#Lore24 – Entry #204 – Supers Month II #23 – Souls Fit for a Queen

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

Queen’s ego may be larger than even herself, and that’s saying something for a demon who has a fifty-plus foot body composed of nothing but tentacles, but when she puts her mind to something, she gets results!  Look at how many playthings she’s brought to me, and how curious they are!  Why, this one has practically changed fully into something that resembles a werewolf, and yet, its soul is distinctly still human, but infused with a most unique flavor of magical energies.  And this one, I’d call her a half-cow; you know, with her breasts being that large, I daresay she’ll make a fine addition to the milking stable, once properly trained.  This one would make a passable kitsune, I think; perhaps I can work with it and turn it into a mate for my Kitsune?  We’ll see…

What say you, pet?  What has occurred here?  You are the foremost expert on such things in your world, are you not?

Oh…yes, of course.  I forget that your magi are stunted in this realm and must have a bond with a familiar regardless of the powers they wield.  So, you’re saying that these humans have bonded with their familiars?  Oh, oh!  You’re telling me that they’re not aware of their bonds with them?  Oh, your kind is even dumber than I could have imagined!  Give me a moment while I enjoy a most earnest laugh at humanity’s expense!

And what do you make of those whom Queen has taken for herself, then?  The slutty teenager, the ponyboy, and the insane woman overflowing with raw magical essence?  What of their familiars?  Only the ponyboy comes close, but his animal features are all leather and latex, so that doesn’t count.  Oh?  A total merging of spiritual essences?  They and their familiars are truly one, are they?  Hence why there’s little in the way of limits upon their potential?  Ohhhh, how curious…so now you’re telling me that the familiars that were bonded with the others were essentially newly created by the explosion, and these are familiar spirits that have existed for a long time, and have grown much stronger since the flow of magic was dammed up?    

Hmmm…this is a potentially dangerous complication, my pet.  Just how many of these old-spirit familiars could there be?  And just how are they picking their targets, and choosing what powers they grant?  I daresay that ponyboy is as strong as Queenie in her natural form, and the raw destructive power of the girl she pulled out of the nuthouse is incredible; fortunately, Queenie has just the thing to keep her on the straight and narrow, something to keep her properly focused.  The slut, though…I still haven’t quite grasped her powers even though I can sense she’s strong, but she’s also an idiot…I suppose Queen saw something special, or just wanted another plaything.  She’s on the upper scale of attractiveness for a human, but I’m not even certain that she’s aware she even made a deal with a demon, let alone traversed to another plane of existence with all her complaints about not having ‘signal’.  Whatever. 

Now it’s your turn, pet.  We’re going to do some experiments while my minions are looking for those relics, and you’re going to learn exactly how to recreate this phenomenon for me.  And you’re going to do it because you are my loyal, loving slave.  Still, if you feel the need to disobey, I will never deny you my most loving punishments.

#Lore24 – Entry #203 – Supers Month II #22 – A Beautiful, if Unexpected, Explosion

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

I must admit, even with multiple millennia and countless wondrous experiences in my life, I too can still be surprised.

When I sent forth my minions to find these relics, I expected it to take some negligible amount of time, a few years perhaps, a decade, maybe two or three.  I’m patient, and what dangers do the humans of this piddly little world bring to bear against me?

Certainly, I was not expecting this.  Humans…ever the resourceful beings, even with their miniscule lives.  What were they researching in this facility, exactly?  How did they tap into the power of the reenergized leylines so quickly with no mystic training?  And, more importantly, how exactly did they manage to narrowly avoid destroying the entire world by flooding it with more raw magical energy than it has ever seen?  This made our dam bursting look absolutely pathetic in comparison!

It was rather pretty, though.  Almost like a flood of bright blue, mana-infused flower blossoms swirled up and exploded across the width and breadth of the planet and beyond.  I daresay that if this mudball had gone unnoticed by other beings in the galaxy and beyond, it was just noticed in a very dramatic way.  I do appreciate the absolute chaos here.  It’s quite lovely, actually.

BUT.  But…this is going to complicate my plans.  Do you see what I see?  Look at how the excess magical energy is fusing with people of this world.  Instead of burning away harmlessly or diffusing into the planet and its closest planar realms, or even simply igniting and turning the mudball into a fireball, it’s seeping into the people of the world, and some seem to be absorbing much higher amounts of this energy than others.  How very curious indeed.  My, what would it do to someone like you, pet, if you had been there when it happened?  Unfortunately, it seems to have been tied to the planar resonances of those from your world, otherwise my minions, and my own power, would have increased dramatically just now.  Is this a reaction by the planet itself perhaps, a fortunate accident that it engineered when it realized that it was being invaded? 

Wouldn’t that be most interesting? 

Queen!  Oh, Queenie, my dear…I have need of you my loyal servant!  Go forth onto this world and bring me samples of its people.  I wish to study what this sudden infusion of magic will do to them.  And while you’re there, find out exactly how this happened, what they were researching and how they blew the font of magic wide open.  No, wait…focus only on bringing in samples for now.  I’ll use Kitsune to find out what caused the explosion; she needs her exercise, after all, and she’s got a more…delicate touch that could be useful here.  Focus on where your talents lie, my dear; concern yourself not with this.  Oh, and be sure to snare a few souls for yourself while you’re there and add them to your carnival.  I’m quite curious to see what you’ll bring back.

The souls of this world have suddenly become much more spicy than I could have imagined.  But did it spoil their flavor altogether, or have we just found ourselves a trove of the most delicious souls we could have imagined?  And I wonder…could an explosion of this nature be replicated for our own purposes?  Wouldn’t that be something…

Are you as excited by the possibilities as I am, my pet?  Why, you’re absolutely shaking with anticipation, aren’t you?