#Lore24 – Entry #279 – Sentinel City by Night #5 – Previous Victims

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“My reception at the SCPD precinct was about as cold as the nights were getting this time of year, at least in Walsh’s office.  No judgement here, I was just there on business, after all.  They had identified the victim, Andrew Vance, a local, manager for some local tech company, reported missing less than a week ago when he didn’t show up for work on Monday morning.  Minor drug offenses on record from his college days, but otherwise clean.  Coroner confirmed pretty much everything I’d picked up at the scene regarding injuries, though blood tests were still pending.  If it was a vampire at work, I doubt they’d find any kind of chemical restraints used; we had other ways of making humans compliant, after all.  He had a brother and parents still in Sentinel City, but they weren’t relevant at this point.

Walsh left me alone to review the previous victims they’d tied to this killer in a private room, out of sight of the rest of the team.  Fine with me; I enjoy my solitude.  So far there were four other victims, two male (Zak Harrison, Jamal Beck), two female (Eliza Stewart, Gwen Weber), all local residents, all in their mid to late twenties, and the killings had started about half a year ago.  Aside from age, they seemed to have little in common.  All were from different parts of the city, different social classes and social circles, no common background elements aside from having lived in SC most of their lives, if not all of them.  Couldn’t even see that their paths had crossed at any of their jobs or during school. 

Only thing that stood out as far as common to them all was their general appearance.  All could have been considered “above average” to “gorgeous” on the appearance scale.  Given that two victims were white, one black, and one Hispanic, with differing hair and eye colors, at this point I could only assume something about their faces had drawn the attention of the killer.  All had been slain similarly to the latest victim, had had their faces and scalps peeled, along with certain other patches of flesh.  Ritual killings could be a possibility, though I’d have to delve deeper into the occult to figure on what dark being had this particular taste in sacrifice. 

My gut said it wasn’t occult, though.  No, this killer was keeping some grisly trophies, had to be.  Operating on some kind of compulsion, perhaps, and given the rough timetable, the killings were roughly monthly.  Could fit.  Bodies had all been dumped in varying places throughout town, most around Walsh’s precinct, so that could indicate either proximity or simply a favored dumping ground, likely due to the Red Light District and all the crime that goes on there.  More likely to get lost in the mix of dead hookers and drug overdoses, even with the grisly nature of the slayings.  Maybe.  Maybe not.

I happened to be standing on the far side of the door with the case notes spread out on the table when the door opened, and someone poked their head in.  I tended to reflexively obscure myself, so the intruder hadn’t noticed me.  Though dressed as a janitor, even pushing the mop bucket along, I instantly recognized Delia Emmerson beneath her layers of makeup that might have actually fooled your average joe.  Dedicated and crafty, would possibly make a fine investigator if she wasn’t looking for fame.  Slipping inside, likely assuming that whoever had been looking over the case files had stepped out, she slipped her phone out of her coverall and started snapping pictures. 

I contemplated stopping her right then and there, but I still had to learn what she knew of the Kindred first, and didn’t need the PD ransacking her home following an arrest.  With what was on display, there wasn’t anything that would obviously harm the Masquerade; it was all standard reports on the victims.  Could her reporting cause trouble on this investigation?  Maybe, maybe not.  If a Kindred, the killer likely wouldn’t be dissuaded with a mere mortal reporting on their activities.  Taking a chance, I let Delia finish her work and slip out without alerting anyone, resolving to hunt her down and see what she really knew as soon as I had the chance. 

For now, though, my task of hunting the killer took priority, so I made a quick review of all the files and closed them up, returned them to Walsh and made my exit.  I decided to visit the previous dump locations as I contemplated the facts I had.  Maybe something would click into place.”

