LORE24 ENTRY #48 – Supers Month #17 – Adrianna Bayne and Sierra Del Vecchio


From the Personal Journal of Jennifer Tempest…


It’s true, I do keep Bayne and del Vecchio around partially for my own amusement.  They are certainly qualified as medical doctors, of course, each with their own specialties, otherwise I never would have brought them here.  They spend so much time trying to backstab one another to gain my favor, how could I not be amused by them?  Thus far, neither has shown any particularly strong indications of superpower manifestation, though they have proven ingenious when it comes to scheming within Edgewater.  Even I didn’t think they would be bold enough to have Healslut heal Dollface without telling the girl, though if they thought they would slip that little detail past me and try to develop their own version of the villain’s mind control technology, they were sadly, and sorely, mistaken.  

I can’t be terribly mad, at them, though.  They simply moved my timeline forward somewhat, giving me the opportunity to delve into Dollface’s mind a bit earlier than planned.  But that is for another entry; what a fascinating psyche she has.

Dr. Bayne is the more scientific minded of the pair, having a specialty in virology and infectious diseases, hailing from some little city in the Midwest, named after some rodent or another; I can’t be bothered to remember which state it’s even in.  She has a fascination, bordering on obsession, with weaponized viruses, and some deep-seated fear of a coming zombie apocalypse, though she has yet to let these affect her work.  She has also developed an interest in the new drug sweeping through Sentinel City, Succu-Lust, and has provided a most useful breakdown of its effects and makeup, though her files indicate she may be trying to make her own version of it, for whatever reason.

Dr. del Vecchio has had a much broader range of experience given her time with Doctors Without Borders, hailing from the Boston area, her specialties lie in neurology and hematology.  She, however, retains what I will call a more spiritual nature, still clinging to vestiges of a belief in witchcraft of all things; not the classical kind, rather, the new age kind, though she too has a bit of an obsession,. She is more attached to the possibility of the existence of great cosmic beings that one could potentially worship to gain power.  I haven’t taken to spying on her outside of Edgewater, but I would not be surprised if she still practices certain rituals in her off time.  Perhaps, if she ever shows up again, I should consult with Claire on this to see if there is anything I should be concerned with.

The two work well together, when they’re not bickering, of course, though they do share certain sadistic qualities that make them quite good at performing various treatments and procedures with the patients, even if they may go a bit further than they should in some cases.  Notably their initial time spent with Misha Kyle has led to some sparks between them and her, though they are slowly coming to the realization that Specialist Leopard stands above them in the unofficial hierarchy here.  They seemed to enjoy their time with the mysterious and quite vexing Momo-chan as well; perhaps if that one shows back up here I’ll let them have another round of procedures with her to see if they can provoke a pain response in some other novel way.

The pair are also quite enjoyable when it comes time for punishments, and they have certainly earned more than their fair share of them.  I daresay that so far this year, they have spent close to half of their time in some form of disciplinary action or another, though such things to prove quite motivational to them, at least for a time.  Either way, the two are dedicated to trying to please me and earn my praise, and that’s good enough for now, as long as their antics don’t harm my patients.  Should either of them step out of line in such a way, I will see to it that they regret it.





LORE24 ENTRY #47 – Supers Month #16 – Delia Emmerson


From the Personal Journal of Jennifer Tempest…


Well, after this little present to the family, none of my sisters should complain about me being selfish.  Who am I kidding?  Of course they will, we always do; we succubi are selfish by our very natures, are we not?  Sharing our toys isn’t something we tend to do, but I am not so absorbed by my personal desires that I cannot see when an acquisition would benefit the family more than myself.

Delia Emmerson is quite the catch.  I must admit, I was impressed by the lengths she went through to infiltrate Edgewater during her hunt for information about the fate of Dollface.  Quite impressed, really; she displayed a remarkable amount of initiative and guile for a human, even if she was ultimately unsuccessful in slipping back out.  Not that she had a chance, of course; I was fully aware of her intentions beforehand thanks to the loyal nurse who reported Delia to me, if not the methods she would employ to get inside.  She proved quite adept at assuming the nurse’s identity, and displayed an admirable talent for escape artistry, even managed to slip through some of the facility’s more secure areas confined to a straitjacket.

Star reporter for Channel 9 News, a precious media darling with a record of finding out what was meant to remain hidden, and getting herself into more than a few dangerous situations that she narrowly escaped.  Of course, I could have reported her to the police for trespassing, amongst other charges, but I felt that it was my duty to take her in as a patient and get to the bottom of what drives her to do what she does, without getting the law involved, if for no other reason than an interest in preventing her from further risky behaviors and potential harm that could result.  Sometimes I am simply too kind.

