LORE24 ENTRY #31 – Holy Order of Rashnikova

Category – Organization

Founded during the Age of Legends to combat both a resurgence in demonic activity and an upsurge of undead and other supernatural threats, this holy order was originally founded by the paladin Melisande no’Synstralia de’Rashnikova of Arcavarlon, upon the planet Andyllion, originally under the divine guidance of the goddess Lashana and her drive to punish evil in all its forms.  The Holy Order has survived to modern times and has since opened its doors to those of other faiths who have dedicated themselves to combating supernatural evil.

Though not a prerequisite, nearly all of the Order’s membership possess divine or natural magic abilities, divided mostly between the clergy and the paladins, with the paladins being the ones most often sent to the frontlines to deal with the threats, while the clergy handle healing, more complex rites of exorcism, and research.  In the current times, the most common threat the Order faces are the undead, though lycanthropes and other evil shapechangers and similar spirits are not entirely uncommon.  On rare occasions a true demon has been encountered, requiring a much more significant response to deal with.

Though a relatively small group, they are backed by multiple organizations and individuals across known space.  As such, the Order has access to some of the best craftsmen, mystics, and technology available to perform their holy exterminations, with its members possessing some of the most highly enchanted arms and armor available, including their customized Fenrir assault rifles, now something of an iconic weapon.  Trained in all forms of combat, not just firearms (because some creatures simply won’t die until their heads are removed with a silver blade or a stake to the heart), many of their members come from related backgrounds, such as mercenary or military groups, often with a particular incident they managed to survive driving them onto their new path as a holy slayer.  


LORE24 ENTRY #30 – Saida Entoris

Category – Person

Saida Entoris is an elven arcanist and specialist in draconic lore who finds herself in the center of a very delicate situation, torn between competing loyalties with no easy way out.  Having worked for DSM for over a century, she has worked her way through the ranks and ascended to a position as a Tier-2 member of the Arcane Research and Development branch of the company through a combination of her arcane abilities and mastery of ancient draconic language and history.  Young and ambitious, she once dreamed of reaching the very top of the company, the legendary Tier 5 of the AR&D branch, perhaps one day even unseating the seemingly eternal Rivalle Volcari herself.

Such ambitions are often the purview of the young and foolish, however, and it only took a chance meeting with one Reina Pridewing, a human pilot whom Saida had hired to handle her personal travel needs (unusual in itself as Reina had no prior ties to DSM), for her carefully plotted life to spiral into chaos.  Saida would never have expected that she’d be so taken with the human woman, nor that they would develop a close, passionate relationship as Saida performed her various research duties, the long hours traveling between systems giving them plenty of time to explore their budding love for one another.  It came as an even greater surprise when Reina was discovered to know the draconic language as well, and was perhaps even more fluent in it than Saida herself, easily translating passages in the much more difficult High Draconic form of the language.  It was only with some reluctance that Reina revealed how this was to Saida, knowing that this particular event would put her directly in the sights of Rivalle Volcari should she find out.  

And find out Rivalle would, when, after retrieving an ancient dragon scroll, highly sought after by the head of DSM, something went awry when Reina and Saida were studying the scroll, some ancient magic laid within the document triggering upon a touch from Reina, the scroll somehow transferring its power into Reina, marking her with a distinct tattoo of a copper-colored dragon upon her back.  In a near panicked state, Reina fled, leaving Saida with her greatly split loyalties, unable to make herself simply tear herself away from the path she had chosen to walk, no matter her feelings for Reina.  instead, she would do what she could to protect Reina from within DSM, leaving out many details in her official report (which is reflected above) on the incident to Rivalle, while putting on a halfhearted show of tracking the missing pilot down.