#Lore24 – Entry #278 – Sentinel City by Night #4 – Into the Spider’s Den

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“Heard the club before I saw it; not unexpected.  Nothing special on the outside, just a neon sign in greens and blues and reds, similar in design to the hand stamp, and some steps leading down to the entrance.  Could have been any other vice den for all I knew, except I knew better; could see the bouncer’s aura, unquestionably a ghoul.  Had to keep my senses in check once I was inside; far too many details were blasting me.  Sex, blood, and leather were the dominant aromas even in the entryway and had been for a long time.  Had to work to get the guys at the entryway to understand what I wanted, dumb ghoul muscle, but soon enough I was given the express tour.

Main part of the club had a bit of a retro vibe to it, kind of like 80s shopping mall vibes, the kind that were already being phased out in the late 90s when I was still a mall rat, mixed with modern flat screens and sound systems, probably fueled by alcohol and drugs of all kinds, the music serving to mix it all into some kind of techno-euphoria.  Leather and latex composed the most common outfits in the place, and I was noticeably underdressed since I wore only my leather duster and none of the other fashionable accessories common in a place like this.  Would have been plenty of eyes on me were I not so adept at blending in.

I was ushered into the “dungeons” below the club proper then, heard plenty of things I’ll refrain from mentioning on the way when I extended my perception, but before long I was on what I can assume was the lowest level I’d ever be allowed into, given the nature of the club’s owner.  Was expecting a private playroom of some kind, not the extensive server room I found myself in.  Was almost as cold in there as it was outside, but only my ghoulish guide showed any signs of being cold.  For a moment I was envious of the cable management, knowing I’d never managed anything close even on my home setup, but then it was back to business when the club owner introduced herself.  Though I could appreciate her tech setup being a computer nerd myself, I didn’t let myself get too distracted.

Rebecca Dodgers was dressed much the same as any of the others upstairs:  latex and leather-clad raver girl outfit, cyber-goth style, mix of black and neon highlights, big dreadlocks in two thick tails on her head, leather cuffs and buckles galore on her platform boots.  Couldn’t see her face behind that gas mask, not even her eyes, but didn’t take me long to discern she was a Nosferatu, what with the misshaped proportions beneath the outfit and the fact that her hair wasn’t natural; seemed like they tended to be drawn to BDSM clubs more often than not, at least in my experience growing up on the west coast; easier to hide amongst the humans when you could hide your misshapen self amongst them, after all.  What caught me off guard was the thick Texan accent that came from behind that mask when she finally spoke; I was expecting valley girl or something more refined, not that heavy southern twang. 

Didn’t let my surprise show, though.  She already knew why I was there, had known of my arrival in town before I had even met Sokolova.  No surprise there; her kind always knew.  She correctly guessed the latest victim had previously visited her club, so I gave her the details I’d picked up.  Given that he was a human, she had little to go on without a face to look for on her impressive security setup; the multitude of well-concealed cameras hadn’t been unnoticed on my way down.  She did at least offer to run through some of her footage from the main floor from a few nights previous to see if we could spot our victim, though he hadn’t exactly been dressed distinctively given the regular clientele. 

Nothing came of the search, but we did at least exchange contact info and some small talk about the latest hardware, and she offered further help in tracking the victim once I had more info to share.  Though I already planned on visiting Walsh at the PD HQ, she suggested I check up on their files as well, since they’ve been keeping the records of this particular string of killings off the digital record for now as a favor to Sokolova.  I asked her what all the help would cost me but told me she was just being neighborly, some southern charm thing, I suppose.  Nothing’s for free, so I’m sure I’ll find out the real cost soon enough.

Once I’d left the club, I let the few details I had about the case percolate in my head for a while and instead focused on finding an apartment somewhere; couldn’t keep all my notes in a hotel room or my car, after all.  I’d seen the crime statistics for Sentinel City already, and they weren’t great.  I’d visit Walsh at his precinct tomorrow night, give the PD time to process the body, fill in more details.”

