#Lore24 – Entry #91 – Fantasy Month #31 – Draconic Disappearances


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

Finally, we return to a proper topic!  And no sign of any Yurisayan priestesses anywhere!  Yet.  I’m still on guard, and shall be for another several days, I’m sure.

Dragons.  They are an everyday sight in some form or fashion, for they are the primary symbol of the Empire. The very arcane magics wielded by arcanists across the face of Andyllion are based upon their legendary spellcraft, and the very language of the arcane is Draconic, or, to those who are capable, even High Draconic.  Supposedly the kobolds are descended from the dragons, and some even still possess a version of their legendary breath.

And yet, true dragons have not been seen upon the world since before the Great Cataclysm.  Many who haven’t educated themselves in the matter assume they were wiped out during the Cataclysm, but in fact they were gone for a substantial period of time before then, perhaps for hundreds if not thousands of years.  There are lesser descendants of dragons in the form of drakes, but these are essentially wild animals in comparison to a true dragon, possessed of a fraction of the intelligence, none of the arcane ability, and the largest of them only reaching the size of a young adult dragon at best.

It would be safe to assume that the ancient dragons perhaps were aware of the coming apocalypse, given the timing of their vanishing.  Records and tales indicate that they were quite long-lived, filled with knowledge that we of this time cannot begin to fathom.  Certain historical records do exist indicating that when dragons once ruled the world, there existed alongside them great technological wonders that have simply been impossible to replicate. 

The question remains, however:  what happened to the dragons?  Given my study of the subject, I lean towards either of two theories being the most likely explanation.

The first theory is that the dragons simply left Andyllion, known as the Great Draconic Migration theory.  Records indicate that dragons were often revered or feared by the lesser races while they were here, sometimes worshipped as gods themselves, and were often responsible for ruling over many of the greatest civilizations, as the number of draconic ruins we have discovered may well indicate.  In the history as told by the civilized kobold peoples, who once served dragonkind as loyal retainers, there came a time in which their true-dragon masters began withdrawing from the world, relinquishing their leadership roles and pulling themselves away from the lesser races.  This was the case for the goodly dragons, at least; those of an evil nature were more likely to remain to plunder the remaining holdings of their now-departed enemies, ruling as tyrants and hoarding wealth, until their inevitable destruction.  Regardless, there are tales that have been passed down within kobold society in which they worked tirelessly for centuries, gathering up the wealth of their masters and relocating it into the great cities that were supposedly built for dragonkind.  Once these dragons had enclosed themselves within their fortified cities and withdrawn from the events of the world, there is little in the way of record as to what happened.

What there is, however, are many ruins that have been studied in past centuries which indicate the distinct possibility that the dragons had constructed some form of great arcane portals, which they used to travel to worlds or planes unknown.  Though long destroyed and dormant, these portals are, as recorded in various records, massive in size, easily able to accommodate the largest of dragons.  The information pieced together from various ruins have been used by modern-day arcanists to create the typical teleportation circles and short-range translocation spells currently in use, in fact, and though it is kept under the strictest of secrecy, supposedly the Emperor himself possesses a working example of one of these portals, which could allow him to travel to any part of the Empire, likely why there is a push for frequent expansion.  The Dragon Isles themselves, long sought after by treasure hunters, is rumored to contain the last of the great dragon cities, and perhaps it too holds one of these portals, maybe even still intact and working.  One can certainly dream.  Could it be that the draconic portals of ancient times were able to reach even further, to the very stars themselves?  Or into realms beyond, the elemental planes, the realms of the gods, the hellish abyss the demons call home, or perhaps worlds we cannot begin to imagine?  Perhaps.

The second theory to explain their vanishing is more esoteric, but nonetheless compelling.  What if the dragons never truly left us?  What if they are still here, walking amongst the lesser races, completely unaware of their true nature?  What if the dragons decided that they needed to change their very nature, to perhaps enter a period of dormancy for whatever reason that only they would know, and their essences, their draconic souls, were refined, changed, and diffused throughout the world and into the lesser races?   Could this perhaps explain the prevalence of draconic imagery and their remaining presence in our imagination even though thousands of years have passed since they vanished?

This is the Soul Transference theory, which posits that the dragons, foreseeing the coming apocalypse as an event they simply could not survive in their natural state (though one would be hard-pressed to imagine something as powerful as a dragon being unable to withstand what many lesser races managed to survive), and collectively worked to change the very essence of their souls.  Per the theory, dragonkind as a whole, or mostly so, for there are those records of evil dragons tormenting the lesser races for some many years following the draconic withdraw, somehow forced a rapid and unprecedented evolution into beings of pure energy, which was then spread across the planet and infused into the many lesser races. 

Though initially one may scoff at the theory, one must pause to consider the very nature of the dragons.  These beings were far more complex than simply massive reptilian creatures.  Their essence was closely tied to the very fabric of the magic that fills our world, as evidenced by their mastery over all forms of magic as we understand it; they did not perceive magic as we do, into distinctly separate types (arcane, divine, and natural), rather simply as the foundational essence of the world to be manipulated as they required, thus enabling them to use any form of magic as easily as another.  Perhaps it is our nature as “lesser beings” that we cannot fathom how this is possible, thus requiring us to separate our magics into distinct types, unable to make use of more than single form?  Their entire bodies, then, were filled with this magical essence, draconic life-essence, vitae draconis, if you will, which may explain how such incredibly large creatures were capable of flight and moving their massive bulk around at all, and without consuming a city’s worth of food daily.  What if the Great Cataclysm would taint the very essence of magic that sustained them, and would have essentially acted as a poison that would have doomed them to oblivion?