Perhaps growing suspicious of Saida’s loyalties, Rivalle Volcari decided that she wanted the issue resolved immediately.  As such, Saida was given a simple command, to the effect of:  “Retrieve Reina Pridewing, intact, no matter the cost, before I lose my patience.”  Saida, feeling no small amount of terror under the gaze of her superior, would turn her full attention to finding Reina.  Rivalle, however, untrusting of Saida to do as commanded, sent along a security measure in the form of Murissa, the Crimson Blade, a ferakatian mercenary whom had been captured during a failed assassination attempt on Rivalle, and who possessed a unique psychic “scent” that made her a most effective tracker.  The fact that Murissa was likewise placed inside a newly developed cybernetic armor, developed by the Tier 5 group, and with the ability to be controlled directly by Rivalle if needed, sent a very clear signal to Saida.  

So, with her love for Reina on one side, and the might of Rivalle Volcari pressing down on her from the other, Saida set off towards the Demon Sector, specifically Aphelion Station, the last known location of Reina, her mind working furiously to figure a way out of the dire situation she found herself in.


LORE24 ENTRY #29 – The Badaxe Clan

Category – Cultural / Organization

Historically, the Badaxe clan originated upon the world of Andyllion, forged through many generations to be the strongest and most prosperous of orcish clans, eventually earning the honor of serving the High Emperor himself as his most loyal and trusted soldiers and bodyguards.  This was further bolstered through strong leadership within the clan and their embrace of ancient Aerian combat training methods.  Even after they cut ties with the Empire, the clan remained strong, and became a unifying force for the orcish people of Andyllion, especially during the Age of Legends when their clan chief, Mantok Badaxe, ascended to godhood.

In modern times, the Badaxe Clan has evolved into something much different.  Though the descendants of the original clan still exist and control their own nation on Andyllion, they have continued evolving with the times.  Today, many know the Badaxe Clan as an elite private military company, now open to any of orcish blood from any world, and still holding its members to strict training based upon the old ways, adapted to modern weapons, technology, and tactics.  The Badaxe Clan mercenaries pride themselves on their ferocity, endurance, and adaptability, and are often seen as rivals to even the aerians, and while both are fiercely competitive, the rivalry between orc and aerian is mostly friendly…as much as a rivalry based upon combat can be.

Organizations across known space employ Badaxe Clan mercenaries for the most dangerous operations or to protect their high value targets, assuming they can afford the premium rates the clan demands for their expertise.  Even DSM is known to employ several units of Badaxe Clan members, with some working directly for Rivalle Volcari herself, even though the company has long been elf-dominated and the enmity between elf and orc is still not entirely extinguished.  Though members of the Badaxe Clan are trained to always put the job first and foremost, the strong sense of honor that is imparted to them have resulted in a few incidents over the years in which the work they were brought on to perform was deemed far too distasteful for even them, and they turned against those who hired them, echoing what happened when the great Mantok Badaxe himself led the clan against the High Emperor on Andyllion.


LORE24 ENTRY #28 – 1st Annual Aphelion Station Grand Ball

Category – Event

A year after the massively successful creation of Aphelion Station on the far side of the Demon Barrier, the alliance of corporations that funded and created the ever-expanding station, led by Veylani Transport, held a massive gala event to celebrate the occasion, showing that they were not worried in the least about the rumors of poor planning, dangerous working conditions, and sabotage that swirled about the entire operation.  Veylani Transport’s head, Releana Veylani, was widely known to be attending the event herself to further bolster confidence in the operation that she had so vehemently pursued.

The Grand Ball itself was open by invitation only, and these were extended mostly to representatives of corporations, governments, and other powerful groups, with a healthy mix of celebrities and entertainers.  Perhaps in honor of the wild frontier that had been opened, the event was a costume party with an animal theme, and as one might expect of the rich and powerful, there was plenty of alcohol-fueled debauchery to be found, with many of the attendees showing up in racy, fetish-heavy costume designs with plenty of leather and latex to be seen amidst this highly BDSM-themed event, which supposedly had the blessing of Yurisaya herself.