#Lore24 – Entry #277 – Sentinel City by Night #3 – On the Job

From the Journal of Sheba O’Rourke, Private Investigator

“Took me longer to reach the crime scene than I’d hoped; haven’t had time to learn the streets in Sentinel City yet, and the old Taurus didn’t weather the trip from the West Coast as well as I’d hoped.  Will have to get that looked at soon.

Found the scene easily enough once I’d reached the Red Light District, they still had the streets cordoned off, plenty of officers buzzing around, lots of onlookers in spite of the dropping temperatures and coming rains.  Remembered to grab my coat at least this time; wasn’t quite cold enough that I’d notice it, but the humans might have, especially the detectives.  I was expected, not exactly warmly, maybe, but quickly ushered to the body, where I met Walsh. 

I could tell he was skeptical; who wouldn’t be, after all?  I’d been in the city less than a day, after all, and I got the impression those who knew of my nature, like him, didn’t trust the Kindred.  How could they?  I wouldn’t trust someone who fed on my kind either.  Probably didn’t even know about us till Sokolova started her grand vision a couple years back, though.  Still, work to do, killers to find. 

Got the impression Walsh had seen some dark shit already, and I figured he wasn’t even out of his thirties yet.  Looked stressed, especially around his eyes, maybe graying a little prematurely, didn’t look in the mood for small talk.  Introduced myself quickly, he nodded, we didn’t shake hands.  Body looked like a quick dump job, tossed in between some dumpsters.  Walsh didn’t volunteer any information, so I took in the scene for myself.  Walsh and his buddies got a laugh out of my cassette recorder as I took my audio notes.  Old habits die hard; need to get a digital recorder at least, tapes are getting harder to find.  Still don’t’ like those smartphones; hard to use when you don’t have blood pumping through your veins and can’t leave a fingerprint to access them; old Nokia still works well enough, though, gets the job done, anyway.

Victim was male, likely mid to late twenties, upper body disrobed and showing obvious signs of extreme torture, flesh missing in several spots along torso.  Unidentifiable as his face and scalp had been removed, peeled, possibly intact, no ID on the body. Ligature marks on wrists, ankles, and waist.  Old scarring in other places, likely a whip or severe flogging, fetish-related, piercings in his nipples still in place in spite of multiple fresh lacerations to torso; lower body covered by leather pants and wearing combat boots, some blood stains, but no signs of having been removed and redressed.  Little blood at dump site.  No obvious bite marks, but definitely drained, likely through the wounds, since there was little in the way of blood to pool in the body.  Figure it had been there at least a day. 

Noticed an ink stamp on his right hand, looked like some kind of spider superimposed over a web that looked like some kind of circuitry pattern, still clearly visible.  When I asked, Walsh said it was from a club not too far from the site, called the Cyber Spider, raver hangout with some heavy kink on the side for good measure.  He pretty much spit it at me; it’s a hangout for Kindred, ran by one as I’d soon discover.  Wasn’t much else of use at the scene as far as I was concerned, other minor details are in my case notes, at any rate.

As I was about to ask Walsh about prior victims, we got some unexpected camera flashes.  Local media had shown up asking about the killing.  From the heated conversation between her and Walsh, they were well-acquainted.  Delia Emmerson was her name, worked for one of the tabloids; figure she was too far on the edge to be a legit corpo reporter.  I figured I would undoubtedly cross paths with her again, because she asked specifically if this was another “blood sucker” killing.  Will deal with her later on, though, after I had a chance to learn what she knew about us vampires; had other leads to look into for now.  As I slipped away, heard her asking Walsh about his new partner, but nobody had noticed that I’d gone till they turned their attention back to where I had just been. 

I had a club to visit, even if I wasn’t dressed for the crowd.”