Thus, to retain their presence within the world, they conceived of Soul Transference, transforming themselves into the beings of pure magical energy that would merge into the lesser races.  This could explain why certain individuals are gifted with either a greater understanding of the arcane arts than others, why they are capable of learning what is known of High Draconic, or those who are possessed of a natural ability with magic that requires honing one’s instincts instead of long hours of study.  This could also explain why these naturally talented sorcerers eventually begin to develop some draconic features (scales appearing on their skin, claws and horns and the like).  This could likewise explain why some kobolds are much larger than others, and why these individuals have a more strongly draconic countenance and often exhibit greater control and power of their breaths, and their own efforts to reproduce children that possess these traits typically fail; perhaps there are only so many dragon souls to go around?

Though typically not associated with the theory, I hypothesize that certain individuals who have recorded frequent dreams of dragons in some form or another, may actually be reliving past-life experiences and memories of ancient times when they were once what we know as true dragons.  Perhaps this would also explain why some are so driven to explore the ancient past, and seemingly have the uncanny ability to locate lost relics with a “gut instinct”; dragons were known to acquire vast amounts of treasures, after all, and could supposedly know if a single coin was missing from their hoards, indicating some kind of link with objects of great wealth. 

Again, I could continue for some time discussing the intricacies of these theories, but I have duties I must attend, and I would not want to be late, lest Mother decide to step back into the gutter for her choice of tomorrow’s topic.  Perhaps I shall return to it later on; it is certainly one of the topics of which I most enjoy a spirited discussion.


#Lore24 – Entry #90 – Fantasy Month #30 – Yurisayan Religious Practices


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

I cannot say with absolute certainty, but I am convinced there are only two possibilities given Mother’s recent choice of topics.  Either she is going through an extended phase of infatuation with topics that are deeply erotic or could be considered very nearly so, or we are due to receive a delegation from the Yurisayan church at some point during the near future, and they will be practicing some of their rituals at the Great Library, with me as the volunteer.  Of course, a couple of weeks of topics is hardly a blink in the eye of someone Felaria’s age, but for myself, it seems quite long indeed.

Regardless I shall approach today’s choice as I always have.  Though often seen as quite secretive, Yurisaya’s faithful are perhaps the most open of the major religions, requiring the curious to simply inquire within their shrines and temples and to be willing to explore their own limits.  Rumors abound of forced inductions into the clergy, of painful rituals and years of physical torments, but I have yet to find concrete evidence of such things.  Likely such rumors are started by those who simply do not understand Yurisaya’s ways, and are fearful of the darker, carnal nature of her domain, especially when compared to the far gentler nature of her sister Erisaya.  Or, just as likely, they are confusing the actions of various cults with that of the Yurisayan clergy, for there have been many, many cases of evil cults practicing similar rituals against the will of captured victims.

The topic itself is broad, so I shall have to focus upon the details of such religious practices that I am most familiar with, having spoken to directly to several priests and priestesses personally, as well as some who tried to join up only to find that their faith was not as strong as they had first thought.  Firstly, as Yurisaya is the darker of the Lovely Sisters, her clergy tends to wear black as their primary color, though additional favored colors include purples and reds, and they tend toward more revealing attire, either tightly fitting, diaphanous, or both, with certain more extreme exceptions in the case of their newest acolytes and most dedicated clergy.

Specifically, I am referring to their insistence upon strict chastity, enforced by custom-fitted metal and leather chastity gear, for both males and females.  Any who are inducted into the church officially must undergo a period of enforced chastity and denial, with their training specifically meant to enhance the desires they cannot act upon.  “Teasing and edging are commonplace…constant and unrelenting, for one must be at the peak of desire and desirability while being absolutely and utterly denied to truly find the goddess’s favor,” as I have been told.  Either one will presumably be driven mad, or, in due course, they will find their faith solidified and be inducted fully into the clergy as proper priests and priestesses.  At this point, during their ordination, the gear is removed and they are finally allowed to experience a long-awaited release.  Orgies are not uncommon during such events, I’m told.  Later in one’s life as a devoted of Yurisaya, they may then seek to further enhance their dedication by undergoing greater tests, once again donning their sacred chastity gear and entering into a period of intense desires and denials, perhaps lasting through the rest of their lives, though I am told they find fulfillment through other means than simple intercourse.

And I suppose that will be an excellent segway into the more extreme and oft-considered ‘darker” of Yurisaya’s practices, those focusing on heavy bondage, strict discipline, and harsh punishments.  Keeping in mind that the faithful do all this to themselves, often quite gleefully, and that only in specific circumstances such things are visited upon those not of the faith.  Most, if not all, of Yurisaya’s rituals and common practices involve some form of bondage; the aforementioned chastity gear is locked on, of course, and the acolytes are usually made to wear some form of bondage during their daily tasks, to heighten their struggles in performing their daily tasks, add to their frustrations, and improve their focus.  The larger rituals and ceremonies tend to involve various members of the clergy in various states of restraint, or, during the public celebrations, of those of the attendees who volunteer to take part. 