The event did not go off without unplanned excitement, though.  The famous orc artist, known only as Rhoghor, and known for his appropriately kinky masterpiece paintings, had been brought in to reveal his most recent collection that he had created, known as the “Visages of the Starway Maiden”.  According to him, he had been inspired the moment Lila Darius had penetrated the Demon Barrier and laid open the Demon Sector, and had spent the previous year working on his masterpieces.  When the paintings were revealed, they showed a beautiful blond human woman, either nude or scantly clad, in various states of restraint, but always with her back visible, for upon her back was a brilliant tattoo of a copper-scaled dragon, its eyes seemingly glowing with an unnatural intensity as they followed the viewer, the dragon’s body seeming to move of its own accord.  The reaction of the crowd was immediately positive, though for whatever reason, the representative from DSM, one Saida Entoris of the Arcane Research and Development group, caused a stir following the reveal as she and her bodyguard attempted to detain Rhoghor, though further chaos seemed to erupt at this very moment, leading to a wild finish for the event.

Still, by all accounts, the ball was mostly a success, and those involved are looking forward to the next one, already making plans for something that will be even more memorable. 


LORE24 ENTRY #27 – Robotics

Category – Technology

Robotics have advanced in some amazing ways since space travel became commonplace, though still seems lacking in other ways.  The most common types of robotics are those dedicated to mass-production, laboring away in factories on massive assembly lines to build starships and other vehicles.  Other robots have, in the many prosperous regions, taken over the less desirable manual labors, such as farming or janitorial services.  Robotics are more commonly seen in the form of cybernetic replacements for limbs, or in the form of powered suits or exoskeletons designed to handle heavier cargo.

True robots have seen a rather limited advancement due to the unreliability and lack of advancement of artificial intelligence that would govern their behavior.  Beyond basic functions with a limited scope, such as farming and assembly, advanced AI has proven unreliable at best when governing the behaviors of these machines, and a liability and danger to living beings at its worst.  The general consensus is that artificial intelligence should be limited in scope and reach, and with limited decision-making ability.  There have been multiple instances throughout history where more advanced AI has led to loss of life and destruction of property when the AI outright fails or goes completely rogue and has to be destroyed.

Autonomous robots do exist in some limited roles.  Some corporations make use of robotic sentries for security purposes, though these act as little more than armored, mobile gun turrets with target-identifying abilities, as well as small, highly maneuverable drones meant to patrol or search a wide area.  Some groups see modern robotics as bringing back the ancient golems, creating loyal, if mostly unintelligent, servants and guardians, though even those were often only tasked with simple orders, limiting their purpose.  The size of modern robotics is likewise limited, with the largest examples being slow-moving and often limited to factory spaces; physics still applies to larger robots, after all, and the secrets of creating truly massive golems that could actually move about without necessarily destroying the streets they walked upon has been lost to time.


LORE24 ENTRY #26 – Scrying Magic

Category – Spell/Magic

In the age of high technology and space travel, magic has certainly waned, but among the various types of magic, perhaps it is scrying that has maintained its presence the most, even though it is perhaps the least flashy of disciplines.  Even though most spying revolves around corporate and governmental intrigues with the use of technology and guile, most mega corporations, with DSM as the most prevalent, have some degree of magical scrying at their disposal; wise corporations always invest in some form of warding in their most sensitive areas, and perhaps even on their most important people, to prevent this long-distance espionage.

Little has changed regarding the practice of scrying.  It still requires a medium with which to view distance places, typically through some kind of water-filled bowl or a mirror, both enchanted and attuned to the scrying magics.  It is then a matter of the skill of the arcanist making the attempt to scry, with factors such as distance, knowledge of the target, quality of scrying medium, and consideration of magical protections against scrying determining the amount of success in the attempt.  An experienced scrying specialist will be able to locate and view a chosen target across vast distances, across multiple star systems even, with perfect clarity and without the target being aware they are being remotely viewed.  

