#Lore24 – Entry #365 – Sci-Fi Month IV #30 – Shifting Focus

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “My past?  My future?  I’ll admit to having been a little worried about my future given what you’ve revealed to me over the course of this interview, but what exactly are you getting at?”

RV:  “What indeed.  I’m quite curious as to your own lineage and history, Miss Ganim.  Oh, of course, I mean more than simply the life you’ve lived up till now.  Your background is utterly unremarkable aside from your dedication to the Chroniclers, which is hardly surprising.  However, I want to delve much deeper into your past.  Much further than your family tree’s roots, in fact.”

AG:  “I don’t think I follow.”

RV:  “Come now, why insist upon playing coy?  Very well, let me go back, all the way to the Age of Legends, back to the original root of the matter, one Angeliqua Cartacustos, most commonly known as Angel Goldeneyes given her rather impressive ascension to godhood.  Though my interactions with Angel were very brief before her rise, I do recall quite clearly that I didn’t sense any resonance within her indicating that she was a draconic soul.  Curiously, I did find that resonance with the head of the Great Library of the Imperium Draconis at the time, however.  I realized that my dislike of Felaria Pyrathi came not from the fact she was a dusk elf, rather that she was a golden dragon, one of Marcon Shadowmist’s children, in fact, one of a handful of true dragons that still remained upon Andyllion at that time.  Curious that such a being was watching over one who would become a god, don’t you think?”

AG:  “That does seem suspect… You’ve alluded to Marcon Shadowmist having his hands in various plots and schemes throughout time to varying degrees, skirting some kind of pact he had with the gods to remain neutral in affairs affecting the world, worlds, in which they are recognized…”

RV:  “He’s an expert at twisting interpretations, so having his children act for him, seemingly of their own accord, is hardly the worst of his offenses.  Regardless, it seems that he was well aware that the previous god whom possessed the portfolio taken over by Angel Goldeneyes had grown both tired of the position and was slowly descending into madness.  There was an opening in the ranks of the gods, and Marcon wanted to make certain someone capable would ascend to fill it, so he set his child on the task of finding a suitable replacement.”

AG:  “There was some debate over the nature of what happened to the previous god of knowledge.  There is a theory that Entropy had done something to the god to drive them into their maddened state, but there has never been any conclusive evidence of such a thing.”

RV:  “Oh, you don’t know the half of it, my dear.  Entropy did indeed have a hand in unseating the old god of knowledge, and in taking him into himself once his portfolio had been secured by Angel Goldeneyes.  It’s why those who suffer madness often offer insights that are far more profound than they ought to be.  But did you know that, in the time before the Great Cataclysm, that Entropy himself was replaced by a new being when he too grew tired of his place amongst the gods?”

AG:  “Records from that time are exceptionally rare and those we have are filled with holes, but there was some indication of a replacement, when Entropy suddenly began to take on various guises when his avatar appeared upon the mortal realm, the unicorn composed of starlight and the plague doctor being the most common appearances, though there are some records that lean toward him appearing as a dragon composed of shadow as well.  It is assumed that the… War of the Cheeses…was when the change occurred, a manifestation of the turmoil caused by the battle between the two beings fighting for the power of Entropy.  Not the most dignified moment in Andyllion’s history…”

RV:  “It’s the power of chaos and madness, my dear; dignity had no place in it.  That we saw nations go to war over who’s cheese was better should be considered a boon to the world, and we should all be thankful it got no worse than that.  If only we could have been so lucky in the lead up to the Great Cataclysm.  But…the being who would become Entropy…what if I told you that he too was chosen by Marcon Shadowmist to take over the position?  Surprised?  Yes, even then, Marcon Shadowmist was pulling the strings.  So, it’s not really out of character at all that Angel Goldeneyes was likewise raised and placed on a path that would lead her to godhood.