Much of Yurisaya’s perceived “vileness”, as it is described by some, comes from the higher level rituals which delve into the extremely painful, basically torture, that they inflict upon themselves.  And yes, it is torture, every bit as extreme as what any Imperial torturer would inflict upon a captured enemy, though performed with absolute consent and willingness of the “victim”.  The goddess’s grace will either see those who successfully complete such rituals healed completely once finished, or possessing scars that are seen as marks of honor left by the goddess herself; even the most heavily scarred of Yurisaya’s faithful are still considered to be quite beautiful by most, their scars usually forming something akin to divinely inspired art upon their bodies.

Of course, the Yurisayan clergy do have something of a deserved reputation that instills fear into the common man, as since the Empire has grown, the clergy have been entwined with it, as have other deities, of course, but usually in a less glorious light than the faithful would perhaps like to admit.  The Emperor has historically been quite fond of the Yurisayan torture methods, and has made it a requirement to have his most talented inquisitors and torturers to spend time training with the Yurisayans, if not outright employing members of the clergy into these positions.  Individuals who employ their pain-giving arts in such ways are known as Confessors and are typically described as having the most kind and caring personalities one could imagine, which is retained during even the darkest of interrogations.  Some accounts have stated that “they’ll make you scream for days, but whether that’s pain, pleasure, or some strange mix of both, who can really say?”  It is results that the Emperor desires, and the Yurisayans are more than capable of getting those results.

I feel as though I could go on for pages about Yurisaya’s practices, but my daily duties must be tended.  As much as I’m sure Mother would enjoy testing my knowledge further, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day.


#Lore24 – Entry #89 – Fantasy Month #29 – Cult of the Unified Sisterhood


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

Apparently a rapidly growing movement, the Cult of the Unified Sisterhood, as it is known, seeks to unify the churches of Erisaya and Yurisaya, or at least, to promote the worship of both goddesses equally and simultaneously, rather than favoring one over the other.

Historically speaking, the goddesses and their associated worshippers have always been allied, but distinctly separate, groups.  The holy symbols associated with the goddesses of course reflect this, each one half of the same mask, the white half with the rose attributed to Erisaya, and the black half with the rose’s thorns to her sister Yurisaya.  Their practices are very similar to one another in general, though each has their own private rituals that are much more specialized and more closely linked to their specific beliefs. 

Each of the sisters emphasizes different aspects of love and passion in their beliefs and practices, Erisaya focusing more on innocent, pure love, while Yurisaya favors the more darkly erotic and carnal love.  It is this distinction between the goddesses primarily that separates them and their worshipers, and their churches have evolved in separate but often parallel ways because of it.

The Cult of the Unified Sisterhood seeks to reconcile these differences and merge the practices of both goddesses together into a singular church, supposedly with the intention to worship each goddess equally and simultaneously.  Speaking from an outside perspective, this seems logical and perhaps even natural, but thinking more deeply upon the goals of the cult, and having spoken to followers of each goddess regarding them, I can very much understand their concerns.  Is not worshipping each goddess equally and together simply trying to combine the two into a singular being?  Is this cult seeking to undermine the very foundations of each of the churches to form a new one, and while promoting equality of worship, ultimately diminishing the essence of each goddess?  Are their goals, rather than good natured, actually subversive and dangerous?  Worship of multiple deities is not uncommon, of course, but the individual usually picks one with whom their beliefs are most closely aligned as their true patron; what does worshipping both goddesses at once say about that?  What are the implications in the afterlife, when one must go to the realm of their god for their rewards?  Will they be welcomed by both, shunned by both, fought over, or will their very souls be torn in twain? 

Truly one, when taking time to think over the nature of religion and a cult of this nature, can begin to understand the reason the faithful of both Erisaya or Yurisaya approach the Cult of the Unified Sisterhood with some amount of concern and in some cases, outright hostility.  Any organized religion is built upon its faith, and to disturb the foundations of it can certainly have far-reaching consequences.  Is it possible that the two faiths will begin fighting one another over this cult?  Who can say for certain?

There are rumors of efforts to create a unified temple in the great city of Arcavarlon across the great Brineda Ocean, so the cult is not unique to the lands of the Empire, either.  Perhaps this is a schism that has been developing for some time and is just now gaining the prominence required for the average person to notice.  Or perhaps it would be more accurate to compare this situation to a volcano?  The pressure is building, there are ever increasing rumblings, but currently we cannot know if there will be a violent explosion or if it will simply calm down and go dormant once again.

#Lore24 – Entry #88 – Fantasy Month #28 – Kerryn Courier and Transport Services


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

Truly something that could only exist within Draconis Magna and its immediate surroundings, and no doubt a sign of the decadence of the capital, for surely the merchants would have to be insane to attempt to implement these services elsewhere within the Empire.  Not the worst treatment of kerryn slaves that I have unfortunately heard of, but one can only imagine how it must feel to be in their position, essentially taking on the combined role of horses and messengers found in less decadent locations.

