#Lore24 – Entry #230 – Helica Month #18 – Betrayal and the New Tranquility

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

As with my first visit to Grad Artanais, I would leave the city shaken by what I would find, though the circumstances could not be more different.  As I write these words, I lay near death in the only safe place I could find within in ruins of the ancient city, within the shrine of Saghirah.  It is perhaps only by her blessing that I survived what befell my party and yet live to tell of it, though I fear my revelations are simply too much for the populace of Helica to bear, to say nothing of the Church of Phyresis.

Once we had descended to the camping spot I had used what seemed a lifetime ago, I could sense the change that had come over Grad Artanais, the malevolent, oppressive pressure that radiated from it, specifically from the massive ruin of an ancient Battleball arena at the city’s center.  Standing upon the slope of the holy mountain at night, I could see the vile aura of swirling blackness that surrounded the building, could see massive demons roaming the streets as if guarding it, miniscule compared to the Transgressor, but larger than any I had before witnessed.  For once, even Tephysea seemed overwhelmed by what lay ahead, though she again professed that the love she and Esekia shared would see them through. 

I had voiced my concerns about this relationship previously, but Esekia was quite resolute in his love, and for the additional hope it gave to the people of Helica.  Perhaps it would make a difference, I had thought then, for if one summoner had to sacrifice themselves to defeat the Transgressor, then perhaps two could overcome whatever lay within that arena and walk out alive. 

Of course, I would soon learn, after our party pushed through the guardian demons into the heart of Grad Artanais with the help of the Amaranths, that was a foolish hope.  Even though I knew not what to expect once we had breached the arena, passing by the statues of heroes long forgotten to history, I could not have predicted that which we found waiting within.  This is the truth that must told, but how can I reveal such a revelation to the people and actually make them believe it?  Surely the Church would never allow such knowledge to escape, for the entirety of their faith is borne upon it. 

What lies within the dark heart of the Transgressor is…

[Text becomes incoherent scrawls, drifting off the page]

I continue this entry with a clearer head now that I’ve had time to rest and have somewhat recovered from my injuries, for I am no longer near death, perhaps saved by the grace of the Amaranth herself.  Like Saghirah’s forbidden scrolls, I cannot reveal what I learned just yet, not here, for it would find its way to the Church, and the rumors would be quickly quashed, and any proclaiming them killed, or at best, permanently enslaved as a Beast to silence them. 

No, a more cautious approach is needed.  I must be subtle, and I must be extremely careful once I leave this place.  Though the darkness is gone for now, for a new Tranquility has started, the Transgressor will return, and the cycle will continue unabated until a way can be found to stop it.  Suffice to say, the Sylvanae, specifically Tephysea and her loyal followers, are complicit in what comes next, and were responsible for what befell Esekia and my other companions.  A full accounting of her betrayal will I make elsewhere, and it shall be secreted away with the knowledge of the forbidden scroll of Saghirah, safe from any who would seek it.  I will see justice done in time, for I am assured that I will have plenty of it by the great Saghirah.

And so I end this journal for now, for the world I return to will surely be a different one upon my return, and I will have new purpose beyond simply uncovering the rest of Saghirah’s scrolls, for righteous vengeance is a powerful motivator.

The cycle cannot continue, for surely Helica will be destroyed, no matter how many times the Transgressor is defeated.

#Lore24 – Entry #229 – Helica Month #17 – Water and Earth, Light and Dark

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

I neglected my notes in the following weeks and months, for our journey back to the Highlands and beyond was at once triumphant and somber, for while we had defeated one evil and were hailed as heroes, a greater foe loomed ever-present.  The Transgressor had remained active while we had been diverted, attacking several villages along the coast, never in a predictable fashion, but driving deeper into the mainland each time.  Several summoners had already faced it and lost their lives, not yet strong enough to see the task done.

So it was that we and the Sylvanae party made haste through the Kinarrora Highlands, treading where I was at least mostly familiar, heading first to the temple of the earth Amaranth Kayalik, and upon its successful taming, to the temple of Glacia, the water Amaranth.  I had perhaps wanted to broach the possibility of seeking out Saghirah with Esekia, but by this time, he had been quite taken with Tephysea, enthralled I would daresay.  She seemed to reciprocate his feelings, and there was talk amongst those whom we met along the way that the pair of lovers would certainly overcome the Transgressor and bring the next Tranquility.  I didn’t see the love, personally, only the manipulations of one of the Sylvanae nobility, but my concerns were not headed.  Zubayr was mostly indifferent, more concerned with seeing the Crusade successfully completed, and our Stalker was ever the loyal guardian, hardly willing to oppose its master. 

So, we would not seek Saghirah, but instead would continue to the holy city of Tyraguard, the seat of the Phyresian faith, and to the most powerful of the Amaranths, the final taming before the journey would take us to the ruins of Grad Artanais, the great winged serpent, Nur-Atahk.  After a long vigil in the chambers of the Amaranth, Esekia was ultimately successful in his taming, as was the ever-confident Tephysea.  Thusly armed with the power of the Amaranths, we would make our final journey over the ruin-spotted expanse of the Serene Steppes toward the ruins of Grad Artanais, where the final battle would be held at the place where the Transgressor was first born unto Helica, the only place it could be once again defeated, for that is where the foulness, the sins of the people of Helica are gathered to birth the monster.