LORE24 ENTRY #58 – Supers Month #27 – Hooded Harlot


From the files of Cyber Seer…


Heroine Name

Hooded Harlot


Real Name



So like, she’s a whore, or a harlot, right?  And she wears a hood, hence the name.  Totally mind blowing, right?  Seriously, though, not gonna throw shade, just like, being snarky and stuff.  Chill!  Anyway, Hooded Harlot has a thing for purple, the darker the better.  It’s her primary color choice, next to black.  Her costume has that stylish hood and cape thing going on, though she wears a domino-type mask beneath the hood too to help with the secret identity thing.  She wears a two-tone black and purple one-piece on her upper body and thigh high heels over lighter purple tights, and sports a pair of opera-length gloves to top things off.  She’s got some pretty deep pockets in that outfit too, sporting your classic utility belt and some extra weapons hidden about herself.  Nothing too flashy for this chica, just down to business.  And might I say, she rocks the look, especially since she’s buffed up some lately, really cracked down and got herself in greater shape!  Seriously, dudes, have you seen those thighs?  Hawt!


Powers and Abilities

So like, from what everyone has observed (at least those who ain’t afraid to speak up and post footage online, anyway), she’s not sporting any flashy super powers, but DAMN if Harlot’s not a great fighter.  Like, ninja warrior shit here!  Some of the footage of her, as little as there is of it, tells me she’s got leet skillz!  There was that one vid of her dropping down on a bunch of drug dealers harassing some of the working girls and man, she had them all messed up in record time!  Left the lot of them strewn about the street, and how!  More on that later, though.  She packs a lot of tricks in her utility belt, too, like smoke bombs, gas grenades, bolas, stun guns, and dudes, she’s even got a grapple gun!  Like, where does she get all those wonderful toys?  Oh, she ain’t afraid to use weapons, either; she’s usually wielding a pair of batons that are totally not dildoes (okay, they probably are, but like, HARD ones), even has some versions of them that she can throw like a ninja star!  Imagine getting clunked in the head with something like that!


What She Does

Hooded Harlot kicks ass; that’s like, what she does!  At least, those asses that come into the Red Light District and start trouble, anyway.  She’s like, totally territorial in that regard, rarely spotted outside that area of town, and if she is spotted elsewhere, it usually means she’s tracking down someone who hurt one of the pros, or did something else to really piss off those in the biz with some seriously shady shit.  Drug dealer types seem to be pretty high on her ass kicking list, based on the numbers.  Oh, but Harlot doesn’t just let’em off with a good beat down!  She’s got a style all her own, cause she has to humiliate the shit outta these douchebags, like, damn, I think she’s got some serious mental trauma or something.  Or maybe she’s just like, totally kinky; I’d buy that too.  Kinda hot, right?  Well, maybe not if you’re on her bad side.  Harlot’s got a mean streak, and she makes sure people know about it.  She’s got this habit of leaving those criminal types who cross her laying out in the open, usually beaten black and blue, but also usually arrayed in some really humiliating fashions.  Like, remember that time all those guys were tied to the railing, pants down, asses spanked, and stuffed with some of her toys?  Yeah, like, don’t get on her bad side!  Total X-rated stuff, but like, she could totally monetize it!  (She hasn’t, though; believe me when I say I’ve done the research!)

But I’m like, not really sure how to get on her good side, either.  She’s like, really dedicated to taking care of the Red Light District, and like, doesn’t play well with others.  I’ve tried leaving some messages here and there, and got nothing.  PP mentioned some run ins with her, but like, she didn’t sound too receptive to a co-op, more like she wanted everyone else outta her territory.  Still, she’s not outright come out and gotten hostile with any heroes as far as I know, just like, really cold and mysterious and anti-social and stuff.  Like, “don’t mess with me shit, and I won’t mess with yours” kinda vibes.


Known Allies

So like, Hooded Harlot is mostly a loner, right?  Like, she’ll tolerate other hero-types passing through, but as long as they finish up and clear off fast, she doesn’t seem to take offense to them.