As expected, Miss Emmerson has proven to be quite receptive to the treatment plan I have established for her, not to mention being just as easily influenced by my succubus charms as any normal human.  I could have handled her therapy strictly by my charms alone, really, but the other methods were so much more entertaining.  She’s quite loyal and dedicated to the Tempest family now, whether she realizes it or not thanks to the triggering phrase I’ve installed into her brain.  Given the nature of the work many of my sisters do, having the city’s most influential and famous reporter in our pocket can only be seen as a boon.  Rachel has already enjoyed having some fun with Miss Emmerson, even allowed her to publish something of a story relating to their little playtime, though it read as more of something you’d see in the tabloids than her usual professional level journalism; not all pieces of work can be master level, can they?  After such a successful initiation into the machinations of the Tempests, though, I can only wonder which of my sisters will take up Miss Emmerson’s leash next.  Perhaps Julia (she does enjoy her manipulations of the local politicians, after all), or perhaps Amelia (she does run the most prestigious business in the family, and is never above a good puff piece spouting its virtues).

Amusingly enough, Delia has started keeping records on the Tempest family as well; Bobbi took a look at her personal files and keeps an eye on them for anything too spicy for the public, but so far Ms. Emmerson has only managed the barest of rumors and the official records.  Perhaps in time she’ll manage to discover more, assuming we allow her to do so, that is.  Still, perhaps it would be amusing to lead her along a bit, then pull the rug out from under her in a most humiliating way?  We’ll see.





LORE24 ENTRY #46 – Supers Month #15 – Healslut


From the Personal Journal of Jennifer Tempest…


I may have displayed an uncommon generosity when I gifted Delia Emmerson to the family, but I am doing no such thing with Healslut.  She will remain quite firmly within my grasp, and I didn’t even have to employ my natural charms to do it.  The poor girl simply cannot help herself; she enjoys being a plaything, completely at my mercy, and the mercy of whatever being she serves that has granted her those amazing healing abilities.  I daresay that she is perhaps one of the most precious assets I could have obtained.

Ankara Ausar was a rather unimpressive medical student before she had the bad luck to fall within the sights of Dollface, who abducted her and turned her into one of her dolls for several weeks.  Ausar was freed by the heroine group when they took down Dollface, and, in spite of what was done to her, stabilized the villainess until medical personnel arrived on  scene; there is little doubt that the bullet in Dollface’s head would have killed her had the girl not followed her training.  Upon learning the details of her involvement, I took a personal interest in the girl.  She had missed several weeks of classes and was due to have to repeat the semester or work straight through the summer, but I stepped in and saw to it that she would have the chance to prove herself directly by working a special course within Edgewater.  I did not miss the fact that she was frequently late for classes following her time under Dollface’s control, and seemed to be struggling to keep up with her studies more than usual; not entirely unexpected given the traumatic events she had gone through, though, as I would learn, there was another reason for this behavior.

As I would also discover, Ausar suffers from a chronic condition:  she is prone to bouts of abduction.  She disappeared again before starting at Edgewater, and was gone several more weeks.  She had been inducted into a strange cult with some strict tenets regarding enforced chastity, though she managed to escape thanks to assistance from another who was brought in with her, and her own super powers.  Upon her return, it was not hard to miss that she was still wearing the very devices the cult had forced upon her, and seemed to be enjoying her suffering.  As I would discover during some of the therapy sessions I insisted upon, not only is Ausar rather susceptible to hypnosis, but she is also in fact the heroine known as Solaria. 

Making her initial outings following the capture of Dollface, Solaria proved to be a less-than-capable fighter, frequently bested by the lowest of thugs, and usually found herself restrained in some humiliating fashion; I think that her lack of combat ability is intentional, and a way for her to indulge in her barely concealed kinks.  Initially it also seemed that perhaps she had suffered a mental break, thinking that she had received her powers from a god of light (the virtues of which she preached openly to a loyal following of those she had healed), though following her reveal of her secret identity to me, this entity made itself known.  It does indeed exist, and we have entered into a deal regarding Ausar’s ongoing treatment that is mutually beneficial for both of us, and perhaps Ausar as well.

