#Lore24 – Entry #122 – Muckenmyre Month #1 – Shipwrecked off the Dragon Isles

From the journal of Takara, Slave Inquisitor of the Stellae Illustris.

I have little memory of the Dragon Isles; we really weren’t there that long, just a few foggy images of rocky islands in the distance.  I was there to assist the Emperor’s Inquisition as they tracked the remnants of a group tied to the Res’Teringal rebellion, the last of those who would dare oppose his rightful rule, driven from their hiding place after several months of searching.  The remnant rebels had taken up with a pirate fleet, hoping to flee the emperor’s grasp, perhaps to live long enough to mount another attempt to buck the control of the Empire.  Once our chase fleet had caught up with them, they made straight for the Dragon Isles.  We knew they were bound for Cypress Isle at the tip of the island chain, but they were desperate. 

They turned toward the inner islands. 

They brought the storms…the Dragons’ Fury.

These storms were…like nothing I had ever witnessed in my life.  No storm within the many regions of the Empire that I have traversed in my two centuries of life were anything close to the fury that came from those islands, rolling down from the skies to the north like a gray and black wall of roiling death.  Our fleet was doomed the moment Inquisitor Dama decided to follow the pirates closer in.  I don’t know if they made it out; we lost sight of them within moments as the seas began to surge, lightning struck all about, and hail slammed into us.  The thunder…it really was like the roar of dragons.  That is the only way I can describe it…what else could sound so terrifying, even to someone like me, than a roar from a legendary dragon?

We tried to turn away, but it was far too late for us.  Our decision to follow the rebels toward the inner islands had sealed our doom.  Our ships were shattered in minutes.  I had already made my peace with my death, to whatever fate my soul would face.  My life had been nothing but suffering, either inflicted upon me, or with myself inflicting it upon others.  It was all for the Emperor of course, may He live forever, and I certainly would change nothing that I had done in his name…but to die so quickly…I certainly could never have imagined such a…merciful end.  It was not an ending for someone who had been responsible for causing so much pain to others, especially those of my own kind.  Most of my brother and sister slaves certainly did not deserve what I did to them, but I am a loyal slave to my great Emperor, and it is his will that I channeled; I was his vessel, his voice to those who could not understand it.

I felt the cold of the virulent sea, felt the electric charge in the air and water from the lightning as I was tossed around, felt my bones break from the impact of the hailstones, from my body slamming into the broken hull as it was tossed from one massive wave to the next.  Somehow I became entangled with the rigging or some netting, became stuck fast to a portion of one of the broken ships.  In my last moments of consciousness, I was certain that I would be sinking below the waves, would become one with the sweet, cold, void that lay below.

My expectations were perhaps too high.

My hopes for death were premature.

For I am still here.

#Lore24 – Entry #85 – Fantasy Month #25 – The Stellae Illustris


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

Those not familiar with the internal workings of the Empire and its history may think the idea of a highly trained knightly order composed entirely of kerryn slaves strange, but it really isn’t given the conditions that led to its foundation and the capacity in which it is used today.  Credit where it is due, when the concept was first proposed and implemented by the Emperor several centuries ago, during a particularly tumultuous time for the Empire, it was an absolutely brilliant concept.  The idea of using slaves as soldiers certainly wasn’t new even then but given the number of enemies the Empire faced at the time, admittedly weak leadership in the capital, and multiple small uprisings throughout its borders, quelling the growing dissent in the oldest and lowest class of slaves, the kerryns, was absolutely required lest the very foundation of the Empire crumble.  What better way to stabilize and reinforce the status quo than giving the kerryn something to strive for, some way to pull themselves up from the bottom to somewhere far above anything else they could have imagined at the time?