There are several of these services within the capital as I understand it, and many of the nobility retain their own kerryn slaves thusly trained for personal correspondence; even the Senate and lesser government offices makes use of kerryn couriers; tales abound of the streets being absolutely flooded with running kerryn messengers during emergency situations, especially during times of war.  It does make sense to some extent, however, for many of the streets within the capital are narrow and maze-like, especially in the older parts of the city, so those able to swiftly navigate an area like the Tangles would be highly prized.

I suppose I should stop beating around the bush and get to the specifics; no doubt that is what Mother is more interested in anyway.  The typical kerryn courier is bedecked in specialized slave gear (previously referenced in my discussion of the “Slave Scholar” expedition) to enhance their long-range endurance and carrying capacity, and trained specifically for either speed and maneuverability, or for strength, endurance, and teamwork.  They are treated very much like prized horses in this regard and trained according to some of the very same principles used by master horse trainers; even their specialized gear is fashioned after that of horses.  They typically wear some form of enchanted pack harnesses, longstrider hoof boots, and feeder bit gags, and their collars are able to track their location using the same magics that are found in the master/slave rings, with the same reward/punishment capabilities.  Gear coloration and accessories (bells, piercings, and the like) are used to differentiate kerryns by their agency, and likewise serve as advertisement for the services.  What could be more desirable, after all, than a well-trained kerryn slave who has the single-minded purpose of obeying their master and performing their task with utmost efficiency?  Or so goes the most common opinion on their appearance.  Either way, those running these services pride themselves in their efficiency and loyalty of their slaves, and compete fiercely to be the best of the best; they even organize races and tournaments with their kerryn slaves throughout the year for bragging rights.

The ”sprinter” couriers are generally meant for delivering messages and small packages rapidly, their harnesses equipped with smaller pockets and pouches clearly designated with the recipient’s name so there will be no confusion as to what item is meant for who.  The “heavy hauler” couriers are responsible for moving larger loads throughout the city, and generally work in teams of two or more while attached to carts and wagons; some are even used to carry people through the city as a standard carriage service would.

Not having to pay the rider or driver is certainly advantageous for those running these operations, for the kerryns are able to follow instructions to the letter and know the routes within the city like nobody else, for it is their purpose to be as quick as possible in their deliveries.  Their training, as mentioned earlier, focuses them entirely upon their intended tasks, meaning that they have little in the way of extraneous thoughts to distract them from their goal.  They are at peak physical condition as well, with the sprinters being possessed of lithe and well-toned bodies, and the haulers having muscles that could be the envy of most orcish warriors.  Though rarely involved in fighting, it is not entirely unheard of that these couriers become targets of thieves or the unwary horny traveler, they are capable of defending themselves much like any normal horse would, the haulers especially have something of a reputation for their powerful kicks and stomps when thusly provoked.


#Lore24 – Entry #87 – Fantasy Month #27 – Cult of the Mantis Queen


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

I’ll admit that my knowledge of the inner workings of dark elf society is very surface-level, so I may be missing some of the particulars of the history of this particular cult.  If needed, I’m sure Felaria will gladly provide any corrections and additional context should I inquire with her about it further. 

As I understand it, the dark elves, before the Great Cataclysm, were a strictly matriarchal society who worshiped a particular insectile goddess known as the Mantis Queen; her true name I do not know, and perhaps its erasure from history was intentional.  Their society was already in crisis before the rest of the world had devolved into the chaos surrounding the Great Cataclysm.  They were suffering poor relations with other races sharing their underground realm and a severe population growth crisis.  At the time, the female leadership of the dark elves were all following the decrees of this Mantis Queen, leading them to becoming fixated upon their own superiority, even in the face of blatantly contradictory facts, rather delusionally so, and further were carelessly sending their men off to fight and die in one pointless battle after another, if not sacrificing them to the Mantis Queen to further their own power. 

When the Great Cataclysm was triggered, like many races, the dark elves were forced from their traditional homelands.  The matriarchal leadership, at the behest of the Mantis Queen, decreed that they would stay put, regardless of the growing dangers and outright hostile conditions they now faced, convinced that their power would see them safely through and with even greater power waiting on the other side of a difficult period.  Having had enough of their delusions, the long-suffering males revolted against their women and the Mantis Queen’s tyranny, overcoming their female rulers and severing all ties with the terrible goddess.  With their women essentially enslaved at this time, the men quickly gathered up what they could of their homeland and escaped the underground, eventually finding their way to the surface realms where they would begin rebuilding their society anew.

In the many centuries since, dark elf society has become very much patriarchal with strict customs their women must follow, though curiously a majority of them tend to the worship of Yurisaya; I am likewise not as well versed in the nature of this relationship between dark elf and goddess as I should be, but thus far, it seems that the relationship has worked in a mutually beneficial way for all involved. 