That established, I must say that I am very pleased with Ausar’s progress.  She is an amusing plaything to say the least, constantly lamenting her chaste state, but likewise reveling in her humiliation and restricted state; quite the lovely bundle of contradiction.  She has been practicing her healing powers and further honing them within Edgewater, proving capable of healing almost any injury and a variety of diseases while here.  With my aid, she has made remarkable progress in her studies, and has advanced to a full-fledged nurse within the special wing, taking on the name of Healslut while on duty, with further restrictions and more humiliating treatment as part of her daily routine; her uniform is without a doubt the most restrictive of any of my nursing staff.

I had been keeping her away from Dollface during the course of her duties; I did not know how Ausar would react to facing her again, even if her former abductor was in a coma.  However, thanks to Doctors Bayne and del Vecchio, Ausar unwittingly healed Dollface on their orders.  Ausar has not yet been made aware of this, and Dollface has subsequently been moved from the ICU and into the high security special ward.  This will need to be addressed eventually, but given the nature of Healslut’s daily duties and treatment, and her continued activities as Solaria, it will be some time before she need be told about such things.



LORE24 ENTRY #45 – Supers Month #14 – Specialist Leopard


From the Personal Journal of Jennifer Tempest…


Ah, Specialist Leopard…what a delightful discovery.  I suppose my dear sister Gloria can be useful after all, when she’s not dallying with her boi-toy, anyway.  

Misha Kyle is the very epitome of a workaholic, going far above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to running her personal business, Latex Leopard Limited, perhaps to her own detriment, though myself and Maria are working on tempering this aspect of her nature; early indicators suggest our methods are having the desired effect.  I was certainly skeptical when Gloria suggested I look into her work; what need did I have of a fetishist making latex sex costumes, even if they were more advanced than the average catsuit?  In retrospect, I suppose my initial opinion was hasty and ill-informed; Misha has quickly become perhaps my most valuable team member here at Edgewater.  Without her, we would have only a fraction of the superpower-rated restraint systems we employ here to contain the most dangerous patients, after all.

After her initial demonstration, (what an interesting weekend that was), I immediately proposed a special contract for her, which she rather gratefully accepted.  Misha now works within Edgewater as ‘Specialist Leopard’ (she has no medical training to speak of perhaps aside from basic first aid, so I could not simply elevate her to the medical staff with such a title like I did Healslut, could I?), and she seems to enjoy the moniker, so it shall remain in effect.  If anything, being known as Specialist Leopard within Edgewater’s walls brings out some amusing quirks to Misha’s personality, namely displaying a more snarky attitude compared to her normally polite and professional demeanor.  This tends to come out most often when she sees other staff displaying a lack of respect to others when it is due, or if they are not properly focused on their tasks.  As expected, Doctors Bayne and del Vecchio are the most common recipients of Misha’s snark, given their own personality quirks and the amusing reception they gave Misha during the extended demonstration of her work.

As one of the rare individuals who possesses a resistance to succubus charms, Misha is even more valuable to myself, and the family, in general.  She is able to give her opinion on various matters without our subtle influences affecting her thoughts, and isn’t always trying to fall over herself to please us as most do.  This automatically places her above the rest of the staff, and this distinction has not gone unnoticed, much to Bayne and del Vecchio’s consternation.  Maria has become quite enamored with Misha as well, the pair hitting it off almost immediately during Misha’s first demonstration.  The fact that the pair have a special love of petplay further cemented their bond, and outside of her work here and at 3L, the two spend much of their time together; I do believe Maria is absolutely spoiling Misha when she’s in her pet persona, but as long as it doesn’t affect her work, then so be it.

I must admit that I am consistently impressed with Misha’s remarkable creativity and ability to adapt the designs of her latex clothing and restraints into something innovative and tailored to the needs of individual patients, even those who are not necessarily superpowered.  Though she seems not to be aware of her true nature, she does indeed possess a mystically enhanced creative spark; what was it Claire called her type?  Artificer?  The term seems a bit archaic these days, but there are certainly plenty other examples cropping up across Sentinel City and the world now, the most prominent currently being Mecha Musume.  From my observations, each of these ‘artificers’ possess a unique specialty.  Mecha Musume has her robotics and related technologies for example, and Misha has her latex creations, clothing, restraints, toys, etc.  

