#Lore24 – Entry #353 – Sci-Fi Month IV #18 – The Imperium Falls, a New Empire Rises

Transcribed From the Personal Recording Implant of Andra Ganim, Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum

AG:  “As a follow up to a previous question, before I forget, do you know what it was that the rebels, and I assume, the FPC, managed to track down whatever it was that relic had hinted at?”

RV:  “It was another draconic ruin, an entire island nation, really, long abandoned like all of them, but in time it would be determined that this was amongst the newest of the draconic sites, something on the order of three to four thousand years younger than the next nearest site at the time if I’m recalling that particular study correctly.  Though I would not be as fortunate as Lila Darius, as I understand it, she found one of the last known living dragons in the galaxy and sought knowledge of the arcane that was once thought lost.  For a Chronicler of the Codex Infinitum, she was remarkably tight-lipped about what it was that she learned beyond that, though, having failed to record it as one would expect, much to my vexation.  By the time I would be able to study the site myself, the dragon she met was long gone.”

AG:  “Fascinating.  Did her knowledge impact the outcome of the Imperium War?”

RV:  “Perhaps it accelerated what had already been set in motion, perhaps it tipped the scale at some point along the line, but to say the FPC would have been unable to achieve victory without that knowledge would be overstating its significance by several orders of magnitude.  Lila Darius was and is but one person in an entire galaxy after all…though her current incarnation has certainly made waves much more significant than her previous ones…”

Note:  A shadow has passed over Rivalle’s features, and her secretary is looking even more anxious, her tail hasn’t stopped swishing for some time now, and it seems the storm outside has further intensified, as if sensing Rivalle’s dark mood.  I believe I have strayed into more current events that are still something of an open wound and will backtrack to the end of the Imperium War.

AG:  “To return to where we were before I diverted us, you, in the guise of Ruvaen, had attempted a coup and revealed that Emperor Halaxaes had indeed had a cloned body waiting to receive his soul.  Given what you’ve revealed before, was there a reason that you did not have a trap prepared to capture his soul?”

RV:  “Of course.  Upon his death, had his soul not been tuned to that cloned body, the clone would have awakened and, likely, proven to be just as capable a leader as the real Halaxaes, though with a much greater chance of becoming unquestionably psychotic.  As I had said before, cloning methods then were not as reliable as they are now, though they are typically limited to new body parts in the systems where it is allowed at all, and with what I would learn soon after, we did not need a psychotic emperor in charge of the power he would reveal.  Ruvaen, and thus I, was aware that Halaxaes had devoted much of his resources to building what we had assumed was a new fleet but had yet to reveal it.  As it would turn out, I had once again underestimated him, likely due to my fixation upon chasing Lila Darius.”

AG:  “So, the bunker that had been hidden away, and this mysterious fleet, were one and the same, the massive battle station known as Sentinel Prime?”

RV:  “Indeed, you’re correct.  Halaxaes had constructed the monstrosity in the shadow of the Demon Barrier, where long-range sensors could not detect him, and few but pirates and other outlaws would dare to tread.  Even though I had secured those loyal to Ruvaen for the moment, I was not prepared to deal with the appearance of Sentinel Prime and was forced into a hasty retreat.  Several of the capitol ships and two of the space citadels in my possession would be destroyed before they could evacuate the system.  For such a massive structure, the fact that he had managed to secure a functional TK-Drive assembly impressed even me.”

AG:  “Several worlds were devastated once Sentinel Prime had made its appearance by its planetary bombardments, many were those that were sympathetic to the FPC’s, but some were targeted seemingly for no reason.  I assume these were worlds that were used by the Ruvaen faction as bases or hiding places?”

RV:  “Yes, that’s correct.  In a very short time, we had been forced to follow the ways of the FPC and remain highly mobile and scattered.  Simply rejoining Halaxaes’ forces with a renewed vow of loyalty would not be enough to ensure their survival, for those that tried were immediately executed, no quarter given.  I suppose it was something of a race to see which of us would be decimated first at that point.  My plans had not accounted for something on the scale of Sentinel Prime at all.  Though for all its impressive engineering, it did have a weakness that we could exploit, namely that it had to frequently return to its support facility outside the Demon Barrier for repairs and recharging; no power source exists that could sufficiently power something that large, even today, arcane or technological.”

