LORE24 ENTRY #5 – Ferians

Category – Cultural

Discovered only after the age of galactic expansion had begun (though ancient records would seem to indicate encounters with the Ferians long before this, by arcanists traveling amongst other worlds), the Ferians are a rather unique species, actually two species, with some opposing traits that some have theorized could only have been created artificially, though there is currently no evidence to prove this theory.

“Ferian” is the official term for a member of two species found upon the planet Feria, though they are more often called by their more distinctive names:  feradogian and ferakatian.  

Feradogians are the canine or lupine members of the species, their males being much larger than their females.  Conversely, the Ferkatians are feline in appearance, and their females are much larger than their males.  The two species are known for their aggressive behavior, compared to what is typically seen amongst other known races, with the larger of their species historically being the warriors amongst their societies.  “Fight like cats and dogs” can be considered a fact when it comes to Ferian history.

Since their discovery and subsequent expansion into space, the hostilities between the feradogians and ferakatians have subsided to some degree, with their larger members becoming highly sought after mercenaries and soldiers.  The smaller of the species, being less aggressive in nature, tend toward more mundane vocations.