When I phrase it like that…I suppose I was rather foolhardy to venture into that place by myself, even during the last Tranquility.  I am also wondering as to why I could not sense the growing vileness of the Transgressor in the city then, for surely there must have been some indication that something so massive was growing nearby. 

I will ponder this as we begin our ascent of the sacred mountain Temismere on the morrow, before our descent into Grad Artanais. 

#Lore24 – Entry #218 – Helica Month #6 – The Terror of the Transgressor

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica, Seeker of Knowledge, Blessed of Saghirah

Perhaps it was some cruel twist of fate that the Tranquility would end in the weeks it took me to journey from sacred Temismere Peak through to the grand port city of San Granalle, or perhaps it was some quirk of Saghirah’s will that the timing worked out in such a way.  The Amaranth had been silent since the vision in which I had stood atop her temple, but had remained ever-present, her eye upon me.  I had spent much of my journey in contemplation over what I had learned, and as I neared San Granalle, coming down the Granalle Road from the Kinarrora Highlands to the north of the city, I bore witness to the fearsome form of the Transgressor rising from the depths of the sea, the monstrous form bathed in the bloody red light of the setting sun. 

Terror filled me in that moment, for I and the others in the group I had taken up with on the outskirts of the holy city of Tyraguard were in no way prepared for what we would witness.  With a roar mighty enough to shake our bodies even miles away, the Transgressor tore into San Granalle with a terrible fury.  I simply cannot find the words to describe the shear destructive power of the Transgressor we witnessed that evening, the bloody light of the setting sun soon replaced by the light of hundreds of fires burning across the remains of San Granalle. 

The thought did enter my head as I witnessed the destruction of the Battleball arena that Saghirah had perhaps been wrong in her vision to me, for how could the Angel appear in the destroyed arena?  But then I remembered the blessing she had bestowed upon me, her revelation that my work would take many lifetimes.  How much more of the Transgressor’s destruction would I be forced to witness?  How many Tranquilities would I experience, and how many would I witness shattered with the coming of the Wicked One before the Angel came?

Could a mere mortal mind such as mine even fathom such a terrible fate without breaking?

I honestly do not have an answer to that question.

#Lore24 – Entry #217 – Helica Month #5 – Bound to the Will of Saghirah

Excerpt from the Journals of Azita Gaji, Explorer of Helica

As I carefully rerolled the scroll, I sensed a change in the chamber.  The air grew heavier with Saghirah’s presence, and I felt the dry heat of the desert suddenly consume the chamber.  As I looked up, I saw that the visages of the Amaranth that surrounded me were glowing with faint golden light.  In the next moment, I was suddenly far beyond the cavern below the temple in Grad Artanais, standing atop a massive, pyramidal temple in the center of a great oasis in a desert.

Sensing the Amaranth behind me, I quickly turned, going to my knees before the massive form of Saghirah herself, looming over me in all her majestic glory.  I was too stunned to speak, for I never had the capacity to become a summoner, and why I was suddenly in this vision before Saghirah, I could not fathom in those moments.

By reading the sacred scroll of Saghirah, thou hast become bound to Her will,” she said to me, her voice rumbling as thunder over the expanse of the oasis.  “Thus, thou must continue the task She has set before thee.  Seek the other scrolls, traveler of Helica, that the truth of the Transgressor be revealed, but use the greatest of subtleties in this matter; reveal not thy forbidden knowledge of Saghirah to those incapable of understanding it, to those who will destroy thee for it.  Seek those of likeminded intent, those who can see beyond the doctrine of Phyresis.  In this quest, Saghirah grants you her blessing, that time may not ravage thee, Seeker of Knowledge, for thy task will take many lifetimes to complete.  Thou will knowest thy task approaches its end when the Angel of Grad Artanais reveals herself upon the grand stage of the arena in San Granalle as a beacon of hope unto Helica, and thou will knowest she is the true Angel, a true vessel of the will of Saghirah, for She will appear alongside the Angel.  Go now, Seeker, for thy long journey has begun.

I awoke from my vision with a start, disoriented and freezing, my eyes focusing upon the night sky and the stars far above me.  As I regained my senses and got to my feet, I realized that I was no longer within the shrine, no longer in Grad Artanais at all in fact, for the ancient ruin lay far below me.  I had somehow come back to the small campsite I had occupied on the lower slopes of the sacred mountain Temismere before my journey into the holy city.  Only now I had the faintest sense of Saghirah’s presence within my mind, a sense that her ever-watchful eye was upon me, perhaps a sign of the blessing she spoke of.  Thoroughly exhausted, I started a fire and settled in for the night, my thoughts filled with a vision of where I must travel next, the island of Ukejama, far to the south.