AG:  “What was the power source for Sentinel Prime?  How had he managed it?”

RV:  “Oh, I would think it’s quite obvious.  He had managed to tap into the greatest source of energy in the known galaxy:  the Demon Barrier itself.  It is essentially a mass of radiation and raw energy, after all, so it had been theorized for some time that it could be drawn upon given proper methods, methods which Halaxaes and his arcanists and scientists had managed to devise.  Much of the internal structure of the monstrosity was simply batteries and capacitors, really.”

AG:  “I see…rather simple in its complexity in some ways, then. Could you tell me of how the final battle against Halaxaes came and went from your perspective?”

RV:  “Given the rather desperate situation we found ourselves in, and with my plans thoroughly disrupted at this point, I reached out to the FPC for an alliance.  Through Lila Darius and her closest allies, for the FPC leadership certainly had no willingness to trust Ruvaen, even if he had become just as much an enemy to Halaxaes as they had.  As much as it galled me to do so, for it seemed that my hatred of her had only grown with her own power, an aspect of that instinctual antithesis which I had mentioned earlier.  She felt the same for me, but was much more capable of dealing with it, as much as I hate to admit it, and had not allowed herself to be distracted during our feud, nor had she allowed it to cloud her thinking, for she was quick to accept my aid, for she already had a plan, and just needed to find and then enter Sentinel Prime to make it work.

With the aid of my most talented arcanists, we devised the basis for the modern art of astral divination and managed to scry the comings and goings of Sentinel Prime during its attacks, eventually finding the region in which its support facility was located.  Our respective fleets would be mustered and prepared to follow Sentinel Prime upon its next return to the facility, with our combined forces set to deal with Halaxaes’ own defense fleet while myself and Darius would strike from the shadows, so to speak, infiltrating Sentinel Prime to sabotage its power systems and face down Halaxaes once and for all.”

AG:  “How could you be sure that he would have no other clones to return his soul to?”

RV:  “I had already taken this into account.  I had no doubts that his personal cloning facility was aboard Sentinel Prime, so my task would be to see to its destruction while Darius kept him busy, and our combined teams would work to sabotage the power system using what I thought was some of the same transplanar bombs that I had become so familiar with over the centuries.  As it was, Lila Darius would manage another humiliation.”

AG:  “If these were not bombs, what were they?”

RV:  “I had hoped to simply disable Sentinel Prime, you see, and use its power for myself once the war had ended.  Deal enough damage that it was no threat, but silently rebuild it during the coming years as a nice little base of operations for my revised plans.  I had anticipated massive damage from these explosions, but that is not at all what happened.  You are familiar with World Creation Engines?”

AG:  “Yes.  Arcane-technological devices that are used to terraform planets that are on the edge of habitability and make them fully useable.  They came about during the Age of Expansion that followed the Imperium War.”

RV:  “Almost correct.  They came about during the Imperium War, and were first used upon Sentinel Prime itself.  You could say that the ‘bombs’ Darius had devised were the prototypes for them.  How else could a world like Sentinel Prime exist today without the use of magic?  Certainly, it was not as the tales of scavengers and pirates and their like building it up over the centuries would have you believe.  There is no sun for it to orbit, though it maintains its own rotation and life-sustaining functions, still draws on the power of the Demon Barrier for those functions to continue in fact, even though it has become unsuitable for a battle station in the intervening centuries, for it would rapidly grow unstable and likely fall to pieces should it be moved from its proximity to its power source, assuming its TK-Drive could even be restored, of course.”

AG:  “Incredible.  So, how did the final conflict with Halaxaes go?”

RV:  “Our strike teams came in hard and fast, a dozen ships, loaded with these ‘bombs’ and the best soldiers on both sides, slipping through the chaos of the larger fleet battle.  For a bit of irony, we made use of aerian star sabers for this operation, for their adamantine frames and ramming tips made them uniquely suited for such a plan.  I and Darius came in on different ships but would reunite once she had seen to it that the power control center was secure, and I had seen to it there would be no more Halaxaes clones.  We would then make our push to Halaxaes himself, a smaller team cutting through his royal guard while I and Darius dealt with him ourselves. 