Further regarding artificers…though I have only observed Misha personally, I can make some suppositions as to their nature; Claire has been avoiding the family for some time now, so I have been unable to speak with her to confirm any of this, so the follow should be taken with some amount of skepticism.  Misha has demonstrated repeatedly to be able to envision methods of construction that would seem nigh impossible given what was previously established as possible in this world, and can make these new creations, or modify existing ones, in a fraction of the time one would expect.  She took one look at Miasma’s prototype containment suit that was developed in-house, for example, and had the improved version ready in less than a week, complete with the strength-enhancing modifications.  Though the reinforcing frame is of a decidedly technological nature, pure robotics, really, the fact that it was so closely interweaved with the latex creation seems to have brought such a thing into Misha’s wheelhouse.  She has admitted no special training in robotics and advanced technologies, and couldn’t exactly explain how her creation process in this regard worked; in her own words, “it just clicked.”

Within their ‘focus’, their chosen craft, I would surmise that artificers possess superhuman stamina, able to remain focused on the task at hand for extended periods without suffering ill effects of exhaustion, either physical or mental, and are able to work on them much faster than a normal person could (though I am not entirely familiar with the nature of Mecha Musume, Bobbi has clued me into some details as to the advancements of her armor and weaponry over time that would help support this theory; her own advancements should have taken months to develop, if not years, according to him).  As an example regarding Misha, I have specified new designs and modifications to existing systems and she has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to turn in exactly what I requested, overnight in many cases, while managing her company’s normal operations, and seems to suffering none of the ill effects one would expect of being severely overworked.  A normal person simply could not keep up with the stress, but she handles it almost effortlessly.

Even if my suppositions are correct, I feel I must still intervene on Misha’s behalf.  Even if she is possessed of superhuman ability, I would be remiss in my duties as a medical doctor if I permitted her to continue indulging the obsession with her work without proper breaks.  I believe that I will begin making plans for her to have a series of mandatory vacations, perhaps here inside of Edgewater or another location held by my family, for a period that shall not be less than one week at a time, more if I feel she has demonstrated a higher than normal amount of work during the preceding period.  If Maria has anything to say against the idea, then I have absolutely no qualms about having her join Misha in enjoying the same comforts and relaxation; we do have suites for couples, after all, as the recent incident with Nurse Winters and Catherine Ramos demonstrated.  It wouldn’t be the first time we’ve intervened on one another’s romantic affairs, and I am certain it will not be the last.  What are sisters for, after all, if not to keep one another in line?




LORE24 ENTRY #44 – Supers Month #13 – Miasma


From the Personal Journal of Jennifer Tempest…


Truly a most unique case, Nurse Miasma, perhaps the most drastic physical change in a person I have witnessed to date following the Azure Cherry Blossom Front event that spread ‘superpowers’ to humanity.  Unlike many of my patients, I was actually there to witness her transformation as it occurred, and thankfully managed to save her life by having some early prototypes for superpowered containment online and ready for testing.  At the time of her initial entry into Edgewater, ‘Miasma’ was suffering from a severe case of dissociation, including amnesia, depersonalization, and dissociative identity disorder.  She still does not remember her name, nor am I able to find any clues as to her identity.  As she stated, she was ‘coming apart’, and it wasn’t long before she actually did, her body transforming into a living gas cloud in the middle of one of our sessions when she was at her most manic.  Her ability to keep herself in a cohesive form was severely limited at the time, so we had to contain her within an air-tight isolation cell and devise methods to communicate with her.

Through some rather novel methods, myself and Doctors Bayne and Del Vecchio were able to create an air tight pressure suit that Miasma could manipulate, mostly composed of special latex, that was fitted with a miniature version of the device we had developed for communication.  This allowed her mobility without fear of complete dissipation of her form and consciousness, and seemed to help bolster her sense of self to the point that she rather quickly learned to not only maintain her gaseous form more easily, but learned that she could manipulate her very essence, creating larger gas clouds and changing their makeup to create multiple effects, including emotion manipulation, incapacitation effects, and even physically destructive effects, such as a corrosive acid cloud.

As she progressed mentally, becoming more aware of herself, though still lacking memories of her past, I made the decision to give her purpose within Edgewater.  Nurse Miasma is something of a warden within our special wing, patrolling its halls to keep an eye on the various patients within, while she constantly emits a low-yield incapacitating gas that fills the airtight halls, ensuring that any escapees or other unauthorized persons are quickly captured.  She is even able to affect me and my sisters with her essence, thus the reason all other staff must wear proper gas masks inside the special wing when on duty.  Since Specialist Leopard came aboard with us, she has been able to enhance Miasma’s pressure suit, reinforcing the latex to be much less susceptible to damage while introducing a powered frame within to greatly enhance Miasma’s physical strength and resilience in the event of a superpowered escape attempt.