The dangers of scrying are not necessarily as high as other magical disciplines, but are unique in their own way.  A certain amount of subtlety is required, because the very act of scrying creates a magical link between the scryer and the target.  Thus, if a scryer presses too hard, or tries for too long, there is a growing chance that the target will become almost instinctually aware that they are being watched, and those trained in resisting scrying will learn to further hone these instincts.  Further, magical protections against scrying typically just hide the target or area from viewing, but some more advanced warding spells will be able to cause harm to the remote viewer, creating a violent feedback that can potentially kill them.  Scrying specialists, while performing their viewings, are also vulnerable, unable to easily defend themselves while they are engaged in the act, meaning they will have to have created prior arrangement for their own defense.  There have been instances in which two or more corporate scrying specialists have engaged in long-distance hunting operations against one another, trying to find weaknesses in each others’ defenses that would reveal one’s location before the other, and allow them to send out a strike force to deal with them.


LORE24 ENTRY #25 – Merkava

Category – Creature

Merkava are a breed of moles common on Andyllion, but there have been variations of this creature found on multiple worlds throughout the galaxy.  Typically found in varying climates, and these moles are generally seen as harmless, though have, on occasion, been deemed a nuisance if the population gets to be too large.  When this happens, it is not uncommon for settlements to experience sudden sinkholes or structural damage due to the digging of these creatures.

The merkava are similar in size, shape, and appearance to other moles, but have a unique property that indicates that they have ties back to the elemental planes, namely that each of the creatures has some kind of elemental resistance, most commonly fire, cold, or acid.  This seems to be an environmental adaptation, as the merkava are often found in environments that most races would consider harsh, such as tundra or volcanic regions, and seem to thrive because of this trait.

Some orcish tribes in ancient times held the merkava in high regard as an animal spirit that represented triumph over adversity in harsh conditions, and also as guides to the underworld and the land of the dead, given their burrowing nature.  These beliefs have since faded, but the ancient stories have survived thanks to the efforts of various historians throughout the centuries. 



LORE24 ENTRY #24 – Incarcerus IV

Category – Place

Incarcerus IV is a rather notorious, if mostly forgotten, planet held by the dark elves, and was once one of their largest prisons (the fourth such  planetary prison, as its name indicates).  Located in a distant and rarely traveled system, this planet was originally an uninhabitable rock that was terraformed using one of the ancient arca-tech tarraforming devices that radically changed the planet into a perfectly habitable world.  Though the records are inconclusive, it would seem that the planet was originally meant as an isolated colony world, but due to poor resource availability, was converted into a solitary prison planet once the dark elves had fully taken control of the galactic prison system.  The space around the planet itself is covered by a still-functioning security net filled with various devices that will warn ships away from the planet, and attack those that are not authorized for approach, ensuring that most will avoid coming too close, to say nothing of attempting a landing or a jailbreak. 

However, at some point, the planetary terraformer went out of control, causing a global catastrophe that destroyed much of the population and reshaped the surface of the planet, which had been left behind by the dark elf wardens when they escaped the planet.  Though most assumed the world was destroyed and left completely uninhabitable, this was not the case.  Though the world was left greatly changed during the upheaval, quite a large number of the former prison colonies survived, and once the worst of the destruction had ended, these survivors picked up the pieces and formed their own societies and began to rebuild.  Though filled with dangerous areas and sometimes radically shifting weather due to continued malfunctions from the terraformer, the planet is perfectly livable, and there are multiple large countries and peoples across its surface.

Currently, the world has reached a technological state consistent with the real-world late Victorian era, with steam-based technology, continent-spanning rail systems, dangerous frontier towns, prevalent repeating cartridge-based firearms, and smaller pockets of a more “civilized” nature.  Due to the occasional upset from the malfunctioning terraformer, it seems that most technological advances have been halted at this level, preventing the local populations from advancing to a level that would allow them to attempt to escape into space, though most have long since forgotten the original purpose of the planet and its former status as a prison.  


