  Black Cat says the magic energies were totally degraded and untraceable by the time she managed to get back to actually try and track it down.  Total bummer, but what can we do?  

Wait for our next chance, duh!  Then jump on it and try not to hump the sexy rubber kitsune!


Why She’s Bad news…Maybe?

So like, Kitsune has some serious magical talents according to our arcanely-inclined kitty.  And she can fight too; I thought Pinkie the Knife was pulling off the sick ninja stuff, but sounds like Kitsune has her jutsus up to a whole other level!  Like, anime protagonist kinda stuff!  Or I guess anime villain kinda levels, but you know what I mean, right?  Hot, villainous anime ninjas are like, awesome.  Oh, oh, and she can totally plan like, super far ahead, and come up with sneaky traps, too!  I think we can all totally agree on that!

So, this is what Black Cat told us about her encounter with Kitsune once things had settled down:

“I underestimated Kitsune, and overestimated my own abilities.  Kitsune is a master illusionist, maybe more like a grandmaster; she created an entire mountaintop shrine area for our battlefield atop that roof, had the rooftop laced with magical traps, split herself into nine parts, and had already prepped specialized magic just to deal with me.  She thinks multiple steps ahead; give her time to prep, and she’s beyond dangerous.  The fact that she could maintain such a powerful illusion, track her wards, and split herself nine ways at once is absolutely astounding.  I can count on one hand the number of people I know who could accomplish something like that and have most of my fingers left over.

The trap she triggered that generated this ensorcelled latex is especially troubling.  It’s been almost a month since then in the material world, and even within a special time-dilation chamber that gave me a lot longer, I’ve only just managed to reverse its magic-sealing effects, though I’ve still not managed to remove it from me.  This is some insanely powerful curse magic at work here, and I’m not entirely certain if Kitsune is responsible for it or not; something about it seems different.  The magical signatures were definitely from the same source as Kitsune’s, but were warped.  I won’t get into the specifics, it’d take too long to explain.  I’ll just say that it looks like there’s another powerful being involved here working with Kitsune.  I didn’t have time to analyze her outfit, but I’m wondering if perhaps she’s in a similar situation?  Perhaps, given that she sabotaged Dollface’s plans here to some extent, she’s not working of her own free will?  Just a possibility; I have no proof of that.

And the cuffs and collar she fitted me with?  I can’t remove those either, though with the help of my order, I’ve managed to reverse their effects.  Instead of draining my mana, they are now capable of boosting my spellcasting to some extent.  Handy, yeah, but I’m not entirely fond of them.  Still, I can’t but wonder if perhaps Kitsune thought ahead this far, assumed we would defeat Dollface, and gave these to me knowing that I could eventually reverse their effect for a future advantage?  Mysteries wrapped in enigmas seem to be the order of the day when it comes to Kitsune and whoever she’s working for.”

So there you have it, straight from Black Cat’s lips.  Like, wow, dudes, Kitsune really is something else, isn’t she?  That’s like, totally mind blowing!


Known Accomplices

Well, there’s Dollface of course, but at least we know where she is these days.  Other than that, no clues, dudes.  Guess I’ll just like, call it a mysterious otherworldly entity or something.  Wonder if they’re like, into latex and stuff too?



Mecha Musume – In Japanese folklore, the kitsune are known as trickster spirits and shapeshifters, bewitching humans for their own purposes.  However, there are several tales in which the kitsune are loyal friends, perhaps even guardians or lovers, even messengers of the gods.  Regardless of true purpose, the number of tails they possess indicate their power; a nine-tailed kitsune is amongst the oldest and wisest, and by extension, the most crafty and dangerous.  Our Kitsune certainly seems to fit the bill here, does she not?

You seem to be awfully taken with Kitsune, Cyber Seer.  Is that drool I see on your keyboard?

–Reply from Cyber Seer:  Like…maybe?  She’s totally hawt though, right?  Course, it might just be my latex fetish coming out.  Like, I can’t get what she dressed Black Cat in out of my head, you know?  Ohhhh, just thinking about it gets me all squirmy!