Halaxaes had prepared well for us, though, and had somehow managed to tap into the same power that fueled Sentinel Prime to defend himself.  It was a narrow victory, admittedly, for Darius was severely wounded, and I would have been killed but for Ruvaen and my golem armor.  In the final moments, with Halaxaes assured of his victory, he came in to slay his traitorous son, still unaware of me.  His blade pierced through the core of the armor, right through where a heart ought to be.  In that moment I teleported myself outside the armor and pierced my blade. Soulshatter, through Halaxaes’ heart, finally revealing myself in his final moments as it consumed his soul once and for all.  I allowed him to linger just long enough to tell him the quick version of my subversion before he was utterly destroyed.

I perhaps would have liked to have captured Darius then, for she had knowledge I wanted, but as we prepared to face one another, her wounded and mostly depleted of her power, and me still quite well off, the ‘bombs’ began to detonate, forcing us to abandon our feud for the moment in favor of mutual survival.  Ruvaen was more than willing to assist, still quite functional, so he carried Darius as I returned us to our nearest ship.  As we made our escape, I realized that her ‘bombs’ were nothing of what I thought they were, could already sense the transmutative power coursing through Sentinel Prime as our fleet retreated.  Halaxaes’ remaining forces, still outnumbering the FPC’s significantly, were severely reduced in number when they were caught in the ensuing detonation, being sucked into the transmutational maelstrom that had consumed Sentinel Prime and its support facility. 

Following this, in due course, the Imperium was officially dissolved by order of then Emperor Ruvaen, and any remaining Halaxaes loyalists eventually hunted down and dealt with by a united force if they continued their attempts to maintain the Imperium or form their own.  It was something of a chaotic time, my plans thoroughly in shambles by this point, but I’m nothing if not adaptable.  Given the fiercely independent nature of many worlds and peoples, the chances of a unified government seemed unlikely to be accepted, so I would attain the control and power I required in another way.”

AG:  “Regarding Ruvaen…what became of him?  Once the Imperium had fallen, there is very little mention of him.  Was his soul too…consumed by your blade?”

RV:  “Oh, of course not.  He had become a most loyal servant by this time, and I do like to reward loyalty.  Isn’t that right, Ruvaen?”

Note:  Rivalle turned her gaze toward the corner display of various artifacts, amongst them a large suit of armor, a unique, larger redesign of the battle armor used by the Imperium.  I had detected its magical nature when I had first entered, assuming it to be a relic of the period, but now the arcane energies grew stronger as its eyes began to glow.  The armor moved, taking one knee, closing its fist and crossing its chest plate with hits forearm.  I heard Rivalle’s assistant gasp and take several steps away from us, apparently unaware of the armor’s true nature.  It spoke then, a deep, echoing, mechanical voice.

RH:  “Yes, my empress.  Your eternal guardian remains ever vigilant.”

Note:  The golem armor that is Ruvaen Halaxaes then rose, returning to its former position, the surge of power fading as it once again resumed its semi-dormant, watchful state.

RV:  “When I build golems, my dear, I make sure they are built to last.”

LORE24 ENTRY #21 – Alyssa Cortavelli

Category – Person

Alyssa Cortavelli is a Succubus crime lord and information broker based on Sentinel Prime, part of the larger Cortavelli crime family that has its fingers in multiple systems.  Her base of operations is called the Demon’s Den, a hotel turned nightclub with a strong flavor of BDSM subculture.  Though she is somewhat new to the underworld, her eye for detail and talents learned from her years as a corporate investigator have served her well, and she has quickly become a well known and trustworthy source of illicit information, goods, and services.  She was quick to surround herself with talented people who supplemented the areas in which she was deficient, and has close ties to the church of Yurisaya, often being spotted with its local members.