The Cult of the Mantis Queen, however, is a more recent development and has evolved following the spread of dark elven women outside of their (new) traditional homelands as they have mingled with other races and cultures.  To the best of my knowledge, having spoken to no members of the cult nor any who claim firsthand knowledge of them, the Cult of the Mantis Queen seeks to bring back the old ways and the true name of this forgotten goddess, seeking an exclusively female-dominated society, dark elven or otherwise, that has absolute control over its “lesser” male members.  I cannot say with certainty that the cult was created by dark elven women, but it would stand to reason that only the eldest survivors of the dark elves who remember the days before the Great Cataclysm would still hold such knowledge, even if the true name of the Goddess has been forgotten.  They are hardly squeamish about honoring the ancient rites involving sacrifice, reportedly performing rituals in which males have their heads removed at the height of sexual intercourse.

For now, the Cult remains relatively small and with little real influence, but perhaps that will change given enough time?  Will they sacrifice the wrong person and bring the wrath of a true church upon them, or will they find a way to bring themselves to the power they so crave?  Or will the cult ultimately fade away into obscurity?  As with all things, time will tell.

#Lore24 – Entry #86 – Fantasy Month #26 – The Wolf Princess of Kenbakku Wood


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

I wonder if Mother has been considering attending this year’s celebration, perhaps?  While I wouldn’t mind the opportunity to see the festivities, I certainly won’t be the one volunteering (or volunteered!) to be the titular princess.  Fortunately, the position is chosen long before the celebration begins, as I understand, due to the extremely physical nature of the honored position.

The story of the Wolf Princess of Kenbakku Wood is rather ancient, dating to a period in which the region of Agreacian, in which the titular woods lie, was not yet part of the Empire.  The tale revolves around the guardians of the Kenbakku Wood, a mixture of druids and rangers, human, elven, and otherwise, who have seen their sacred woods encroached upon by order of the Princess Lupania, who had been given authority to develop part of the region as she saw fit.  Though efforts to stop this desecration were initially peaceful, when Lupania proved that she would not be convinced to stop her plans to level a section of the woods, more drastic steps were taken.

In a bold maneuver, the Protectors of the Wood kidnapped Princess Lupania and brought her into the very heart of Kenbakku, where their sacred stone circle lay amongst the massive trees, and enacted their revenge upon the Princess, sealing her within a special wolf-hide costume that would grant her a more lupine nature, though still possessed of her own identity and (mostly) human form, albeit with some severe restrictions to her movements, at least initially as she struggled to adapt to her new situation.  She was then given a head start, after which the Protectors would begin hunting her; all she had to do to escape her trapped and animalistic state was to escape the wood on the edge of her realm, after which all pursuit would end and she would be free to do as she would, likely leading to a war against the people of the Wood. 

What followed was a frantic rush through the strange and unfamiliar forest, in which Princess Lupania struggled to come to terms with the strange suit which trapped her while trying to evade the seasoned hunters.  She would soon learn that she had an additional ability, specifically to understand the speech of the animals of the forest.  Though in the form of a predator, many of the woodland creatures sensed something different about her, and she was able to convince them to aid her in her flight.  Though many dangers lay ahead and the hunters were all around, Lupania, with the aid of newfound friends of the wood, managed to escape, and as promised, the wolf suit fell away, returning her to her normal state, though with a drastically changed perspective.  She would no longer seek to ravage the woods for expanding her kingdom, rather, having learned more of the nature of the forest than she could previously have imagined, she instead came to terms with the Protectors, and aided them with their task of protecting the sacred land.  She would even return to the woods frequently, even learning the druidic ways of changing her shape to that of a wolf when she did so, becoming as one with the flora and fauna.  It is said that her spirit still roams the Kenbakku Wood to this day, still in the form of a majestic wolf, encountered rarely by those traversing the forest, aiding those who respect the Wood, and hunting those who would seek to harm it.

The annual celebration commemorating this story, while mostly a local festival, has garnered some attention from the outside world, growing in popularity.  In the centuries since the original story supposedly took place, the festival has evolved and now centers around the Flight of the Wolf Princess, in which the chosen woman is sealed inside a suit similar to the one Lupania wore, and the escape through the is reenacted, the story retold through a much shorter section of the woods.  Once the ceremonial Princess has escaped, the festivities begin in earnest, lasting through the three nights in which both of Andyllion’s moons are at their fullest.  The Wolf Princess returns to wearing her lupine guise each night following the initial retelling of the story, ever present throughout the festivities, and supposedly the spirit of the original Wolf Princess appears on occasion, perhaps even possessing the ceremonial princess on even more rare occasions. 

#Lore24 – Entry #85 – Fantasy Month #25 – The Stellae Illustris


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

Those not familiar with the internal workings of the Empire and its history may think the idea of a highly trained knightly order composed entirely of kerryn slaves strange, but it really isn’t given the conditions that led to its foundation and the capacity in which it is used today.  Credit where it is due, when the concept was first proposed and implemented by the Emperor several centuries ago, during a particularly tumultuous time for the Empire, it was an absolutely brilliant concept.  The idea of using slaves as soldiers certainly wasn’t new even then but given the number of enemies the Empire faced at the time, admittedly weak leadership in the capital, and multiple small uprisings throughout its borders, quelling the growing dissent in the oldest and lowest class of slaves, the kerryns, was absolutely required lest the very foundation of the Empire crumble.  What better way to stabilize and reinforce the status quo than giving the kerryn something to strive for, some way to pull themselves up from the bottom to somewhere far above anything else they could have imagined at the time?

