#Lore24 – Entry #167 – Wild West Month #15 – The Dwarves who Dwell Deep

As told by Kumiko Stalks-Amongst-the-Stars, shaman of the Midnight Panther tribe of Kerra-Kerra

When the Great Uproar came, most of the Many Peoples of the Broken Cage that Still Imprisons spread across the face of the ever-changing landscapes to flee the anger of the spirits.  The Dwarves who Dwell Deep took another route, digging into the very earth that had revolted against the Devil-Wardens.  The dwarves have always been closest to the spirits of the earth, so they had little to fear from them during their passage.  For many years they remained hidden as the Great Uproar faded and the lands settled, only returning after many, many moons, and even then, only some of the dwarves remain upon the surface.

Though the Dwarves who Dwell Deep prefer the underground, they face dangers those who live under the sun cannot know, for many of the abominations created by the Devil-Wardens too ventured beneath the earth during the Great Uproar and have thrived in the darkness they found there.  Some say it is the Dwarves who Dwell Deep that have kept these horrors from the surface world all these many moons, and it is why they had to create the first of the Thundering Weapons that have become so plentiful in this time.

Few are the Dwarves who Dwell Deep who venture into the Bitter Frontier beyond the places where the Bands of Wood and Steel reach, but those who do seek more of the precious stones and gems born of the earth, though some too seek to pull the life blood of the earth from deep within.  It is at once wrong of them to do so as we understand it, and yet, they are of the earth, raised within it, so are they not too allowed to claim such things?  I have pondered this question from time to time but cannot come to an answer which is satisfying.

Some say that the Dwarves who Dwell Deep have found a great power that once belonged to the Devil-Wardens, and that this is why they remain below the ground, to protect the secrets of this power.  You will not be able to get one of the dwarves to speak of such a thing, other than to say it is a fanciful tale, for they are as unyielding as the earth they dwell within.