Alyssa did not always have criminal ambitions, nor was she particularly interested in having a reputation.  In her early years, she actually turned her back on her family, choosing instead to learn proper business methods, going to school and earning her way up through the corporate ladder.  Unlike her more infamous sisters, Alyssa was a “changeling”, and appeared completely human at birth and in her early years.  Always something of an outcast, giving up on her family ties and taking the name Cordova, she worked hard, strictly controlled her indulgences, and passed for human for several years.  It was only when her company, Redstone-Starsazza Property Management, was taken over by DSM that her life would change forever.  Expecting to be laid off and already planning her next move, Alyssa was not prepared to find herself at the mercy of none other than Rivalle Volcari herself.  The cruel head of DSM had taken a personal interest in Alyssa, having easily found out about Alyssa’s heritage and falsified records of her true nature, and threatened her with severe penalties should she not continue with her duties.  Rivalle would proceed to subject Alyssa to an ever-growing list of indignities that would eventually lead Alyssa to losing herself for a time, indulging in the pleasures and “sins” she had for many years carefully avoided.  Over the months and years Alyssa served Rivalle, her appearance would change from an unassuming human woman to the succubus she is today.

Now, Alyssa has striking red skin and glowing yellow eyes, a pair of wicked horns curling up from her forehead, wearing her dark hair long, typically in a ponytail.  Previously rather average in appearance, her body has filled out as her demonic heritage asserted itself, now quite shapely with much of it on display, as Alyssa prefers to wear low-cut tops and short skirts, most often as tight as possible, and quite frequently made of latex.  Though she only stands about five and a half feet tall, she typically appears to be around six feet due to the high heels she wears, and is not the least bit shy about using her succubus charms to put those she deals with off balance, whether she is being seductive or intimidating.  She now appears much like her sisters, who, after some rather uneasy reunions, have embraced her and brought her into the family properly, Alyssa having proved that she is now fully dedicated to their life of crime.

Having established herself on Sentinel Prime, Aylssa is something of a local celebrity now, having risen from practically nothing to a respected business owner with one of the most popular clubs on the planet.  Her club is a known neutral zone where plenty of clandestine meetings take place, and she has forged a reputation for discretion in sensitive matters.  She also has a reputation befitting her demonic appearance should someone cross her, having devised multiple inventive and humiliating punishments for those who would cause trouble within her domain; perhaps owing to her time under the thumb of Rivalle Volcari, she would much rather see them suffer than simply killing them.  



LORE24 ENTRY #7 – Sentinel Prime

Category – Place

Sentinel Prime was once a massive space-defense fortification built during the war-filled waning decades of the Great Elvish Dominion.  Through the use of a combination of wondrous and long-lost magic and then cutting edge technology, the Dominion was able to make an entire planetary body into a moveable battle station, even allowing it to travel through hyperspace.  Meant as a final deterrent (for who could conceivably conquer a planet-sized weapon platform with full support facilities for the elvish fleets and troops that were carried aboard this behemoth?) against the growing number of systems who were fighting against elvish rule, the station, for a time, served as the Emperor’s personal stronghold.

Unable to foresee his own demise through an act of betrayal from within, the Emperor’s overthrow was likewise the beginning of the end for Sentinel Prime.  During the final battle of this period, the remaining defenders of the Great Elvish Dominion fled with the station to the furthest reaches of known space at the time, a small system on the edge of the great, mysterious region of space known as the Demon Sector.  Here they would mount their last stand, and much of Sentinel Prime would be devastated during the ensuing battles.

Over the centuries since, Sentinel Prime was scavenged by countless spacers, and was eventually rebuilt in some form and colonized, growing up from small spacer communities into a massive planet-spanning city which, in the modern era, serves as rather infamous port of call, known for the local government bucking the influence of the controlling megacorps, allowing its citizens to live a mostly free, if dangerous, existence.  As such, Sentinel is known as a place one goes to find illicit goods, perform shady dealings, and to disappear should one be on the wrong side of the law; just be sure to pack your rubber rain gear during the rainy season, though, because that acid rain is a real pain.

Since the Demon Barrier was pierced, and travel into the Demon Sector has become commonplace, Sentinel has seen a rise in population and headache, trying to remain as neutral as possible to the powers that be in the galaxy while reaping all the profits they can for those explorers diving into the unknown regions beyond the Barrier.