#Lore24 – Entry #364 – Sci-Fi Month IV #29 – Mysteries of the Demon Sector

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “You had alluded to another draconic soul experiencing a resonating effect with a relic similar to what happened with Lila Darius.  Could you go into more detail about that, or if not, the phenomenon in general?”

RV:  “As it is an ongoing matter, I won’t be able to go into full detail, but can give you the general overview.  I have, as you might have imagined, collected a vast number of draconic relics over the centuries, most of which I have long since discerned the natures of, however deeply buried they may have been.  Yet, there are some that remain mysterious even to me, say perhaps about five percent of my entire collection.  I can sense the power that lies hidden within them, know that its there, but cannot access it no matter what methods I have tried, for I can feel the resonance, though on a much more subtle level.  Through long years of study, I have managed to discern the particular variances in this resonance amongst the artifacts, similar to what I feel in the presence of other draconic souls.”

AG:  “And this is why you described what Lila Darius experienced with her discovery of the A-TK drive as having encountered a “keyed” relic.”

RV:  “Exactly.  It seems that with the reappearance of draconic souls, and their unconscious push toward the Demon Sector, these resonances have become somewhat more intensified, making it much easier to discern which type of soul they are keyed to.  It was then that I began to study my test subjects for proper resonances, discovering some that would awaken these artifacts, though most remained too weak to do so properly.”

AG:  “And this other case of resonance that you mentioned, it was strong enough to cause a reaction in one of these relics?”

RV:  “Yes, though, to my consternation, the event was not entirely within my control.  In this particular case, one of my AR&D researchers whom I had assigned to collect and study additional relics as part of her advancement to the topmost tier of that group, uncovered a particular scroll of ancient draconic origin, thin as parchment, but composed entirely of copper, though not subject to the ravages of time.  Again, that most subtle guidance by unseen forces seems to have been at play, for this researcher had hired a human pilot to see her around the various locations I sent her, and then become quite enamored with her.  This was but the first hint of a strong draconic soul, and, as I would learn, said pilot would be completely fluent in both Draconic and High Draconic.  It was fate, if you will, that led them to studying that scroll together, and the resonance triggering the relic, which promptly vanished, imprinting what it contained upon this woman in the form of a copper dragon tattoo on her back.  In the panic that followed, she fled, for fear of what I may do to her.

I’ve set my researcher and a rather unique hunter from my collection on the trail of the pilot, who has vanished into the Demon Sector for now, though that is all I’ll reveal at this time.”

AG:  “Curious… I’m aware of an event that occurred upon Aphelion Station during the First Annual Grand Ball relating to the renowned orcish artist Rhoghor, when he revealed his collection of paintings known as the ‘Visages of the Starway Maiden.’  Was that woman he painted perhaps-”

RV:  “Yes, it was indeed the wayward pilot whom had taken what lay hidden within that scroll.  Another curious event relating to the stir of draconic souls throughout our part of the galaxy.  I suspect this artist is another draconic soul himself, somehow resonating with this pilot, though I’ve been unable to ascertain this myself thanks to Veylani’s interference; she’s hidden him away after the incident, and I’ve been unable to locate him yet.”

Note:  I’m sensing that Rivalle’s anger is cooled somewhat now that Lila Darius isn’t being mentioned, though she’s still maintaining an aggressive demeanor.  Perhaps I should begin drawing this interview to a close.

AG:  “Have there been any particular discoveries within the Demon Sector so far that have piqued your interest relating to your study of the dragons?”

RV:  “Several.  While there have been several species of animals displaying signs of demonic corruption in the systems closest to the Breach, these hold little interest to me aside from possible use in our various R&D divisions.  The trail Lila Darius has continued to blaze for the most recent expedition to have set out, UEF-04, led by the Maharani Morgiana, has already proven quite intriguing, revealing several new, and much younger, draconic ruins.  Likewise she has uncovered at least one world that possesses more of the digital intelligences like the one found in UCSD-0001, with clues that there could be an entire civilization of such beings laying out there to be discovered.

She, and consequently, I, remain focused upon these draconic ruins, however.  Their depths must be plundered, their secrets revealed in full.  She’s moving at far too fast a pace to indicate she’s studying them, so she’s following a trail of some kind, either one that she’s discerned previously, or that is being revealed to her at each stop she makes.  I think I’ve given her more than enough of a lead, and while her advancements are admirable, her lack of any stunning revelations leads me to think she’s being careless.  Not particularly surprising, given my experiences with this incarnation.

You’ll be the first to hear of this, my dear.  I plan to take a leave of absence in the very near future, for I will be traveling behind Darius, seeing what I can find that others, even those of your order, have missed.  I’ve waited long enough; I cannot contain my curiosity any longer; I must see what lies out there for myself.

I suppose this is as good a time as any to shift focus.”

AG:  “I do have more questions, Miss Volcari, but of course, you have ultimate say in what we discuss.  What topic do you wish to shift to?”

Note:  The smile which Rivalle just showed me has chilled me to my very core.

RV:  “To you, my dear, and your immediate future.  Though I suppose we’ll need to delve into your past a bit first.”

LORE24 ENTRY #28 – 1st Annual Aphelion Station Grand Ball

Category – Event

A year after the massively successful creation of Aphelion Station on the far side of the Demon Barrier, the alliance of corporations that funded and created the ever-expanding station, led by Veylani Transport, held a massive gala event to celebrate the occasion, showing that they were not worried in the least about the rumors of poor planning, dangerous working conditions, and sabotage that swirled about the entire operation.  Veylani Transport’s head, Releana Veylani, was widely known to be attending the event herself to further bolster confidence in the operation that she had so vehemently pursued.

The Grand Ball itself was open by invitation only, and these were extended mostly to representatives of corporations, governments, and other powerful groups, with a healthy mix of celebrities and entertainers.  Perhaps in honor of the wild frontier that had been opened, the event was a costume party with an animal theme, and as one might expect of the rich and powerful, there was plenty of alcohol-fueled debauchery to be found, with many of the attendees showing up in racy, fetish-heavy costume designs with plenty of leather and latex to be seen amidst this highly BDSM-themed event, which supposedly had the blessing of Yurisaya herself.

The event did not go off without unplanned excitement, though.  The famous orc artist, known only as Rhoghor, and known for his appropriately kinky masterpiece paintings, had been brought in to reveal his most recent collection that he had created, known as the “Visages of the Starway Maiden”.  According to him, he had been inspired the moment Lila Darius had penetrated the Demon Barrier and laid open the Demon Sector, and had spent the previous year working on his masterpieces.  When the paintings were revealed, they showed a beautiful blond human woman, either nude or scantly clad, in various states of restraint, but always with her back visible, for upon her back was a brilliant tattoo of a copper-scaled dragon, its eyes seemingly glowing with an unnatural intensity as they followed the viewer, the dragon’s body seeming to move of its own accord.  The reaction of the crowd was immediately positive, though for whatever reason, the representative from DSM, one Saida Entoris of the Arcane Research and Development group, caused a stir following the reveal as she and her bodyguard attempted to detain Rhoghor, though further chaos seemed to erupt at this very moment, leading to a wild finish for the event.

Still, by all accounts, the ball was mostly a success, and those involved are looking forward to the next one, already making plans for something that will be even more memorable.