LORE24 ENTRY #40 – Supers Month #9 – The Clean Sweep Gang


From the files of Cyber Seer…


Villainous Names

Little Suzie

Pinkie the Knife


Real Name

Suzanne Brookshire

Glinda Eskridge



Okay, like, so, I don’t want to turn this into a freaking massive post or anything, so like, I’m mainly focusing on the lieutenants or whatever you want to call them for the gang.  Like, we have over thirty maids on record now, but most of those are just acting as muscle.  It’s the special ones that give me bad vibes, yeah?  

So, Little Suzie…this one totally creeps me out.  Like, seriously, total psycho loli vibes off this one.  So like, she looks like a little girl, all cute with the blond hair, girlish pigtails and sweet mile, right?  But then she flips that psycho switch and starts cussin’ like a sailor with that messed up smile on her face and freaks me out.  She wields SMGs like nobody’s business, and packs enough grenades around to level a city block, and she doesn’t care who she hits with them.  She’s like, in her mid-twenties, but somehow she’s had a total body makeover kinda thing to look like that, and someone buried her records deep.  From what I could find, she’s got training with demolitions and explosives, maybe even former military or special ops judging by how she handles an MP5.  Did I mention this bitch is a nutjob?  Cause she totally is.

Update from Gun Bunny:  Little Suzie is psychotic without a doubt.  Be very careful around her; she’s unpredictable and violent, and doesn’t care who she hurts as long as she’s having a good time.  According to my source in the SCPD, somehow she’s already back out on the street.  There had to be some dirty deals behind the scenes; officially she was released due to being an abused minor.  I think she enjoys toying with people, and she’s certainly sadistic; she’s had multiple instances of taking out people’s knees to make them suffer more while she plays with them.

And as for Pinkie the Knife…I guess the one in the gas mask is the less creepy of the pair?  Maybe?  I mean, I totally get the attraction to gas masks and stuff, I like them myself (don’t get me started on rebreather bags and total rubber encasement…OMG!), and yeah, the pink pigtails are cute and all, but this chick is like, crazy on a totally different level from Little Suzie.  Unlike most of the rest of the gang, she prefers blades (like, who woulda guessed with a name like that, amiright?), and packs around a few dozen of them on her person.  And like, she moves like a ninja, hopping around and climbing walls and dodging like crazy!  And she knows kung-fu, too!  She totally kicked my ass around the jewelry store like nobody’s business!  Total ninja maid here!  I even downloaded some kung-fu-how-to of my own, and she totally adapted super quick!

Update from Gun Bunny:  Pinkie is not crazy on the same level as Suzie, but she’s definitely got issues.  She’s out on bail too, and in the wind.  I’d assume she’s linking back up with the rest of the gang.  We should probably assume they’re going to make plans on breaking their boss out of Edgewater and make plans of our own to counter them.

Update from Pink Pussy:  Eh, I don’t think we have anything to worry about.  Friend of mine has actually been inside Edgewater, saw some of their operation first hand.  There’s more to that place than meets the eye for sure!  


Known Lairs and Hangouts

Like, seriously, how have we not tracked this gang down yet?  They have to have a warehouse or something to store all that firepower, right?

Update from Gun Bunny:  My thoughts?  They’re maids; they’re very good at cleaning up evidence.  And they’re very loyal to their boss for whatever reason, and none who are still in custody are talking.


Why They’re Bad news 

So like, I’m not sure that these two have superpowers like in the standard definition of the word, but like, I think they might just be super-talented.  They can certainly hide weapons all over them, though, so maybe they do?

Anyway, Little Suzie is a little bundle of psycho-loli energy who loves guns and explosions.  She’s the one who blew the vault at the jewelry store, and probably is the one training up all the other maids on how to use their guns.  She’s unpredictable and can apparently play the sweet and innocent little girl when she needs to, so she’s manipulative as hell.  

Pinkie the Knife likes…well, knives, like lots of them.  And she keeps them sharp, too, like super-sharp.  She seemed pretty confident that she could totally cut through Musume’s armor, and maybe she could?  She didn’t have a chance to find out, thankfully, but like, what if, ya know?  Expect her to always have another knife ready to go, and she totally knows how to fight without them, too.  Like, I’d believe she was totally a ninja for reals.  Without seeing more of what she can do, though, just expect anything!


Known (And Unknown!) Accomplices

Clean Sweep, duh.  She’s like, the boss, after all.  And the rest of the gang, too.  Like, I should probably post the list here sooner or later, or something.

The Mysterious Arms Dealer!  Where do they get all those wonderful toys?  Inquiring minds totally want to know!



Mecha Musume – These two proved formidable enough against myself and Cyber Seer on our first outing, so it would certainly be wise not to underestimate them.  My armor was disabled at the time, thanks to Suzie’s handling of that vault door, so perhaps Pinkie could have found a way through with her blades.  Anything is possible in the world now.  Assume nothing until we have proof otherwise, I would say.

–Reply from Cyber Seer:  Totally great advice, babe!  


Pink Pussy – I’ve tangled with these chicas a few times before, in the early days.  Suzie creeps me out the most, and she’s definitely not afraid to target civilians.  Keep your eyes open when that lunatica is around!  I can deal with Pinkie though; she’s good, but she’s not Pink Pussy good!  

–Reply from Cyber Seer:  Mmm, and just how good is Pink Pussy?  I’ve never had it before…oh wait, there I go again, getting all hot and bothered thinking of my favorite sexy kitty.

—-Reply from Pink Pussy:  😀  Maybe we can find some time to talk in private, huh?  Also, just FYI, I know someone who does self-defense training, if you’d want to take a few lessons?  Not saying anything, but just saying, you know, you’ve got this tendency to get a little overwhelmed out there.

——Reply from Cyber Seer:  Is it you?  Would you train me?  I would totally love to learn how to fight with you!  Like, just thinking about getting that close, and rubbing together, and getting all sweaty and pinned into some sexy positions in between your thighs…OMG, I’m getting so hawt right now!

——–Reply from Pink Pussy:  Oh, that’s sweet, CS, but you need to work up to my level 😉  My friend, though, she’s pretty hot in her own right.  You might like her; I’ll send you her info, ‘kay?  Then maybe we can see if you can handle this pussy 😉  <3

———-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Mmmm…handling that pussy…new life goal unlocked!


Gun Bunny – I get the impression that Little Suzie is something of a loose cannon.  Many of her fellow maids have admitted to being afraid of her during police interviews, and are willing to do whatever she asks as long as it keeps her attention away from them.  The generally consensus on Pinkie is that she’s good at what she does, but there is some question of her devotion to the cause.  Based on the SCPD’s analysis, it seems like she’s probably bored and looking for thrills.  Maybe there’s something there we could use if the chance presents itself.

–Reply from Cyber Seer:  Somehow I’m totally not shocked that even her allies are afraid of Suzie.  Good to know that we might be able to talk some sense into Pinkie, though; that’s something at least!