Originally, the Stellae Illustris was developed as a reward and honor for the most loyal and dedicated of kerryns; those who had defended their masters with their very lives were most highly regarded, granting such slaves honors as would befit a holy saint.  Those who had displayed similar loyalty and dedication to their masters were brought into the Order and given special training never before given to kerryn slaves, teaching them not only the use of weapons and armor in an official capacity, but also limited forms of magic, most often healing and protection, though some have learned more destructive incantations.  These kerryns were likewise granted privileges that placed them higher than any other of their kind had ever been within the Empire, above even the common peasant, though still far from being free, as their specially marked collars proudly proclaim, inscribed with the seal of the Emperor on one side and their unique seal of the Great Lion, fashioned after the constellation of the same name.  The garb of the Stellae Illustris tends to favor the colors of the Emperor himself, gold and red, though full members of the Order can be easily identified by their brilliant glowing eyes, supposedly through which the Emperor may see their good deeds and praise them accordingly. 

If there had been any question as to the loyalty of the kerryns up to that point, they were quickly dismissed as the kerryn populace rapidly took to the idea and an overwhelming majority of them rededicated themselves to their masters and to their most gracious and benevolent Emperor, hoping that they too could join the Stellae Illustris if they displayed the best qualities of a slave.  As time would go on, given the average kerryn lifespan, many would find themselves considered to join the Order’s ranks, though few would actually attain full membership and knighthood.  Those who were at least considered would be honored in their own way, however, receiving a special magical mark upon their bodies that showed them to be favored by the Emperor for their good behavior, and placing them above their peers.

As with most things in the world, the Stellae Illustris has evolved in its duties and purpose over the centuries but remains as a highly coveted position for most kerryns to strive to obtain.  They serve not only the Emperor, but other important leaders within the Empire, acting as dedicated guardians and even advisors, given their long lives and experiences.  Stories are told of the bravery of the kerryn knights who valiantly defend their masters and the Empire, reinforcing the Emperor’s hold upon the loyalty of the common slaves, and the Order itself has taken on an almost religious nature with its fervent loyalty and renewed vows to faithfully serve the Emperor first and foremost, and even to hunt down and slay demons if they are found right alongside the Order of Rashnikova. 

Of course, the Order’s true mission has always been, and remains to be, keeping the kerryn slaves in line.  While outwardly appearing as a goodly order dedicated to rewarding the best of the slaves, internally it has evolved into something much more sinister.  Those kerryn who receive the honor mark are often those made responsible for training the newest slaves, and retraining those who would dare step out of line, usually with the cruelest methods, ensuring that loyalty is absolute.  Though most would scoff at the idea, kerryn inquisitors absolutely exist, within the ranks of those so  honored, and are often hidden amongst the regular slave population to root out discontent and quell any talk of rebellious activities before they can grow in any significant way. 

The current head of the Order, as has been the case since the early days of its creation, is the Emperor’s First Slave, the position currently held by Reika, who has held the position for several human generations now.  On the outside, the First Slave is a position reserved for the most loyal of the loyal, but internally Reika is known to be an especially cruel slave mistress who was once an inquisitor herself and has surrounded herself with those who share her particularly sadistic tastes.  She seems more than happy where she is, proudly displaying her loyalty and dedication to the Emperor and espousing the virtues of the Order to the lesser kerryn, but those same kerryn have grown to fear her and her circle of slave knights that form one of the Emperor’s honor guards.

It is perhaps Reika’s many eyes and ears throughout the Empire that led to the failure of the Res’Taringal rebellion, in fact, if one takes time to consider the known facts of the incident.  It is certainly suspicious that all of the personal kerryn slaves of the Res’Taringal’s have been taken into the Order in some capacity or another (or at least, this is assumed to be the truth, for none have been seen since, and none were given to the new regional ruler in any case, though perhaps they are simply undergoing reeducation).  How exactly do I know some of this information which is surely meant to be secret?  Truly a question for the ages, and I shall not be answering here.  It is dangerous enough that I simply write it down in my private journal, but such knowledge should be recorded so that, perhaps, one day it can be shown to the world and the truth known.

#Lore24 – Entry #84 – Fantasy Month #24 – Capture Cubes


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

Strange creations, these capture cubes, and quite effective if employed strategically in sensitive places, so I gather.  Though I cannot say for certain who is responsible for their creation, I would hazard a guess that their origins lie with the Houslin family’s ancestry; admittedly this is pure speculation on my part, but it would fit with what I know of Lady Regina, certainly.  She did briefly toy with the idea of instilling within her most vexing staff the ability to summon such a creature, after all.

I may have been a little too vocal when I refused to be her test subject for those experiments.

I am not sorry.

Capture cubes are a form of artificially created creature, not unlike a basic homunculus in their basic makeup, with practically no intelligence and little in the way of mobility.  They are essentially massive blocks of nearly transparent jelly, after all, between six and ten feet on each side, if not larger, and quite malleable like a normal ooze, though they somehow retain their overall cubic shape.  Some of these creatures reportedly have the ability to replicate themselves, if they are somehow cut into two or more large enough pieces without damaging them significantly enough to dissolve their form.  Most often used as a security emplacement to trap those unfortunate enough to come into contact with them, the cubes nonetheless are capable of movement, albeit slowly, giving them the ability to effect something of a patrol route within the areas they are placed. 