I will admit, though, that I am somewhat wary of Miasma.  Though we continue our therapy sessions multiple times each week, I keep her under constant surveillance and am on the lookout for any sudden changes in behavior.  Her mental state is becoming harder to keep track of, even for me; I dare say that she is becoming more alien by the day.  I’m not even certain my succubus charms even work on her anymore, though she still remains loyal thus far.  Should she decide to go rogue, however, there are methods in place that should deal with her powers, though I cannot say what effect they may have on her physically or mentally if the more extreme options must be implemented.  




LORE24 ENTRY #43 – Supers Month #12 – Anita Winters


From the Personal Journal of Jennifer Tempest…


What can I say about Ms. Winters?  She has her uses, certainly, as limited as they are; everyone in a position such as myself has need of dumb muscle from time to time, and she certainly fills this niche.  I suppose I was fortunate enough to ensnare her into Edgewater’s web before she could get herself into real trouble after that floundering career as a MMA fighter.  I would hesitate to call her preferred fighting style a style, however; she could be compared to a rampaging rhino flying headlong at her target, absorbing punishment until she finally connects with a sufficiently strong blow or actually manages to land a submission hold.

For the record, Ms. Winters had been accused of massive steroid abuse following the event which gifted humanity with superpowers, due to the very noticeable increase in her muscle mass, though she insisted, and tests would prove, this was not the case.  Though she would be quite the challenging combatant in the women’s league, after a few bouts against one Catherine Ramos in particular, whose style was A) an actual fighting style, and B) was diametrically opposed to Ms. Winters’ “style” by actually using her brain and agility, Ms. Winters would seek ‘greater challenges’ by fighting in the men’s league.  She would prove herself quite a bit more capable here, quickly rising through the ranks and taking the top spot, even taking on the moniker of ‘Emasculator’ for her deeds.

This of course would lead to her further downfall, primarily because of Ms. Winters’ rather distasteful belief in the modern day, highly toxic version of feminism; the less said about that particular area the better.  Truly the cognitive dissonance on display with the modern world is staggering; were it possible, I would insist upon therapy and treatment for much of the current generation of humanity, but alas, I am but one humble succubus and there are much larger issues I must contend with.  She had her following that praised her, had the glory of defeating male after male in one on one combat, brutally so in many cases, but she still struggled with (and would rarely accept challenges from) female opponents, even her proclaimed nemesis, the aforementioned Ms. Ramos.  A curious trait, one which I certainly did not miss when I researched her following her arrest for assaulting several people, in public, in a fit of rage over a disagreement about the nature of her successes.  Making use of some of my family’s influence, I made certain that she was brought to Edgewater for a mental evaluation, not that it took an especially large push to have this done given her violent outbursts and obvious difficulties interacting with people.

During Ms. Winters’ initial observation period, I learned more of the nature of her powers, which I’m still not entirely sure she recognizes she even has; she is rather dense, to put it simply.  She possesses a most unique ability to actually emasculate men simply by virtue of being engaged in combat with them, physically weakening them in a nigh imperceptible manner over time.  The longer she faces them in combat, the weaker they become, though I have yet to find a single test subject that realized this until it is far too late for it to matter; they may as well have been children against Ms. Winters.  This ability was certainly useful, given the direction I am taking Edgewater, even if a higher ratio of superpowers seem to be possessed by females.  Perhaps it is simply that the men haven’t caught up yet; they are generally slower on the uptake in most matters, after all.

Ms. Winters is currently under my employ as a nurse in the special wing of Edgewater.  She is quite useful in restraining patients, especially the growing number of male patients, in particular the one known as Rampage, and now that I’ve been helping her overcome her less desirable attitudes and delusions, she has become mostly tolerable (though I find that her personal hygiene to still be insufficient; she does tend to work out far too much and either doesn’t realize or doesn’t care that she is not the only person in the vicinity).  She is still a blunt instrument, certainly, but a slightly more elegantly crafted one.  Like any good pet, however, she is capable of learning her place through proper incentives and punishments.  She is also quite useful in testing Specialist Leopard’s newest designs for high-security restraints, and I was personally quite amused by her behavior surrounding the illegal fight that occurred between her and Catherine Ramos in the hospital’s employee gym, as well as the subsequent time the pair spent together inside an isolation cell.  That cooled her fire for a time, though I am certain she’ll require further punishments going forward, and I am only too eager to oblige her.  Her continuing education and development shall be most amusing indeed.