#Lore 24 – Entry #107 – Sci-Fi Month II #16 – UEF-04, Maharani Morgiana, Launching!

Special Announcement!  For Immediate Release!

From the observation deck of the Maharani Morgiana, Seiko Kajira reporting.

Today marks an important moment for the United Expeditionary Force as we announce the official launch of the Fourth Demon Sector Expeditionary Fleet, led by its mothership, the mega-carrier Maharani Morgiana, herself captained by the venerable Durgen Silvercask.  Spearheaded by the joint efforts of the Veylani-Varmyrl Transport Corporation, Aurum Associates Amalgamated, Fizzlesprocket Microelectronics, and the many other members of the Aphelion Station Council, this mission has become the single largest expedition into the Demon Sector to date.  Bound for the distant Marchosias system, the journey is expected to take some five years at least, likely longer depending on what amazing discoveries are made along the way.

The Morgiana herself has been expanded to over 7500 meters in length and is capable of transporting an unbelievable amount of personnel and material within her many modular compartments and has all the manufacturing and production ability to create practically anything they could need while on their journey; certainly handy when the nearest support will be many lightyears away!  Not venturing into the deep dark alone, she is accompanied by multiple support vessels and a fleet of smaller research ships drawn from across known space, a mix of private and corporate-owned vessels representing the best of the best.  Supporting her already formidable defenses are no less than six starfighter squadrons, half a dozen battlecruisers, two heavy cruisers, and multiple smaller military vessels, including the venerable and decorated battlecruiser Obstinate Phoenix.  Remarkably, the Morgiana herself can carry ALL of these capital-class vessels through hyperspace, docked to an outer framework in a first of its kind advance that will surely become a standard of long-range space travel in years to come.

Countless groups are represented aboard the Morgiana in a combined effort to provide a diverse and varied wealth of experience, skills, and magical talents that will see that this journey is the most successful to date.  Their goals will be to learn all that can be learned about the Marchosias system, trailblazing routes through space on their way there, while opening the possibilities for countess resource mining operations, long-range colonies, and the spread of faiths to regions once believed unreachable.  Truly this will be a new historic milestone as we expand deeper and deeper into the Demon Sector.

May fortune favor the bold, and may the gods bless and protect our brave explorers in this momentous endeavor!

For further information on this incredible expedition and the many companies and groups sponsoring it, refer to the links below.  Be sure to keep an eye on our continuing coverage for the latest and greatest news and stories from the voyage, from the edge of the frontier itself with the Most Trusted Name in Galactic News from your favorite reporter, Seiko Kajira!  Until next time!

#Lore 24 – Entry #95 – Sci-Fi Month II #4 – Robotic Security Drones


From the Personal Journal of Kiara Mizutani, Arcane Support Division, assigned UEF-04 Maharani Morgiana

All things considered I think the date went fine.  Nothing serious of course, just a little hook-up to pass the time before heading out, that kind of thing.  Martin was pleasant enough, a bit nervous after I showed up with a crop top, my new fancy shorts, a pair of those super-long slouchy socks I used to wear back at the Academy, and my super-sexy heels.  Apparently I did tell him, and he was totally okay with that, just didn’t think I would show up looking so hot.  He just couldn’t keep his eyes off the shorts.  I think I’ve got a winner with these!  Anyway, after he bought dinner we slipped off to his motel room for a little sexy time.  I think that was his first foot-job.  Pretty sure I blew his mind with that one 😉

I had to take care of some work stuff today, so I didn’t get to explore too much, not until I was given an updated list of items I was expected to have along for the expedition and realized I was missing a few things, so off to the Big Bazaar and the shopping modules for me!  But I wasn’t expecting that security alert at all!  I had my defensive ward up before I realized it!  I guess that’s a good thing, though?  I mean, it seems like a good thing to me, anyway.  I guess there was some criminal or something like that got spotted or tried to rob someone or something, I never could get a straight answer, but I did not expect that kind of security!  Like, robotic drones!

But not the ones I’m used to, like, nothing of the sort!  There were several of the flying camera drones you see everywhere, yeah, but these, I thought they were big guys in heavy armor, but these were robots!  Humanoid robotic drones!  Turns out, I’d seen them before, just standing around here and there when I was exploring, but they never moved, so I thought they were some kind of fancy statues or something for decoration.  Nope!  These things kind of put me in mind of old-style armored knights in a way, like a bit on the bulky side, and with heads that were a bit too squashed to fit a standard humanoid, with some angular antennas on the head and glowing red monoeye scanners.  They even had the shields too, but were using stun batons instead of swords.  They had stun guns, too, and I think some other weapons for restraining targets, but I didn’t get to see them in action.  The group of them just came through the street, scanning all over, and then continued on, followed by some regular meaty security and some technician I think.

I had to kill some time waiting for the module lockdown to end, but once I got back to the office I asked around about them.  Turns out they’re pretty new, still a little experimental even.  I really have to give it to the company head!  Ms. Veylani isn’t the least bit afraid to push the envelope and try new things!  Apparently there was this little startup company who wanted to test these new style drones out here in the Demon Sector since so many places back across the Barrier are against the idea, but once she’d found out about it last year, she totally jumped on the idea!  There are even some experiments going on relating to arcane enhancements and golemcraft, but I couldn’t get much on that; top secret company stuff, so yeah, a newbie like me just isn’t going to have that kind of clearance.

Still, pretty neat!  I wonder if we’ll have any of these onboard the Morgiana for our big trip?  Apparently since VTC partnered with the SealTech people, these things even carry some kind of proprietary restraint tech, too.  Like, some kind of “goop” grenades to immobilize several people at once and some are equipped with guns that shoot bullets made of the same stuff.  I guess they won’t give them actual lethal weaponry.  Not that I’d expect something like that on a station, of course.  I mean, what if one of these things went crazy and started shooting up the place?  There are supposedly precautions in place to stop that kind of thing, but you know…robotics haven’t really developed much for reasons…but I guess that would make sense why they’re looking at ancient golemcraft then, wouldn’t it?