As their name suggests, capture cubes are meant to incapacitate intruders who stumble upon them and keep them alive until they can be properly secured by the more intelligent guards.  The fact that they are nearly completely transparent, at least initially, makes detecting them difficult unless they have recently “fed”, so those who would sneak through an area guarded by these creatures must be especially cautious.  There have been accounts on record that have reported these creatures placed at the bottom of pit traps or placed in specialized slots above corridors, waiting for the traps to trigger for either the victim or the cube to drop, resulting in an easy capture.

Unlike the more dangerous oozes that can be found within the dank and dark dungeons of the world, capture cubes don’t consume their prey, rather, only the clothes worn by them.  Any non-living animal- or plant-based material is dissolved, and any metal, glass, or stone material is expelled, though items of sufficiently strong magical enchantment composed of matter it normally consumes will likewise be expelled.  The victim is held in place by the sticky nature of the jelly, being guided somehow to the center of the cube, which, as it dissolves the victim’s clothing, turns entirely black, blocking out light and leaving those captured suspended in complete darkness, somehow able to breathe (reportedly with some difficulty), but unable to speak or struggle free in any but the most exceptional cases.  It is possible for larger cubes to absorb up to two victims, perhaps more in the case of smaller beings, placing them in decidedly close conditions within itself.

Typically at this point the cubes will begin returning to a designated point, bringing their captured prey with them to be disgorged into the waiting hands of the guards or whoever may be in charge of the area they have been set to patrol, or, if there are other active threats and no more material to consume, will disgorge the victims from itself, leaving them covered in the completely black jelly, which is extremely sticky and clingy, proving most difficult to remove without magical aid; usually those thusly disgorged will be completely disoriented and unable to see and barely able to move, so they are only slightly less secure than if they were still inside the cube.  Within a few minutes, the creatures will resume their nearly transparent nature and continue to hunt.  Eventually the material on the disgorged victims will dissolve, usually after a few hours, if left unattended.

There have been varying accounts of what happens when these creatures are killed, possibly hinting at variations in their makeup or construction.  They are difficult to damage by non-magical weaponry, as such strikes will result in the weapons sticking to the creature and being pulled into it, though magic can be effective, especially fire and cold.  Some simply dissolve into a puddle of slightly sticky slime, while others reportedly remain much more sticky, enough so as to potentially trap those who would try to cross through it, or at least, hinder their movement for a time.  At least two accounts of combat with these creatures mention that they exploded upon death, showing their attackers with their slime, resulting in damaged or completely dissolved clothing and armor and severely hindered movement until removed or until it later dissolved on its own.

I would rather not ponder on the nature of the person who originally conceived the capture cubes.  While effective at what they are meant to do, undeniably so, the idea of trapping someone inside utter darkness, covered in sticky slime, unable to move or struggle free for hours, just makes me shiver. 


#Lore24 – Entry #83 – Fantasy Month #23 – Restrictive Fashions within the Empire


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

I am hardly the best person to ask when it comes to what fashions are popular in the upper echelons of Imperial society, but can offer some commentary on the subject, at least from an outside, more historical perspective.  I do hope that Mother’s not planning on an overly elaborate naming day gift…

As I have spent the vast majority of my life within and adjacent to the Great Library, I have personally encountered little in the way of Imperial high fashion, though there are plenty of historical accounts of such shifting trends throughout history.  Though it is the kerryn slave who usually must wear the most revealing, degrading, and impractical clothing, there are periods in which the nobility, perhaps for lack of anything better to do, or simply because they are easily convinced to go along with the ridiculous notions of a silver-tongued bard, get it into their heads to emulate slave outfits and accessories into their clothing styles.

Current trends, as I was told by two merchants who regularly travel into the capital and by General Kormides during his visit to the Library, are for extremely tight-fitting clothing, restricted ability to walk or even breathe, and extremely gaudy and expensive jewelry.  Corsets are commonplace currently, the tighter they fit and the smaller the waist the better.  Those at the extreme, bleeding edge of this fashion trend likewise make use of neck corsets, essentially ridiculously restrictive versions of posture collars.  Perhaps the nobility are truly created differently, for surely they must have another method of breathing than regular humans such as myself.  I cannot imagine why they would willingly wear such things.

Further, the hobble dress is in style currently, coinciding with the attempts to suffocate themselves.  While most are composed of the finest silks fashioned in the tightest possible way, requiring the wearer to wiggle into them an inch at a time, I am told that heavier, more restrictive leather versions of these dresses are growing more popular, as they can be made even more restrictive through the use of reinforcing straps and tight, stout lacing, not unlike a corset for the legs.  As if that wasn’t enough, extremely tall and impractical high-heeled shoes and boots are coming into the scene as well, reducing the steps of the wearer to as small and dainty as possible while they struggle to breathe and stand upright at all.  One of the merchants laughed quite heartily as he recounted the tale of one noblewoman who required two kerryn slaves to assist her in walking through her own great hall during a party she had hosted, a feat that took some fifteen minutes in his estimation.