There seems to be a particular exception, though.  Like, Solaria has been spotted in the RLD multiple times, and as far as I can determine, she’s like, not gotten her ass beaten yet.  Thinkin’ maybe it’s because she’s always out there healing people up, you know?  Like, has Solaria ever really pissed anyone off?  Or maybe she and Harlot have something else going on?  Like, how many times do you think Harlot’s had to save Solaria from getting kidnapped in her territory?  Anyway, if Harlot has an ally, it’s Solaria, though how close they really are is anyone’s guess.



Known Enemies and Rivals

Organized Crime Types

Drug Dealers

Corporate Douchebags

Bad Tippers?



Cyber Seer –  So like, I think I should probably like, try to do some on-the ground kinda investigatory actions here and get to know Hooded Harlot, for like, the team and stuff.  We’re all on the same side here, right?  Keep Sentinel City and its people safe, and that goes for the hookers and stuff too, right?  I can totally go in undercover.  I can almost guarantee she’s a dominatrix by day!  Or well, by night?  Well, she works crime-fighting at nights usually, so…maybe she doesn’t sleep much either?  But yeah, totally should investigate her more!

-Reply from Mecha Musume:  I will admit that I’m rather impressed that you kept most of the NSFW stuff to a minimum here given the subject’s nature, but I would think that our attention should be in other places for now?  There is that whole matter of stolen artifacts and Kitsune’s mysterious backer to research, yes?  Hooded Harlot is doing her own thing, doesn’t seem to be hurting anyone who doesn’t deserve it, and for now, hasn’t asked for help from us.  Don’t be getting involved where you’re not needed or wanted.

–Reply from Cyber Seer:  You should have seen the first draft; like totally X-rated and like, ten times longer 😉  Like yeah, you’re not wrong, but like, I’m just saying, she could totally be worth reaching out to!  Think of all the stuff that goes on in the RLD that she probably knows about!  Could be super-useful to have a contact on the inside!  

—-Reply from Mecha Musume:  (≖_≖ )  Are you hiding something?  You seem very restrained for such an X-rated heroine as Hooded Harlot.  You aren’t planning on disguising yourself and trying to draw her out to experience one of her humiliating beatings, are you?

——Reply from Cyber Seer:  NO!  Totally not planning anything like that!  Of course not!  Like…I’m just, you know…curious…like…what’s it like in that position, you know?  But no, I’m not planning anything.  Nope nope nope!  Good girl here!

——–Reply from Mecha Musume:  I’m pressing the doubt button…


Pink Pussy – Yeah, I’ve had a run-in or two with Hooded Harlot since I’ve been fighting crime; it was sort of like when two big cats cross paths and try to assert dominance, I guess.  She’s definitely doing her own thing.  You’re right about her being territorial; she’s very protective over the workers there, kinda like a guardian angel, yeah?  Chica’s definitely got issues, but I’d probably lean on the side of trusting her to jump in to help if you happened to get dragged into a fight there.  Just don’t expect her to welcome you afterward; likely she’d beat the bad guy and then threaten you with a beating too if you didn’t clear out rapido.  

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Think that maybe if someone were to like, willingly take the beating she’s offering that she’d like, open up to them?  I could like, test that theory!

–Reply from Pink Pussy:  I don’t even know what to say to that…like seriously, you need to calm the kink, chica.

—-Reply from Mecha Musume:  Oh, don’t worry about that; we’re going to have a long discussion over this one, and she’s not going to enjoy it.

——Reply from Cyber Seer:  You might be surprised ;p  


Gun Bunny – My sources in the SCPD don’t really have much to add about Hooded Harlot; she’s got a niche and she fills it well.  She plays about as well with the cops as she does anyone else, but only sticks around long enough to see that the bad guys are arrested.  She went quiet there or a few weeks though, before she came back in better shape than ever, so they’re assuming she went through some kind of intense training, maybe in response to the growing number of superpowered criminals out there.  The week following her return had the highest arrest rate to date for the RLD.  

-Reply from Cyber Seer:  Ohhh, neat to know!  Still think you’ve got better legs, though 🙂

–Reply from Gun Bunny:  Noted, and appreciated 😉