#Lore24 – Entry #211 – Supers Month II #30 – Broken Dolls, and Those Who Need Punishment

Musings of Demon Lord Kurae

Well…yes, that whole affair could have certainly gone better.  I may enjoy my work, and I certainly take great joy from messing with my enemies, but…but that last little bit of the recovery operation on those relics was quite messy. 

Was I particularly enamored with the princess of dolls?  No, not really.  It’s an amusing idea, mind-control masks and whatnot, but if you want true loyalty, you need to instill it through more long-term means, like breaking the spirit and enslaving the soul.  I’ve done this for ages, and it works so very well.  And it’s much more therapeutic!  As a way to mess with humanity, it was amusing, but unfortunately, very shortly lived. 

And that, my pet, is where my concern truly lies.  These heroes have proven themselves worthy of my attention.  I daresay they would’ve been wonderful additions to the minion pool but for that sniper…although I have my suspicions that not all is as it seems about that.  We’ll have to do a little divination later, discern what exactly happened there at the end that allowed the entire control system to be destroyed.

I see that we must deal quickly and harshly with our heroines, for we cannot allow them to continue growing in power.  Most concerning is the one calling herself Black Cat.  I very much would have enjoyed a new kitty for my lap, but the fact that she’s managed to slip free of the trap Kitsune set, and with a set of items that can be modified into magical amplifiers…yes, this is quite troublesome indeed.  The one called Cyber Seer…I think I see potential there for controlling that one; her soul is positively filled to the brim with perversion, and that is absolutely something I can leverage.  The loss of the Pink Pussy is but a minor inconvenience, really; she was ultimately going to become another plaything in the end anyway, so this will be a delay only; she too is a beast born of sexual desires, and that I will use against her.  This armored knight, Mecha Musume?  Her technology is impressive, but she’s perhaps the most fragile of them all, and I already know of at least one who may be useful in bringing her to heel, if properly motivated.  The sniper, Gun Bunny, she must be studied more closely, though given her ties to Pink Pussy, I imagine she’ll be no trouble; in fact, I think another of my loyal servants may have already found a suitable foil!

Oh, Shadow Lynx?  No, she’ll be no trouble at all.  She doesn’t realize it, but she’s already working for me.  Her manager gets her marching orders from DOMME, after all.

We have work to do, pet; let us begin final preparations for the resurrection ritual and set up our next play as we plot our vengeance!

LORE24 ENTRY #37 – Supers Month #6 – Shadow Lynx


Hero Name

Shadow Lynx


Real Name

Selena Esperanza Delgado



Selena is an attractive Latina woman with a fit, curvy body, dark brown eyes and hair, and pleasant, yet rather plain features, though she tends to try to be the center of attention whatever she’s doing.  She typically dresses in whatever fashion is popular at the moment, keeping up with whatever is trending online.  Usually due to personality conflicts, as many find her fiery nature a bit overwhelming, she struggled to stay in work, moving from one job to another, eventually becoming something of a successful online influencer and cosplayer, though her attitude has given her a reputation as something of a bully.

Once she realized she had super powers that, ironically enough, would serve her better out of the limelight, and assumed the identity of the heroine Shadow Lynx, she would fully embrace her fiery spirit and sense of superiority and adapt that into her costume, which consists of very revealing black leather, usually something one would classify as “dominatrix” attire, with long gloves, thigh-high boots with perhaps excessive heels (though she seems to have no trouble performing heroics in them), and figure-hugging leotards and bodysuits that leave little to the imagination.  She is often in competition with Pink Pussy when it comes to who is derided over the lewdness of their heroic persona more in the conservative crowd.


Powers and Abilities

As her name indicates, Shadow Lynx’s powers revolve around shadow and darkness.  When cloaked with sufficient shade, she can teleport from one shadow to another almost instantly, giving her unprecedented mobility, while remaining one with the darkness, practically becoming invisible if she remains fairly still.  Further, when in shadows, her body becomes remarkably quick to heal, almost as if it absorbs the shadows to fuel itself. 

Though she does not possess a full-on transformation like her pink-furred rival, Shadow Lynx nonetheless possesses incredible agility and combat ability, using a mix of martial arts styles mixed with her preferred weapons, cat-like claws in her gloves and a stout whip, to subdue her foes in methods that border on kinky, but sex sales, and Shadow Lynx is nothing if not business savvy, always seeming to get the best shots and clips of her fights for her fans, who eagerly pay for the spiciest of content she has to offer.

Shadow Lynx’s powers are not without flaws, however.  Any sudden bright lights can dazzle her while they’re in use, even stun her if shone directly upon her, completely negating her recuperation and other shadow-linked abilities.  This is the primary reason she’s not often seen during the day, and why rumors persist that she stages fights in the daylight so as to give the impression she can fight in the light, though she’s adamant that’s all bullshit started by Pink Pussy’s fans to slander her.  


Background Info

Selena has always wanted to live the wealthy and luxurious life, and having grown up in the lower-middle class, has a strong work ethic to make herself successful.  She has been mostly able to do this, though usually can’t hold a job for long due to her hot-tempered, fiery nature getting the better of her.  Thankfully, the internet was there for her, and she found a niche that worked well for her as an influencer and cosplayer, and has been moderately successful in that regard, though she always aims higher and higher, whoever she has to tear down to get there.

She was among the first wave of superpowered heroes in Sentinel City, coming on the scene at roughly the same time as Pink Pussy, whom she took an immediate disliking to, their two personalities not mixing at all.  Their first meeting ended in a shouting match over who deserved the credit for taking down the carjackers that escalated into a fist fight.  Video of the event is still amongst her most highly viewed clips, though, and the debate over who is the hotter of the two feline heroines still rages online.

Some months after she started the hero gig and began earning more money than her day job, Shadow Lynx was approached to join DOMME, who wanted to bring her on as a personality under their banner, handling her marketing, merch sales, etc, all with promises of a massive paycheck.  Money talks with Shadow Lynx, and she was signed up almost before she realized it, and was assigned a woman by the name of Marceline as her omnipresent manager.  Though she would balk at the strictness of Marceline’s scheduling and training routines initially, Shadow Lynx was quick to follow whatever schedule her manager gave her because the money was good, and living the high life was exactly what she wanted.  Though Shadow Lynx had some growing concerns and initially asked lots of questions, namely about who the other heroes she was working with were, and why she had to go through some rather strenuous and demeaning physical training, Marceline deftly deflected such concerns with veiled threats of pulled funding and support, if not outright lawsuits against Shadow Lynx should she break her contract.

So, Shadow Lynx adapted, and eventually would find herself with a most exciting opportunity, namely to see her rival, Pink Pussy, deposed and branded as a criminal, having turned to a life of crime.  Overjoyed at a chance to hunt down the pink bitch, and even to have the idea approved by her corporate masters, Shadow Lynx began hunting Pink Pussy, and would eventually confront her, though the meeting did not go at all as planned, the dark heroine soundly defeated, with Shadow Lynx coming to the shocking realization that Pink Pussy had been holding back during their previous bouts.  This failure, followed by the failure to stop the villainous Dollface, did not sit well with Marceline, who questioned Shadow Lynx’s dedication to being a proper superhero, and insisted upon even more strenuous and ridiculous training.  Needless to say, Shadow Lynx is eager for a rematch with Pink Pussy, and a chance to prove herselff Sentinel City’s top heroine once and for all, whatever it takes. 


Known Enemies and Rivals

Pink Pussy (Rival)

Dollface (Enemy)

Clean Sweep Gang (Enemy)

Demon Lord Kurae (Enemy)

Kitsune (Enemy…?)