The accessories to these ridiculous outfits are just as silly, emulating the shackles and collars of the common kerryn slave, but made of gold and silver and set with jewels and locking into place.  Some wear chains with these collars and cuffs as well, fine gold or silver chains, of course, nothing too common.  The merchant who recounted the tale of the inchworm noblewoman also recounted seeing a particular collar that resembled a steel gorget, but was fashioned out of jeweled gold; said nobleman was also required to have assistance from a pair of slaves to move about because of the weight.

Historically speaking, such strange fashion trends have come and gone with time, some coming back around, others mixing and matching features from one trend or another.  I cannot say with certainty what causes these to occur beyond what I have speculated earlier, though perhaps the ease at which these trends get started may indicate when those who hold power within the Empire are particularly susceptible to suggestion and more likely to support more drastic measures?  It is a correlation that perhaps I will need to research more to see what major decrees or events occurred around these times.  Maybe there are even divine influences at work here; I would imagine a goddess such as Yurisaya would very much enjoy seeing such fashions at play, given what her most devoted clergy often wear, and some accounts of those picked by her (usually in answer to a poorly worded prayer) to be “blessed”. 

Regardless, I shall not be making any attempts to ingratiate myself into noble society anytime soon if this kind of silliness is what goes on regularly.  I’d not be caught dead in such attire, though sadly I can all too easily imagine that cursed staff of Lady Houslin’s conjuring some restraint that mimicked these fashions.


#Lore24 – Entry #82 – Fantasy Month #22 – The Dulcitius Attaliates Expedition to Sharmourne


From the journal of Angeliqua “Goldeneyes” Cartacustos:

I was rather interested in the topic of expeditions to lost cities, however when Mother specifically asked about this one, and further specified that she wanted details about the leader’s frugality when organizing this endeavor, I was less enthused.  She certainly seems to be taken with this theme she’s gotten into her head as of late.

The great city of Sharmourne was another lost to the shifting landscapes following the Great Cataclysm, seemingly devoured by the churning earth, all traces wiped away.  Always a target for treasure hunters, Sharmourne was always something of an obsession for the scholar Dulcitius Attaliates, for his ancestors originated from the fabled city.  Though at the time a rather unsuccessful treasure hunter, his obsessive study of geography and historical records nonetheless led him to believe that he had puzzled out the likely location of the lost city.  The problem, as is often the case with treasure hunts, is finding proper funding.  Attaliates was not rich, and he had only a few of the lower nobility convinced when it came to actually providing money for his proposed expedition; he wasn’t possessed of a silver tongue, either. 

And so, perhaps born of his obsession and a generally frugal upbringing, Attaliates began what has become known by some as the “Trek of the Slave Scholars”.  Though there were only a handful of slaves in the expedition party, it was the equipment chosen by Attaliates that garnered the name.  As certain magical items are generally widely available at a relatively low cost thanks to their popularity by slave-owners within the Empire, Attaliates made the decision, regarded at the time, and still to this day by some, as a ludicrous one, to employ some of the magical accessories commonly in use on slaves to lower overall costs.

Perhaps having made use of charm spells and other enchantments, Attaliates somehow convinced his party of the benefits of such items, and the expedition was officially launched, setting out approximately two-hundred-thirty years ago.  Firstly, Attaliates insisted upon all members of the party making use of feeder gags once they had gone into the wildlands beyond the Empire’s borders, for palatable food and water were never guaranteed; while unappetizing and completely flavorless, the gags nonetheless provide all the nutrition required, pride and dignity be damned.  Due to having to wear the gags for a long period for their magics to adjust to the wearer and provide needed nourishment, I imagine this likewise greatly cut down on the number of complaints he received from his party.

Secondly, Attaliates employed longstrider boots obtained second-hand from a slave courier service; though worn and seemingly impractical (these particular items were hoof boots after all, made more for visual appeal), the enchantments nonetheless proved just as capable in the wilds, providing solid footing and enhanced endurance and speed.  Of course, elite scouts in the Imperial military often make use of boots with the same enchantment, but maintaining one’s pride came with costs that Attaliates simply couldn’t afford.  Thirdly, in lieu of pack animals, Attaliates’s party made use of pack-slave harnesses, which, while rather bulky and not conducive to wearing much in the way of clothing, nonetheless provided more than ample ability for he and his team to carry all of the gear they required, with enough magically enhanced carrying ability left over for what they hoped would be plenty of treasure.  Lastly, Attaliates made use of master rings and slave collars keyed to them, not for the punishments such devices can perform (there were no confirmed accounts of this function being employed, anyway), but for the magical tracking ability, allowing him and his team leads to know exactly where all members of the party were located.

While dignity was certainly not a factor in the expedition, Attaliates managed to prove that he was not as crazy as some may have thought he was.  His obsessive research proved to be very accurate, and though it took several weeks to bear fruit, his party were ultimately successful in locating the ruins of Sharmourne, the bulk of the city’s broken remnants scattered through a heavily forested, mountainous region.  With the relics and treasures this first expedition managed to find, Attaliates was easily able to fund additional trips with much larger and more well-funded groups, and without the need for slave gear.