LORE24 ENTRY #23 – Warding Magic

Category – Spell / Magic

One of the most studied forms of magic for its protective benefits, warding magic is a often a much deeper topic than one may initially surmise, and is prevalent in all modern branches of mysticism.  Primarily, warding magic is meant to protect either a location or object, or living beings, from some form of harm or other magic.  This is usually in the form of magically charged symbols, or wards, that are placed upon the target.  Wards can have a range of effects, from a constant protective ward that mitigates some form of damage, a ward shielding something from detection (typically via scrying), or a triggered trap that can cause harm.

Some example warding spells include:

Ward of Protection – This is a broader range of spells, depending on one’s mystic path, which is most often used to protect the caster or others around them from harm in some way.  This could take the form of a protective barrier that mitigates damage from typical sources (melee weapons, projectile weapons), the environment (extreme heat and cold, high pressure environments, or even vacuum), or other sources of a magical nature (elemental attack spells, etc).  These often take the form of an intangible aura around the subject, or a more focused, but smaller, visible shield of force, depending on application.  Some more powerful variations of these wards can even reflect the damaging source back toward the one who used it.

Ward of Concealment – These types of wards are meant to hide an object or person from detection, typically through magical scrying, though can also negate detection from mundane vision and other senses in some variations.  There may be no visual clue that such a ward is in place, without using arcane sight, but these wards can either completely hide a subject, or make their detection extremely difficult for an unskilled mystic.  Some wards only affect single senses, such as smell or hearing, while more advanced versions affect all senses, even those magical in nature.  A variation of this ward is the Ward of Tracking, which, when placed upon a target, will allow the caster to magically track the target over vast distances.

Ward of Destruction – These are often called offensive or combat wards, and are triggered to explode when the set triggering condition is met, dealing some form of damage to the ones triggering them, or releasing another spell on the target.  The most typical form of this ward is not unlike a landmine, causing an explosion of magical or elemental energy when someone steps within its area; some casters have been known to use multiple such wards to entrap a target during the course of a battle, and this variation of the spell has been refined to be easily used without much preparation or time, and are often called ‘landmine spells,’ even if they can be attached to any surface.  More advanced forms interweave additional spells within them, or increase the range or effect of the explosive effect.


LORE24 ENTRY #22 – Valefari Raptors

Category – Creature

One of the first creatures encountered when explorers and settlers first established communities on Valefar V were the fierce Valefari Raptors.  As farmers and ranchers began to grow, these creatures made themselves known, attacking livestock and their minders with ferocity.  The Valefari raptor is a small to medium sized predatory reptilian, standing between three and seven feet tall, with the alpha males tending toward the larger end, with brightly colored hides in shades of green, red, and orange, often striped, with angular heads with mouths filled with razor-sharp teeth and powerful legs with wicked talons on their foreclaws and feet.  

These vicious predators will attack in well-organized packs of three to twelve, though much larger groups have been observed, numbering two dozen or more, though these are typically smaller creatures.  The raptors possess a very keen intelligence, much greater than your average animal, and are capable of creating ambushes and attack plans, often striking and retreating only to come back when least expected.  They rarely if ever show fear, and will attack with a ferociousness that some have described as bordering on a berserker rage; they have even been known to attack vehicles.  Making them even more difficult to deal with, unlike most wild animals, the Valefari raptors have no fear of fire, as they are mostly immune to it.  It has been theorized based on analysis of remains and captured live specimens that these beasts have a demonic heritage.

The most effective means of dealing with the raptors have proven to be vigilant scouting and monitoring of the frontier, backed up by automatic weapons and explosives.  The more successful ranchers have even taken to using small VTOL craft with mounted machine guns to sweep the borders of their property and keep the raptors at bay.  Thankfully, it seems to be working, as raptor attacks have been drastically reduced as the creatures have moved on to easier hunting grounds, though they are still quite terrifying to run across in the wilds.