LORE24 ENTRY #25 – Merkava

Category – Creature

Merkava are a breed of moles common on Andyllion, but there have been variations of this creature found on multiple worlds throughout the galaxy.  Typically found in varying climates, and these moles are generally seen as harmless, though have, on occasion, been deemed a nuisance if the population gets to be too large.  When this happens, it is not uncommon for settlements to experience sudden sinkholes or structural damage due to the digging of these creatures.

The merkava are similar in size, shape, and appearance to other moles, but have a unique property that indicates that they have ties back to the elemental planes, namely that each of the creatures has some kind of elemental resistance, most commonly fire, cold, or acid.  This seems to be an environmental adaptation, as the merkava are often found in environments that most races would consider harsh, such as tundra or volcanic regions, and seem to thrive because of this trait.

Some orcish tribes in ancient times held the merkava in high regard as an animal spirit that represented triumph over adversity in harsh conditions, and also as guides to the underworld and the land of the dead, given their burrowing nature.  These beliefs have since faded, but the ancient stories have survived thanks to the efforts of various historians throughout the centuries.