There’s nothing inherently bad about Marcon’s choice of the woman who would fill the role, just that he had the power to do such a thing at all that irks me.  Still, this isn’t about him, this is about Angel Goldeneyes and you, and your most curious lineage.  I speak not of your blood, Ms. Ganim, for there is nothing special there.  It is what lies within your soul…or perhaps it’s more accurate to say, that which is attached to your soul.  Perhaps you truly are not aware of what you are?  Either that face your making is an exceptional act, or you really had no clue until this moment.  Curious indeed.  Shall I reveal your secret, Ms. Ganim?”

#Lore24 – Entry #179 – Wild West Month #28 – Gods of the Peoples Who Are Not Our Own

As told by Kumiko Stalks-Amongst-the-Stars, shaman of the Midnight Panther tribe of Kerra-Kerra

There are many gods that exist alongside our Great Mother Saressh.  I have spoken of Lashana and her followers before, of how we sometimes have our disagreements, but do not seek conflict if it can be avoided.  This is not often the case with those of other gods, for not all gods are good, and not all gods are just.  As with the Many Peoples, there are many reasons that the gods do what they do, and why they guide their followers as they do.  Always be wary when dealing with those of the other gods; you may not know their intentions, but you can keep some things in mind.

Amongst the Gods of the Peoples Who Are Not Our Own is one that you should be very cautious of, the evil god known as Malvaxor.  His ways are deceptive, preaching of healing the sick and the mad, only to make those who fall for his treatments worse, often hidden within the new Fortresses of Stone and Metal.  There have been times terrible abominations of flesh have been created by his followers, and great plagues have spread because of his “healers”.  Though the followers of Malvaxor do not recognize the Many Spirits, they are doing the work of the Reaper Spirit without question. 

The followers of Goldeneyes, the Seekers of Knowledge, may seem trustworthy, but be cautious what you may reveal to them.  They seek to know all, even that which should remain sacred and amongst only the Kerra-Kerra.  Though they say they record this knowledge to preserve it, who is to say what others may use this knowledge for?  Always guard our secrets, especially around the followers of Goldeneyes. 

Though the God of Death, Mausolus, and his followers, do not often work with the Reaper Spirit in mind, for he is a vain and prideful god, and his ways are only of benefit to him.  Those seeking the death of a specific person will often ask for his favor, the bounty killers and assassins of those with great power Beyond the Great Walls, usually, but his influence is spreading into the Bitter Frontier.

If life in upon the Bitter Frontier has taught us anything, it is that chaos is firmly in control, and this is pleasing to Old Man Entropy.  Some say he knows not what he does, for he is mad, but this is not so; mortals simply cannot fathom the true nature of his ways.  Understand that all tries to return to chaos, and this is the ultimate goal of Old Man Entropy.  It is said that he sometimes will reveal himself upon the great buttes and mesas on nights of the full moon, appearing as a great steed composed of starlight twinkling in shadow, a great horn upon its head.  Be ever cautious of such a strange vision, for it is a sign to contemplate and consider well what may come.

Chief among the gods of the Orc People of the north is Mantok Badaxe, a great warrior god who seeks to guide his people beyond the ways of the raider and barbarian.  His people upon the Bitter Frontier do not listen often to him and may have even forsaken his teachings altogether.  A rare few, however, still seek to follow his ancient ways, and it is these orcs who are often reaching out to live amongst other peoples, to learn their ways and live “civilized” lives.  If that is the path they have chosen, then so be it; be wary of them as you would be for any outside the Kerra-Kerra, but if their intentions are true, they will find their own rewards with Mantok.

It is often difficult to say where you will find followers of the goddesses Erisaya and Yurisaya, for they are as two halves of the same being, one standing in light, the other in shadow, sometimes in a temple, sometimes in the Houses of Whores and Fire Water.  Generally, they are goodly, bringing healing and their chosen forms of “love and compassion” to the world, but this often brings with it stirred passions and its own form of chaos as the hearts and minds can be swayed by their ways.  Always be careful around them, for they know well the ways of the flesh, and can say sweet words that will twist the mind as surely as any dark sorcery to sway those to their ways of thinking.