Originally, the Stellae Illustris was developed as a reward and honor for the most loyal and dedicated of kerryns; those who had defended their masters with their very lives were most highly regarded, granting such slaves honors as would befit a holy saint.  Those who had displayed similar loyalty and dedication to their masters were brought into the Order and given special training never before given to kerryn slaves, teaching them not only the use of weapons and armor in an official capacity, but also limited forms of magic, most often healing and protection, though some have learned more destructive incantations.  These kerryns were likewise granted privileges that placed them higher than any other of their kind had ever been within the Empire, above even the common peasant, though still far from being free, as their specially marked collars proudly proclaim, inscribed with the seal of the Emperor on one side and their unique seal of the Great Lion, fashioned after the constellation of the same name.  The garb of the Stellae Illustris tends to favor the colors of the Emperor himself, gold and red, though full members of the Order can be easily identified by their brilliant glowing eyes, supposedly through which the Emperor may see their good deeds and praise them accordingly. 

If there had been any question as to the loyalty of the kerryns up to that point, they were quickly dismissed as the kerryn populace rapidly took to the idea and an overwhelming majority of them rededicated themselves to their masters and to their most gracious and benevolent Emperor, hoping that they too could join the Stellae Illustris if they displayed the best qualities of a slave.  As time would go on, given the average kerryn lifespan, many would find themselves considered to join the Order’s ranks, though few would actually attain full membership and knighthood.  Those who were at least considered would be honored in their own way, however, receiving a special magical mark upon their bodies that showed them to be favored by the Emperor for their good behavior, and placing them above their peers.

As with most things in the world, the Stellae Illustris has evolved in its duties and purpose over the centuries but remains as a highly coveted position for most kerryns to strive to obtain.  They serve not only the Emperor, but other important leaders within the Empire, acting as dedicated guardians and even advisors, given their long lives and experiences.  Stories are told of the bravery of the kerryn knights who valiantly defend their masters and the Empire, reinforcing the Emperor’s hold upon the loyalty of the common slaves, and the Order itself has taken on an almost religious nature with its fervent loyalty and renewed vows to faithfully serve the Emperor first and foremost, and even to hunt down and slay demons if they are found right alongside the Order of Rashnikova. 

Of course, the Order’s true mission has always been, and remains to be, keeping the kerryn slaves in line.  While outwardly appearing as a goodly order dedicated to rewarding the best of the slaves, internally it has evolved into something much more sinister.  Those kerryn who receive the honor mark are often those made responsible for training the newest slaves, and retraining those who would dare step out of line, usually with the cruelest methods, ensuring that loyalty is absolute.  Though most would scoff at the idea, kerryn inquisitors absolutely exist, within the ranks of those so  honored, and are often hidden amongst the regular slave population to root out discontent and quell any talk of rebellious activities before they can grow in any significant way. 

The current head of the Order, as has been the case since the early days of its creation, is the Emperor’s First Slave, the position currently held by Reika, who has held the position for several human generations now.  On the outside, the First Slave is a position reserved for the most loyal of the loyal, but internally Reika is known to be an especially cruel slave mistress who was once an inquisitor herself and has surrounded herself with those who share her particularly sadistic tastes.  She seems more than happy where she is, proudly displaying her loyalty and dedication to the Emperor and espousing the virtues of the Order to the lesser kerryn, but those same kerryn have grown to fear her and her circle of slave knights that form one of the Emperor’s honor guards.

It is perhaps Reika’s many eyes and ears throughout the Empire that led to the failure of the Res’Taringal rebellion, in fact, if one takes time to consider the known facts of the incident.  It is certainly suspicious that all of the personal kerryn slaves of the Res’Taringal’s have been taken into the Order in some capacity or another (or at least, this is assumed to be the truth, for none have been seen since, and none were given to the new regional ruler in any case, though perhaps they are simply undergoing reeducation).  How exactly do I know some of this information which is surely meant to be secret?  Truly a question for the ages, and I shall not be answering here.  It is dangerous enough that I simply write it down in my private journal, but such knowledge should be recorded so that, perhaps, one day it can be shown to the world and the truth known.