—-Reply from Mecha Musume:  Calm.  Down.

——Reply from Cyber Seer:  Oh, but I just can’t stop!  Like, those cute paws and the way she was acting!  Like, wowza, totally cute cute cute!!!  Petplay fetish online!  MEOW!

——–Reply from Mecha Musume:  Apologies, everyone.  Unfortunately I cannot moderate comments here, but I am now implementing some offline moderation procedures.  

———-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Moderate me harder, mistress!  Yes, I’m such a bad girl!

————Reply from Mecha Musume:  In all seriousness, I fear we may need much more drastic steps.  If memory serves the villains even commented on your behavior and near-constant state of arousal.  When the bad guys are making such comments, all is not well, Cyber Seer.  Perhaps we should look into meditation?

————–Reply from Cyber Seer:  Like, meditation is totally BORING!  Now, sexy meditation, with ropes or chains or sensory deprivation hoods and all kinds of other hot bondagey stuff?  THAT sounds fun!

—————-Reply from Mecha Musume:  😐


Pink Pussy – Don’t underestimate this kitsune chica!  She’s crafty and knows how to slip in pretty much anywhere.  Even when I was under Dollface’s control, I still remember some of the tricks Kitsune showed me for getting inside places.  I don’t trust her one lick!  I don’t care if she’s working for someone else, she helped ruin my reputation, si?  And that’s something I won’t forgive or forget!  I’ll pay her back for all that humiliation she helped dump on me!

Also, Cyber Seer, mi amiga, no offense or anything, but you need help.  You’re hornier than every teenager I’ve ever known!  Hell, you’re hornier than me after a long night of cleaning up the streets!

–Reply from Cyber Seer:  Will you help me with that, PP?  I could totally go for a sexy catgirl keeping me in line!

—-Reply from Pink Pussy:  Sure, I’ll help 😉  I’ll start you on the Pink Pussy Power Plan!  Daily workouts, starting off with a five-mile run, strength training, unarmed combat training, the works!  You’ll be too tired to be horny!

——Reply from Cyber Seer:  :O  On second thought, I’m totally booked up…online obligations and all that.

——Reply from Mecha Musume:  Tell me more about this plan, Pussy.  I like where this is going.

——–Reply from Cyber Seer:  Like, no.  Totally not interested.  I’m a nerd, yeah?  Sunlight and physical stuff are like, bad for me and junk.  Dark sex dungeons I can handle, but this just sounds like torture!

———-Reply from Pink Pussy:  My kinda torture!  We’ll have you feeling the burn and building muscle and fighting like me in no time!

————Reply from Mecha Musume:  This is sounding better and better.  We shall have to discuss this in person, Pussy.  

————–Reply from Cyber Seer:  >:(  Not cool dudes!  Not cool at all!


Gun Bunny – Kitsune is planning something else, no question about it.  I could buy that she maybe just didn’t like Dollface, except for what she did to help Shadow Lynx when she showed up.  For a minute there, I thought she was going to succeed, until the lights came on, anyway and she was dazzled.  Kitsune was in control of that fight, she had a purpose, and it wasn’t aiding Dollface.

Also, I guess we know what to get Cyber Seer for Christmas…

–Reply from Cyber Seer:  Oh, oh, oh, what is it?  Is it latex?  Latex kitty outfit maybe?  😀 😀 😀

—-Reply from Gun Bunny:  A chastity belt.

——Reply from Cyber Seer:  🙁 🙁 🙁  Totally not cool!  Although…huh…maybe the more I think about it that could be kinda hot…

——–Reply from Mecha Musume:  It seems we can agree on this, Gun Bunny!  Perhaps there will be enough material left from my latest upgrades to craft one for her that will not be so easily removed until she has learned some discipline!  

———-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Seriously, babe?  Why you gotta do that to little ol’ me?  That’s like, totally cruel and unusual!